Who financed Lenin and Trotsky?

September 2024 Forums General discussion Who financed Lenin and Trotsky?

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  • #152976

    Came across this while surfing the internet. I am not very familiar with the subject matter although the article smacks somewhat of conspiracy theory and possibly anti-Semitism. Here are some key passages:

    ” As we shall see in the following section, the Bolshevik revolution actually was financed by wealthy financiers in London and New York. Lenin and Trotsky were on the closest of terms with these moneyed interests both before and after the Revolution. Those hidden liaisons have continued to this day and occasionally pop to the surface, when we discover a David Rockefeller holding confidential meetings with a Mikhail Gorbachev in the absence of government sponsorship or diplomatic purpose”

    “One of the greatest myths of contemporary history is that the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia was a popular uprising of the downtrodden masses against the hated ruling class of the Tsars. As we shall see, however, the planning, the leadership and especially the financing came entirely from outside Russia, mostly from financiers in Germany, Britain and the United States. Furthermore we shall see, that the Rothschild Formula played a major role in shaping these events.”

    Can anyone better informed than me throw some light on this article. Here is the link



    Like you say, it’s conspiracy theory plus anti-Semitism. Churchill was into this too:
    I don’t think we need to take this stuff seriously, just expose it for what it is.

    p.s. Imagine if Corbyn had written that but then Corbyn isn’t Churchill.


    Sorry that was me not an ex cathedra statement from Head Office. I was at HO yesterday and forgot to change who was logged in.


    This topic of the creation of an opposing ideology is interesting. Can anyone tell me why this is indeed conspiratorial?

    Dave B

    The Bolsheviks were being sent huge amounts of money by the German government from around middle of 1917 through 1918.


    It became more open and incontrovertible in the 1950’s with the discovery, translation and publication of ‘boxes’ of German foreign office communiqués and telegrams etc.


    In a book or publication by Zeman in Cambridge university press?


    It was a small part of the book as it had wider interest as regards other aspects of German foreign policy.


    The Germans of course had nothing but contempt for the Bolsheviks but just wanted to mess things up in Russia and keep them out of the war etc.


    It probably had a political impact what happened in 1917 as people correctly, as it turned out, suspected that that was going on.


    Thus the Bolsheviks were not asked by the Petrograd soviet to join the new provisional revolutionary government around May as there was plenty of patriotism still around and they were suspected as being German proxies or whatever.


    Lenin was wanted for questioning over it which was why he went on the run.


    He said that he would only answer or address the planned constituent assembly when it was convened as planned in 6 months time.


    That kind of stuff in Lenin’s collected works.


    Of course the Bolsheviks shut down the constituent assembly on day one in January 1918.


    The German’s carried on funding the Bolsheviks after that and that was probably when the serious money came in; as much to do with economically propping up the Bolshevik state or government that going into the pockets of the Bolshevik party.


    The conduit for the German funding of the Bolsheviks up until April was this guy below;




    At that time the left SR’s in particular were starting to fall out with the Bolsheviks.


    They were hacked with the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk.





    This is often portrayed as a pro-imperialist pro war position by the lying Leninist historians.


    But in fact the left SR’s were pissed off with the Bolsheviks for surrendering huge swathes of ‘revolutionary territory’ to the capitalist imperialist scumbags of the Kaisers Germany.


    The left SR’s had a strong political base in the area’s given up to Germany and the leadership had to flee to Petrograd.


    The Bolsheviks taking money of the German’s for it was a little too much.



    They attempted a counter coup in the beginning of July 1918.





    Things are a bit more complicated when you go into it in a bit more as regards the attitude of the capitalist class to the Bolsheviks and the overthrow of the Tsarist system; at first.


    The international capitalist class, as well as the local Russian capitalist class, didn’t like the Tsarist system that much and wanted it opening up to capitalist exploitation without some regressive Mohammad bin Salman gangster in charge.


    And the ostensible political position of the Bolsheviks up until 1917 was to facilitate a bourgeois [capitalist] democratic revolution.


    As a necessary stage along the road to socialism that according to Lenin could and shouldn’t be skipped over.






    Standard oil or Rockefeller were interested in the oil wells and exploration rights etc in the Azerbaijan area.




    That kind of thing sort of ran on even under Lenin with giving concessions to foreign capitalist re ‘mineral’ extraction etc.


    That is in the Lenin archive as well.


    Trotsky was obviously not short of funds before he turned up in Russia or after he was exiled circa 1925.


    I suppose he may have skimmed of a lot dosh and squirreled it away from 1917 onwards.


    According to German foreign office material the early money was going to fund the paper Pravda I think which was run by Leon?


    There is ‘Jewish’ thing and probably there was a disproportionate number of ethnic ‘Jews’ amongst the Russian leftwing in general; most non religious.




    However the ‘Jews’ in Tsarist Russian were institutionally ‘racially’ discriminated against, religious or not.








    There was no cop out by conversion to Christianity like the was in Western Europe, Prussia; and England in the 19<sup>th</sup> century with its;





    So I suspect that could lead intellectual ‘Jews’ to be more radical?


    A significant proportion of Russian RSDLP or the party was in before the so called Bolshevik- Menshevik split were the ‘Jewish’ Bundists who were mostly atheist ultra leftist, by todays standards, working class.


    I have been told that the Turkish communist party is dominated by ethnic and discriminated ‘ethnic Kurds’ for example?



    That is only a conspiracy theory propagated by the Nazis, the anti-Jewish, and some anti-communist and Anarchists  groups to indicate that the Russian revolt was a Jewish conspiracy to dominate the world, and that communism is an invention of the Jewish, and that  Das Capital was also financed by the Jewish and the Rothchild and the Illuminati. What they do not say is that the Bolshevik revolt was a bourgoise revolution like any other bourgoise revolt of Europe, and that a capitalist nation was established in Russia, and the Bolshevik became the ruling capitalist elite of Russia, and that many Jewish workers are revolutionary workers, the Bolshviks were able to stop World War One when they soldiers and the peoples did not want to fight, which proves that war can be stopped by the workers. Now,  more than in prior epoch the conspriacy theory are blooming like flowers. Conspiracy theory never goest to the heart of the socio=economic problems of our society


    By coincidence (unless others contributing to this thread have also had it) I received yesterday an email expressing in its pure form the conspiracy theory that Rothschild financed Das Kapital. Here it is:

    MARX NEVER ONCE MENTIONED ROTHSCHILD. IN HIS MAGNUM OPUS ‘DAS KAPITAL’, THE SO-CALLED RESULT OF 20 YEARS OF RESEARCH, A TOME OF SUPPOSED SOCIO-ECONOMIC AND POLITICAL EXPOSE … AND NEVER ONCE TALKS ABOUT THE ROTHSCHILDS OR THE INTERNATIONAL BANKING AND FINANCE SCHEMES THAT DOMINATED EUROPE. IN THE REALM OF ECONOMICS, THERE WAS NO GREATER FORCE THAN THAT OF ROTHSCHILD. SO HOW DOES MARX JUST SOMEHOW COMPLETELY OMIT MENTION OF IT. it needs to be said that Marx was an agent of Rothschild, tasked with weaponizing political philosophy so that the elite could import it to foster civil unrest and even civil war in countries unfriendly to their banking and finance schemes. This they did in Germany and, especially, Russia. May the fact that Marx was hell-bent on misinforming and destroying humanity further contribute to the notion that he was a Satanist? -of the breed of satanic elite that seems to bleed out of the Holy Roman Empire, through the Vatican and it’s Jesuits, and it’s Jewish front as Zionism??

    The email also contained a quote from Bakunin endorsing this conspiracy theory (apart from the Satanist part). He may even have been its originator.





    I suppose we should mention Marx’s relationship with David Urquhart as perhaps Marx involved in a genuine conspiracist theory ie British prime minister Lord Palmerston was in the pay of the Tsar.



    I just remember that final scene in 1984 when O’Brien reveals to Smith that Goldstein is a fiction. The more I look into this conspiracy stuff the more I wonder if this shit is real. Esp when memes are staring us in the face every day as outlined here…


    Oh fuck knows.

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