Wine & Cheese Meetings at Anarchist Bookfair

July 2024 Forums Events and announcements Wine & Cheese Meetings at Anarchist Bookfair

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  • #82223
    Hi there,

    we are doing a meeting at the upcoming London Anarchist Bookfair and
    Critisticuffs - see and - are doing two. We will also be
    sharing a stall with Critisticuffs where we plan to distribute Kittens #4
    (and our other publications).

    # Private Property (12noon - 1.00pm) #

    On the one hand, the state imposes the rule of private property on its
    society. This means that its citizens pursue their happiness against
    each other. On the other hand, it demands respect for its common good.
    What this contradictory relationship means, what it consists of and how
    all this fits together, that we want to discuss. In particular: what
    characterises modern private property as capitalist? What is the
    relation between freedom, rule and property? What is the common good
    and does it provide a reference point for radical politics? No prior
    theoretical knowledge is required.

    Organised by: The Wine & Cheese Appreciation Society of Greater London

    # Don't Read Marx with Harvey (1.00pm – 2.00pm) #

    Following the financial crisis a lot of people turned to Marx for an
    explanation. For a lot of them, David Harvey's lectures serve as a
    companion. We disagree with Harvey's account of capitalism. In this
    workshop we will show what we believe to be Harvey's fundamental mistake
    and try to encourage people to pick up Capital. Everybody welcome, no
    prior experience with Marx or Harvey required.

    Organised by: Critisticuffs

    # Critique of tax justice (3.00pm – 4.00pm) #

    UK Uncut claims there are alternatives to austerity: taxing the banks
    and clamping down on tax avoidance. While we agree with opposing the
    currently ongoing programme of impoverishment, we reject their proposed
    solution. In this workshop we want to discuss what taxes are and what
    they teach us about the nature of the state and this society. Based on
    that we want to present our critique of tax justice campaigns and why
    instead of offering a way out of socially produced poverty, their
    success depends on it: taxing successful capitalist corporations
    presupposes their success.

    Organised by: Critisticuffs

    # Where & When #

    London Anarchist Bookfair
    Saturday 19th October (10:00am - 7:00pm)
    Queen Mary’s university on Mile End Road


    from: The Wine & Cheese Appreciation Society of Greater London

    Good find. I will be going to the Bookfair.


    Yes, the one on David Harvey promises to be interesting.


    When was the last time we tried to get a stall there BTW?


    I don't think they'll ever let us have a stall and it's a bit undignified and even unprincipled for us to keep begging them. Better to simply set up a stall outside as we do at other such events organised by other opponents such as the SWP's "Marxism".  Over to the campaigns committee, then.


    Only fair enough, considering we're not anarchists…


    Neither are loads of other groups allowed to have stalls inside the bookfair considered properly anarchist. Lots of leftcoms run stalls and meetings there, on the technicality that they say they are not a party.

    jondwhite wrote:
    Lots of leftcoms run stalls and meetings there, on the technicality that they say they are not a party.

    Not yet … and, hopefully, never !


    Stair will be having a stall at the bookfair and as always will display a number of party publications.

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