World War 3?

October 2024 Forums General discussion World War 3?

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  • #84552

    With ISIS having largely been replaced in the news lately by the Russian-Assad-Iran "Axis", plus developments in the Pacific, are we on the verge of "The Big One"? If so, the workers of the world must bear responsibility for not having made world socialism and will have to endure the consequences.


    You've made you bed , now lie on it, is a tough message for socialists to give , particularly as we understand the power of ideology, the depth of penetration of ruling class ideas as conveyed by their elaborate mass media and the ineffectiveness of our own tiny propaganda.Every war has been fought on lies and deceit…the third world war will be no different…and to think several years ago people were applauding the peae dividend with the end of the Cold War…i think they should be reminded that some of us didn't fall for the hype and were accused of being negative and pessimists…but socialists get little joy out of saying "we told you so"


    So, do you think this is it now?


    No, just the Fourth Russo-Turkish War if we're lucky.


    I think like recessions , war is unpredictble. No nation i think actually plans for a world wide conflict and always believe they can control and restrict them to limited consequences. …ALB may well be right that this is simply a Russo-Turkish affair…but i'm less confident…NATO has obligations to Turkey …Saudi Arabia is sabre ratling … Israel is hoping for a regional war which they are not directly engaged in…We also have the Ukraine and other Eastern Europeans uttering bellicose threats that may well be a flash-point for yet another front…And who knows how far the Chinese will go…their entry into the Korean War was a miscalculation on the American side…not understanding they were stepping on toes with their giant boots…I recall Protect and Survive of the 80s and we survived…so i'm not one to read crystal balls. 


    Would the owning class blow themselves up? The thing is it's the danger from ISIS et al as well as the possibility of accidents or some zany General who might be working in a silo who could trigger it off. It terrifies me but each crazy year that goes by seems to me closer to this Armageddon. It's as if each year is a magnification of it's predecessor. Each of the big holy books finishes with a holocaust. One of the failed Republican candidates (Carson) is a 7th Day Adventist and this group seek to hasten the end of days. This is the situation we are in. Along with the fact that our masters have the workers still exactly where they want them with mass blind acceptance of Capitalism as "Just Life" . I don't have any respect for my class or faith in them. It's my own self loathing I guess!  With tiny green sprouts of WSM type thinking emerging across the net, do we have enough time in this race against time? That cunt Mao once said "Nuclear War is Inevitable". I hope the old bastard was wrong. 



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