Why would membership of the SPGB be refused

September 2024 Forums World Socialist Movement Why would membership of the SPGB be refused

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    Furthermore Ed, the EC twice asked me to reconsider my resignation! Hardly the actions of a party about to expel me.


    Vin, at first I thought that you were just a liar when you continually made up things to say about me and about the party, the internet committee and the EC. I've come to the conclusion that you are not. I now believe that you ACTUALLY BELIEVE the things you say, probably due to constant repetition. This would make you a fantasist.Do you not remember denouncing the party as undemocratic and homophobic? Do you deny it?


    I am a fantasist an a liar? And I have denounced the party as undemocratic and homophobic? Even if your lies were true, is there any place on the EC for thishttp://dictionary.reference.com/browse/vindictive The whole world opposses the SPGB   – I don't!! I honestly thought You voted against me because I disrupted the forum!! 


    Ed,it was not just me and you know it!  My hand is still out, take it,  please 


    Vin this is not a punishment. I believe that due to your past behaviour you pose a risk to the party if you were to be admitted as a member. This is a preventative measure. It is my opinion that the risk of you repeating your past behaviour is one that the party would be stupid to take. The fact that you don't even seem to remember denouncing the party as homophobic and undemocratic while you were still a memebre only shows that you have learned nothing from your past mistakes and proves to me that they would likely happen again.


    Hi Ed,We sorted the issue between us that sparked off the unfortunate events many, many months ago, no probs there. However, eventually the committee set up to look into the personal dispute that escalated on this forum, found issues with the way things were handled. Wisely no finger pointing was done, instead recommendations as to how the forum should be managed. It means that the issue really should have been a non starter.The forum member you think is so detrimental to the SPGB and therefore the socialist case, found his ability to get the issue resolved dwindling at every turn. I would dispute the idea that he attempted to discredit the party, as what started as criticism of the poor and at times undemocratic actions on the forum, ended up as a defence of the SPGB. So I suggest the criticizing of flawed actions of a party website, then defending the party, could hardly be described as an attack on the SPGB.You claim it is for his attacking the party that you and a Branch colleague tabled the motion of rejection, yet at the same time you talk of your personal fears of being bullied on this and other party sites. I see no evidence of any bullying behaviour towards yourself in recent months.If the issue was not of a personal nature, an approach in keeping with the spirit of democracy and openness would  have had your branch colleagues table the motion and you abstain from the vote. That way the issue could have been discussed and voted on without any hint of personal bias being demonstrated. Or table such a vote for when the EC had more members present and so reflecting a more varied set of views, than your branch majority on the EC that day..

    Ed wrote:
    On a personal note I no longer feel safe to post on these forums regularly or on the party's social media outlets due to the months long bullying campaign that was led against myslef and other members by the former member and his relatives. I would also hate for something like that to happen to anyone else.

     Ed, if I have had anything to do with this, I apologise. It has never been my intention to bully.  

    steve colborn

    Comrade Mann, cites the "behaviour" of former Comrade Maratty when leaving the Party!!! I have the posts, "all of them", from the particular threads, relevant to this issue. You would do well to remember, that on the internet, "all" information is retrievable! The misbehaviour of comrades, was not just from Comrade Maratty's side, I have the posts.Comrade Mann would, moreover, be advised to take into consideration, that before both, (not Mr Maratty's but "Comrade" Maratty's) Form F was accepted and "mine", we were asked to reconsider our position! Hardly the "wreckers", that some alluded to, at the time, or reaction to the same, if such was the case, why were we asked to "reconsider", our resignations?He did not resign before he was charged with "action detrimental" did he Ed? He resigned because of the way the "forum" was being run! Do you remeber "your" posts on the forum? I not only do, but have them saved.You, "comrade" are making this a "personal issue". Why say this, "On a personal note I no longer feel safe to post on these forums regularly or on the party's social media outlets due to the months long bullying campaign that was led against myslef and other members by the former member and his relatives. I would also hate for something like that to happen to anyone else." You Sir, are obfuscating the issue. You Sir, are accusing others of "bullying" where none existed. To say that you "no longer feel safe to post on these forums regularly or on the party's social media outlets due to the months long bullying campaign that was led against myslef and other members by the former member and his relatives", is a lie, because I am Comrade Maratty's brother in law and have never "bullied" you, nor anyone else and neither did "Comrade Maratty".I have mental health problems, as well as my physical disabilities and would not use these as an excuse to berate others, as you appear ready to do! Regardless of my physical and by extension, mental health problems, I would not, nor do not, use them as excuses to traduce others, nor to try to "defend" myself against justifiable accusations of bias and wrongful assertions.All I would add to the above, is that you "grow up" and that this post is filed away, as are all of the posts from a year or so ago and that, lets be "comradely" for a change!!!                                


    I have kept Cde's Mann and ex- Shamblers nasty and bullying comments against NE members  too but I wanted to put it all behind us and move on. It is becoming pathetic and silly for apparantly intelligent people to act this way.   


    As Cde Buick has informed the EC that he will endeavour to have the refusal of membership to Vin  rescinded at the next EC  i simply wish to state that i support his move.That period of internal strive did no-one any credit and i don't exempt my own contribution to the bad feeling.Vin, i believe, recognised and has acknowledged that after his departure he did post some unwise messages on forums. Although during my period of non-party membership there was no internet i too plead guilty of criticising the party in unfair terms and at a personal level. The behaviour since he once again began regularly contributing to the forum has shown that he has indeed mended his ways in regard to how to react to disagreements on threads in a comradely fashion.I do not think it will benefit to go over past ground and dispute what or what did not take place. Apologies have been offered, one protagonist has departed the party, but more importantly there has not been a recurrence of the bitterness. The moderation of the forum has also now become more precautionary as a result of it. Let bygones be bygones. Water under the bridge. The party as a whole and the members as individuals have learned a lesson on internal democracy and how best to express it. It was a painful lesson for some but i think we should now move on and welcome Vin as a returning comrade to the party.We are not sooth-sayers and cannot foretell a person's future, nor do we hold a person's past against them. We argue that people can change. We judge them on what they say, but more importantly, on what they do, in the present now. 


    Thanks,  Alan.  I just want to move on and I appreciate your contribution. 

    steve colborn

    Hi Vin,I too, would like to have put it all behind us however, it is obvious, that this is not a generally accepted viewpoint. In this regard, all "bets" are off. If certain individuals want to use "their" personal circumstances, as excuses for "wrongful behaviour", I will do the same.Comrade Mann, you have impacted deliteriously, on my mental health. You have made both my mental, as well as physical health, worse. Please "stop". I will not ask again!I suffer from Multiple sclerosis , IBS, Diverticular Disease, Mental health problems! These impact badly upon my life, made worse by the tripe on sites such as this, I, originally refused to raise this but seeing as how others use this, I will, not "use" this but inform other forum users of "my" health concerns.


    Steve. Cde Colborne I apologise. In my attempt at reconsiiation I have gone too far. Mann's claim to being bullied is absolute bullshit. I have offered my hand in comradeship and it has been rejected, I will leave it to the rest of the party to decide if I am a socialist.  I hope you keep well cde. we have fought many a battle together.     


     "There has to be something seriously wrong with party democracy, where an E,C, member can present a motion and cast a vote on the said motion, even though he was deeply involved in the conflict.It is like giving a prosecution barrister a vote with the jury. Surely the right and proper thing to have done was to have had someone else propose and second the motion,declair an interest and abstain on the vote".   Anon  ( a possible member of NE branch) 


    As per usual the tag teaming begins.Alan, Marratty denounced the party as homophobic while still a member. Is this acceptable behaviour for a member of the party? Is this not behaviour which you would call detrimental to the party's causeMarratty & Colborn you haven't changed. I can already see you resuming your usual tag teaming games. Painting yourself as victims when you were the perpetrators. Sickening. Accusing others of driving people out of the party when it is you who force members to the point of resigning. You hounded me across various threads for months. I did in fact go back and read them before I made my decision which certainly confirmed it. The way I was treated was disgusting and frankly the party failed to provide a safe space for me. I have no doubts that you will do the same to some other unsuspecting member. Probably after a few drinks…

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