WSPUS Comments

March 2025 Forums World Socialist Movement WSPUS Comments

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  • #230557

    The WSPUS website has now added a comment facility to the articles it publishes.

    The latest is on the current heatwave

    There is also included a new forum to make the website more interactive with its visitors.

    J Surman

    I read StephenShenfield’s article on global warming yesterday on Countercurrents. Excellent.


    You know yourself, Janet, that Countercurrents has a generous editorial policy of accepting submissions from those who would otherwise lack a hearing.

    I wish other members would avail themselves of the opportunity to widen the audience base for the WSM message.

    J Surman

    Yes, I agree. What do you think would be the best way of spreading the idea? Could it be to request the SS editorial committee to pass on details of Countercurrents and encourage all those submitting articles to consider also sending them to CC? This forum seems to have hardly any of the regular SS writers so i don’t imagine our short conversation will reach many of them.


    Unfortunately, like Dissident Voice which also has carried articles from WSM members, Countercurrents publishes views and opinions of writers that we as an organisation cannot be seen to endorse.

    Informal word of mouth is more appropriate. Spintcom and Spopen are available to publicise various media outlets that can be approached.

    I am sure there are others that simply have passed under our radar

    Weekly Worker is another which has a very open editorial policy to letters that we could avail ourselves of more.

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