WSPUS and Transgender

March 2025 Forums World Socialist Movement WSPUS and Transgender

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    As we all do, I follow our @OficialSPGB Twitter Account. I saw this tweet, it’s a possible member of WSPUS or someone sympathetic to the WSM? Transgender and transphobia is not my forte. However, this does all appear to be the new ‘Section 28’ of today? Not sure if it’s mainstream? It seems to taken off at about the same time of BLM protests. Not sure we should be wrong footed. An up to date article would be an advantage?
    This is a reply to our followers post:

    • This topic was modified 4 years ago by james19.
    • This topic was modified 4 years ago by james19.
    • This topic was modified 4 years ago by james19.
    • This topic was modified 4 years ago by james19.

    He has stated on Facebook and Twitter that he is a member of the World Socialist Party of the United States. Even as an outsider he doesn’t seem to have a coherent set of politics. He also retweeted this tweet from a Republican senator with ties to Qanon:

    Jordan Levi

    i definitely have coherent politics, emma. can you tell everyone what you think a woman is?


    Regardless of that, is being a socialist and an “impossiblist” really compatible with upholding the most reactionary and backwards of politicians for their opposition to trans people?


    I live in a country where trans-gender has a long history and i regularly come into contact with transgenders. I note the attitude of local women…they recognise TS aren’t male but still not women, despite ultra-femininsation. They are simply treated as a third gender, related to as sisters in spirit and mind who have chosen to switch and adopt the female role in society. Likewise, there are also many women who have adopted the “tom-boy” lifestyle and appearance (without the hormone or surgery.) A 4th gender? They too are not stigmatised by the community.

    Importantly, i do see all this as a different to sexual orientation.

    Despite a deep conservative culture, tolerance of self-defined sexual identity prevails. The political debate over the issue in America is symptomatic of its polarized positions on religion, not the reality in the rest of the world.

    As for the sex industry, like any job, it exists because of poverty and a need to survive. Voluntary participants within it cannot be criticised or ostracised.

    The Industrial Workers of the World approach is here.

    Sex Work is Work: IWW supports full decriminalisation!


    I retweeted this one:


    I posted this here 21st January 2021

    #212769 REPLY


    Return to the WHO. Revoke laws on Trans people serving in the military. Pledged to commit to Paris climate Accords. Stop building the Mexico wall. Reversing a travel ban to mainly Muslin and African countries.
    My apologies the WSJ might have a paywall?–wQZ9qa4l1lBso4Yt57boqr601OiLheDrhYYyWDU0

    • This reply was modified 4 years ago by james19.
    • This reply was modified 4 years ago by james19.
    Jordan Levi

    you’re trying to change the subject, emma. i’m not gonna engage with your criticism of my RT. you need to tell everyone what you think the definition of a woman is if you actually want to have a good faith conversation about this.

    Jordan Levi

    i don’t have any ire towards sex workers, aj. just the sex industry. women should be given better opportunities.


    Jordan. For starters, if the “RadFems are right about everything” then Marx is wrong about the nature of capitalism. You can’t have it both ways…. You’re making yourself look foolish here, in more ways than one.


    I’m thinking, trying to recall issues or an event here?
    Think the ‘issue’ stems from the victimisation of trans people. That trans people are the victims of hostility, violence even brutal murders. Can’t recall anything here (in the UK) perhaps in the US? If so, nothing here about it, to my knowledge?

    ‘Rights’ then for trans people. That they should not be victims of hostility or violence! (The camp I’m in, which we should all be in!)

    Transphobia; if you question a trans identity, lifestyle? This can lead to the accusation you don’t care about the ‘rights’
    of trans people. Indifference to their plight…ultimately murder?

    • This reply was modified 4 years ago by james19.
    Jordan Levi

    i wasn’t aware of any disagreements between Marx and RadFems on the nature of capitalism, DJP. i’m more than happy to discuss that at some point, but that’s not the issue at hand.

    the principal difference between scientific and transgender theory is a disagreement on what a man and a woman are. i could break down this group’s entire ideology for you guys, but i feel like you might not believe me if i were to do it myself. i want emma to tell you what they believe themselves so everyone here knows i’m not making anything up.

    emma, can you please tell everyone what you think the definition of a woman is.


    Jordan is working on an article that will clarify his analysis of this issue. I suggest deferring this discussion until that article appears. From my exchanges with him it seems that he opposes ‘transgenderism’ as an anti-scientific ideology but he does not deny the existence of ‘transgender’ people or advocate their persecution.

    Jordan Levi

    stephen’s correct


    Hi Jordan, I think you are missing the point? The party have no such issues with trans people, as outlined. I hope it helps.

    Hi Emma, I don’t think there’s any argument(no disagreement), we support trans people against the persecution, hostility and violence, without hesitation. I hope we have resolved the issue.

    • This reply was modified 4 years ago by james19.
    • This reply was modified 4 years ago by james19.
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