Why would membership of the SPGB be refused

July 2024 Forums World Socialist Movement Why would membership of the SPGB be refused

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    steve colborn

    Hi Alan, knowledge of the Party cannot be said to be a problem in the NE.Literally hundreds upon hundreds of letters published. I myself had 360 letters published in a single year. But in the same year, at least 6 comrades had many letters published. We covered the local press and on top of that, many 10s of hours of calls to the many phone-in programmes in the NE area were undertaken. The letters pages and airwaves were buzzing with Party propoganda.We never overreached ourselves, or had to high expectations but the parties name was and is well known. At the same time we held meetings and debates, a few debates undertaken by Steve Coleman. Meetings given by Harry Young, Cyril May and many other good party speakers.The upshot was that most political parties avoided us like the plague. Our case overmatched and terrified them.A pity we had not carried on apace but alas, we did not, for the reasons given above. Pity!


    In no way to diminish your and your comrades hard work, we have only anecdotal evidence for any actual impact. I wonder what a scientific poll would say if a 1000 random voters from the NE were asked a few basic questions about the SPGB and its case and how it compares with a 1000 from some other part of the country. It is a pity the party never ever spends money in such research. I can give anecdotal evidence that once Glasgow and Edinburgh branch ceased outdoor meetings many believed the party also ceased to exist because it was not replaced by any other propaganda of similar prominence. Edinburgh branch did actually become defunct, more than once, i recollect, and disappeared from view. The few current members are doing a gallant job at showing the colours again but it will be an uphill challenge, particularly since other factors in life has undermined the credibility of any political party  It is visible activities that is important. That is my point.  Being seen on the ballot papers as well as the letter page in the newspapers. Being seen on protests and political rallies. Being seen at rivals public meetings. Being seen on their lists and blogs.The latest addition to the archives reminded me of the mundane but vital aspect of selling the Standard and being seen on the streets. http://socialiststandardmyspace.blogspot.com/2013/12/selling-standard.html "political parties avoided us like the plague." If the prey can escape and flee – they live another day. We should corner them and devour them for all to see – figuratively speaking…i'm not advocating cannibalism, at least not yet ;-pAnd it is consistency…not one-offs…until people fully expect to see the Party in public. 

    steve colborn wrote:
    I remember approximately 15 years ago, sending detailed guidelines of the work that should be undertaken, over a 2 or 3 year period, to prepare the ground for contesting elections. It was lost in a sea of apathy and disinterest. The same work was undertaken by comrades in the NE, from which benefits are still being garnered.

    Hi Steve,Do you mean that you produced a document? If so, I'm sure other members, and myself, would be interested in seeing the guidance produced.Kind regards,Bob.

    steve colborn wrote:
    Hi Alan, knowledge of the Party cannot be said to be a problem in the NE.Literally hundreds upon hundreds of letters published. I myself had 360 letters published in a single year. But in the same year, at least 6 comrades had many letters published. We covered the local press and on top of that, many 10s of hours of calls to the many phone-in programmes in the NE area were undertaken. The letters pages and airwaves were buzzing with Party propoganda.We never overreached ourselves, or had to high expectations but the parties name was and is well known. At the same time we held meetings and debates, a few debates undertaken by Steve Coleman. Meetings given by Harry Young, Cyril May and many other good party speakers.The upshot was that most political parties avoided us like the plague. Our case overmatched and terrified them.A pity we had not carried on apace but alas, we did not, for the reasons given above. Pity!

    Where are the election guidelines? Hundreds upon hundreds of letters published (and 360 in a single year) is incredible. Where can I read them? Could NE target national publications?

    BTSomerset wrote:
    steve colborn wrote:
    I remember approximately 15 years ago, sending detailed guidelines of the work that should be undertaken, over a 2 or 3 year period, to prepare the ground for contesting elections. It was lost in a sea of apathy and disinterest. The same work was undertaken by comrades in the NE, from which benefits are still being garnered.

    Hi Steve,Do you mean that you produced a document? If so, I'm sure other members, and myself, would be interested in seeing the guidance produced.Kind regards,Bob.

    I'll second that. CC to Howard Moss and myself.


    Our record of contesting elections in the North East is quite impressive:1989 European Parliament elections (Tyne & Wear) 919 votes (0.5%)1997 General Election (Easington) 502 votes (1.2%)1997 General Election (Jarrow) 444 votes (1.0%)1999 European Parliament elections (North East)  1510 (0.4%)Local elections in South Tyneside 1998, 1999, 2000, 2003, 2004Local elections Durham County Council: 1999, 2003, 2005Local elections Seaham Council 2003

    alanjjohnstone wrote:
    In no way to diminish your and your comrades hard work, we have only anecdotal evidence for any actual impact. I wonder what a scientific poll would say if a 1000 random voters from the NE were asked a few basic questions about the SPGB and its case and how it compares with a 1000 from some other part of the country. It is a pity the party never ever spends money in such research. 

     I have thought of this myself   – the use of polls –  I am sure many comrades (myself included) have the qualifications to carry out such research, or it could be 'outsourced'.  The poll itself could be good publicity.  Imagine scientific research that establishes that 99% of the British population does not know what socialism is!The workers have never rejected socialism!!  

    steve colborn

    One can add to Adams list, contesting the now defunct Easington district council elections on at least 3 occasions. To jdw, I have all of the letters published in the NE since 1981, in 16 letters books. I am reluctant to send them to HO in case they are lost, as they are the testimony of 32 years of activity by the old Seaham Br and later the NE br. When you put these, alongside all the elections contested over the years (impressive in itself) the meetings held, the hours upon hours spent on phone-ins. The hundreds upon hundreds of posters put up around Seaham and surrounding areas by myself and Harley Wears, in particular, the thousands of leaflets delivered, (we had a roneo machine at one time) produced by the branch, courtesy of Vin, (he had a right arm like Bluto fom all the handle turning). The debates and meetings organised and held upstairs in the Carlton Arms. Even being invited as a studio guest on Radio Newcastles morning phone-in programme 4 times, to give our views on the issues put forward by callers and twice a guest on Graham Rowntrees 2 hour Sunday phone-in, at the same radio station.All of this adds up to quite an effort to keep the name of the Party visible.As for the document I sent to HO re guidelines on what activity to undertake in the run up to contesting elections, I will have a look and see if I still have a copy. If I do, I will of course send it to all interested partys but a copy may be at HO.All in all, the activity undertaken did indeed, keep the name of the Party at the forefront of politics in the region for quite a few years, and respect to all NE members who managed this feat. Stevie C.


    Seeing that this thread has gone off-topic I've started a new thread titled 'What can we learn from our election activity?My apologies for starting the the off-topic discussion.


    Could someone explain to me why I am being denied membership of the world socialist movement?   


    I ask this because I intend to address the Annual Conference as an appeal against my rejected Form A but I do not know what I am defending myself against!    

    steve colborn

    There is no logical reason why the membership application of Vin Maratty should now be turned down. Everything has calmed down, the sense of disassociation of member against member has, to me, evaporated. It would in my humble estimation, be a wasted resource if Vin were not now, readmitted to the party environs, to use his abilities to the "best" advantage, of the movement for a new, more rational and humane world! Let the lad contribute now, to a party he first started supporting in 1978, and to a branch he was officially a founder member of and a fiucking good and committed member of, to boot.YFS, a better world, Stevie C.


    Thanks Steve, I wish I did not have to raise the subject but I want to be back in the movement and can see no other alternative but to write to conference, but I honestly don;t know what to defend myself against. I don't know what the EC will say against me so how can I prepare a defence? I really do not want a slanging match. I want to contibute positively to the party.     

    steve colborn

    As you have shown Vin, with your Video production, you have much talent to offer. To ignore this and for whatever disparate reason, disallow your contribution to be, as a member of the Party, would now appear churlish in the extreme.With the hope that fraternity, reason, and comradeship prevails, I remain to you all, a comrade in arms! Stevie C.


    I also feel that your "probationary" period has demonstrated that re-admittance should proceed. 

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