WSP(India) Jan 2019 EC minutes

December 2024 Forums World Socialist Movement WSP(India) Jan 2019 EC minutes

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    257 Baghajatin ‘E’ Block (East), Kolkata – 700086

    Tel: 2425-0208 (ISD: 091, STD: 033), M: +91 9433253582 E-mail:; Website:


    Head Office, Sunday, January 6, 2019: Called to order: 7:16 PM

    Present (EC Members): Sumitra Mondal, Binay Sarkar, Harisadhan Ghosh, Pradip Singha

    Absent: None

    Attendee: Partha Pratik Mukhopadhyay (Member), Prasanta Kumar Mondal (Member) – phone attendee

    Election: Chairperson: Harisadhan Ghosh on motion of Binay Sarkar and Sumitra Mondal; Minutes Writer: Pradip Singha EC Minutes No.194 was read and confirmed on motion of Binay Sarkar and Sumitra Mondal

    Membership Application: Richard Muchemwa from Zimbabwe has sent his Membership Application sans answers to the Questionnaire. General Secretary has asked for his answers for a decision. Richard has asked for a PDF version of our Questionnaire. Will be sent now. Chidera Joseph (Nigeria), has sent his Membership Application and answers to our Questionnaire which is full of left-capitalist views and positions – quite different from our Object and Principles and perspectives. MSC: That we ask him to review his answers in the light of our INTRODUCTION, MANIFESTO, OBJECT $ PRINCIPLES at our website and then rewrite his answers.Correspondence: Please note that any comments in square brackets “[]” are comments from the General Secretary. Inward:

    -The Socialist Party of Canada Secretary’s Report for January 2019 received with thanks.
    SPGB pamphlets:</b> We have received with thanks 13 packets containing:

    1. Marxian Economics – 10 copies

    2. Marxism and Darwinism – 10

    3. Socialist Principles Explained – 10

    4. How The Gods Were Made – 10

    5. The Right To Be Lazy – 10

    6. Why Russian Revolution Wasn’t a Socialist Revolution – 10  7. Centenary of the Russian Revolution – 7

    8. Socialism As a Practical Alternative – 10

    9. are we prisoners of our genes? – 5

    10. Why Socialists Oppose Zionism and Anti-Semitism – 10
    11. an inconvenient question SOCIALISM AND THE ENVIRONMENT – 10

    – We have received 50 emails during 03/12/2018 to 05/01’2019.

    Outbound: Responses as required to incoming correspondence.

    MSC: To receive and file incoming and to endorse outgoing correspondence.

    Matters Arising:

    Advancement of the Movement:

    [B. Sarkar, P. Singha and P. Mondal and P. Mukherjee are going on posting and interacting on Facebook timelines. H.S. Ghosh is writing letters and articles to Bengali dailies.] Our new pamphlet HISTORY OF UNIVERSAL SUFFRAGE

    (108 pages including cover, price 100) has been offered for orders: please contact us at our Head Office address for copies. HISTORY OF ECONOMICS pamphlet is also available (price 50) from the same address. At present we are contemplating to publish a Bengali and a Hindi language monthly/quarterly and organize literature stall.

    • P. Mukherjee suggested getting the FAQ of the SPC and our book MARXISM, LENINISM – POLES APART translated into Bengali and organizing book stalls including the SPGB books and pamphlets. – Agreed
    They are now displaying some 76 (together with two pamphlets) papers, 17 drafts and 15 books (actually 15 chapters of a book + three books) and 3 teaching documents uploaded by BS having 111 Followers  |  84 Following  |  2,611 Total Views up from 2,359 within a month.

    Over 71 million academics have signed up to, adding 21 million papers. attracts over 32 million unique visitors a month. We see this fast growing global association very useful for uploading and propagating world socialist ideas which are being viewed by many. Our readership is growing. So our comrades should make use of this scope.

    Facebook: TheWorld Socialist Party (India)_Discussion Forum and the website: are attracting new contacts.

    Discussion Forum membership stands at 2,174

    Sunday Discussion: Every Sunday in the evening we meet to read and discuss Socialism, Marxism, Leninism, Capitalism, Political Economy, Economics and other selected subjects. Karl Marx’s CAPITAL Vol. 1 reading is going on followed by a call conferencing interacting with comrades outside Kolkata. Literature: Party literature distribution is going on. Socialist Standard: December 2018 both bulk and single packets received with thanks. Unfinished Business: New Business: SPRING SCHOOL & TWENTY FOURTH ANNUAL CONFERENCE 2018 will be held on Saturday 2nd and Sunday 3rd March 2019 at our Head Office: Theme: TRADE UNIONISM – under decadence of capitalism.

    Next EC Meeting: Head Office, Sunday, February 3, 2019, 5.30 PM Meeting Adjourned at 8.40 PM.

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