World Socialist Movement Website

September 2024 Forums World Socialist Movement World Socialist Movement Website

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  • #191683

    Dear Comrades,

    The WSM website is up and running on the link,

    This will be regularly updated with articles culled from the various companion parties websites, but it would be much better if members of those parties actively participated in posting on it and shared in making the contributions.

    There is also a forum called Community which can be used for discussion purposes on current events.

    This will of course only be of use, if individual members of the companion parties signup and actively participate, to prevent it becoming UK/SPGB-centric.

    If any other information is required write to me at or directly to the internet department at





    That’s good news.  It looks better than this site, if only because there’s more colour.

    It means our case in other languages than English is back. Probably not by accident, the most populated section is Spanish with full translations of two of our pamphlets Are We Prisoners of Our Genes? and Women and Socialism. But this could be because there is also a separate and still active Italian-language blog whose total might exceed Spanish. I’ve not checked but could a link to it be added from the Italian-language section?

    I am not sure the “Community” thing will work. We already have three forums on which members are active: here, Spintcom and our Facebook page.  Comrades from India and Canada are already active participants on the last one.  In all, given that some comrades are only on one of these there must be 30 of us involved in them. Another forum might be spreading ourselves too thinly (I am thinking of the complaint that not enough contribute here).

    Anyway, well done to those who did it. Was that you, Matt?


    There are more articles translated/written in the Spanish language that must be included, the WSPUS has also a website in the Spanish language, and there are some articles published by left organizations that were translated including an Anarchist website. There are some translations in Portuguese too. There was a Haitian organizations which translated several articles into the French language. There are summaries of some articles that were made in the Spanish language


    Adam, I added this onto top of Italian page.

    I have live feeds (on Right hand column) from the socialismo-mondiale blog and our own SOYMB and Courier, WSPUS and Socialist Standard MySpace.

    I may have to take down the Community Forum unfortunately, or restrict it to WSM and sypmpathisers only, as it is already being targeted by spammers and it is too much work checking and blocking the dozen or so every day, who get through our automated antispam plugins.

    Marcos, Thanks for your feedback. I managed to save most of your translations from the original WSM site but I’ll keep in mind your other points. (On a to-do list.)


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