Whither France

July 2024 Forums General discussion Whither France

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  • #123546
    Capitalist Pig

    i like her even more now


    Women in the congregations of the Jehovah Witness they must cover their heads when they are teaching in front of a male, ( inside and outside of the congregation ) in all countries around the world, and they are not allow to use the Podium, they must seat on a table.The Spaniard  Catholic women they wear something similar to headscarf which is called Mantilla, the wear it when they are inside of the church,and when they are going to receive the communion. They are not Muslim, they are Christians, and those traditions come from Judaism, and FeudalismThe tradition of women covering their head on a wedding or a funeral it is also a religious tradition, and now it is a social customPaul said that women must cover their head in front of a male, and that is written in the Jewish Bible and it was transferred to the Koran, and he was a Christian, and he was a student of GramanielThe European and the  USA goverment are always talking against the so called theocratic goverment of the Middle East, but the Evangelical are in the White House collaborating with the new goverment, and the Vice-President is a fanatic evangelical, and the Educational System is going to be infliuenced by Evangelical.Most of the countries in the Middle East that has been bombarded by the USA they had secular goverments, they were not theocratic goverment, and they had religion freerdom, even more, some cathollics were part of the goverment of Iraq, it looks like the problem is not religion, but oil and gasThe USA is a secular country, and its constitution establish the separation between church and the state, therefore, those Evangelicas are also trying to impose their point of view as the Muslim do it too. What is the difference ?In Latin America most countries  were forced to teach Catholic religion in prifvate and public school by a govermental decree, Private school on Sunday women were forced to go to the church wearing a Mantilla to cover their heads.All these problems with the Muslims started when the European powers discovered oil in the Middle East, and they never cared about the social condition of the women of the Middle East, until some of their puppets became nationalist,  and now they hypocritcal are worrying  about the social conditions of the women, it is just an excuse to continue their war hysteria

    Capitalist Pig wrote:
    I like Le Pen, she favors national soveignty over an unelected bureaucracy/dictatorship(EU)

    The French goverment should  be  like the deaf-mude: Talking using the sign language, because they have vilolated the soveignity of many countries around the world, including Vietnam

    Capitalist Pig wrote:
    I like Le Pen

    A majority of French workers evidently don't; Emmanuel Macron, perceived as "the lesser of two evils", takes the presidency by a decisive margin.

    gnome wrote:
    A majority of French workers evidently don't; Emmanuel Macron, perceived as "the lesser of two evils", takes the presidency by a decisive margin.

    Let us see how the French unions deal with their 'Blair like' equivallent  leader.


    We can make all kind of analysis and guessing, but all this is like t the Socialist Standard issue of 5/17 wrote: The real winner are the capitalists  and capitalism, and the losers are the workers. The French workers elected one of their own masters to comtinue exploiting them, and workers will continue blaming the economical and social problems in others workers


    Interesting factoids in the French Presidential Election.France has 47.5 million registered voters, but a near-record 25 per cent abstained from casting their ballot. A further 8.6 per cent of people who did vote spoiled their ballot or left it blank. The number of people who abstained from voting totalled 12.1 million, outnumbering those who chose to vote for Le Pen. .


    Yes, of the 35,467,172 who went to cast a vote, some 4 million put a blank or spolit paper into the ballot box. That's about 11.5%. Who said not voting for any of those on offer is not a valid political tactic?


    http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-40242531Establishment uniting around Macron?Looks like En Marche has drawn in time served SP candidates and assorted hangers on from the wreckage. 


    Pour le socialisme, la république et la démocratie, pour l’Internationale ouvrière

    POID wrote:
    C’est pourquoi, ce 11 juin, tous les candidats à l’élection présidentielle ont perdu une part importante de leur électorat. La République en marche a perdu 1,3 million des voix recueillies par Macron le 23 avril ; le Front national a perdu près de 4,5 millions de voix ; la droite, près de 3 millions ; La France insoumise a perdu plus de 4,5 millions de voix, les deux tiers des voix obtenues par Mélenchon ; le Parti socialiste, 600 000 voix. Tous ont perdu une fraction importante de leur électorat. Tous sont frappés par le rejet.

    A rough Google translationof above.That is why, on 11 June, all the candidates in the presidential election lost a significant part of their electorate. The Republic on the march lost 1.3 million votes collected by Macron on 23 April; The National Front lost nearly 4.5 million votes; The right, nearly 3 million; France has lost more than 4.5 million votes, two-thirds of the votes obtained by Mélenchon; The Socialist Party, 600,000 votes. All have lost a significant fraction of their electorate. All are struck by the rejection.


    Macronm gets his landslide:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/French_legislative_election,_2017#Results_summary9 Million for his coaltion, 5 for th centre right, and 1 for the centre left.  left reformism has collapsed in France, and Macron's Liberal Party ruls the roost: expect big strikes, given the individual right to strike in France, changes to labour law are hard to enforce.  That's 43% of the vote, roughly what the Tories had here.The national Front wilted, they got 8 million votes in the 1st round of the Predsidential election, only 3 million in the 1st ropund of the Legislative election.  Macron's vote actually held static between 1st round of the presidential elections, and 1st round of the legislative elections.  La France insoumise also wilted: obviously, without the Presidency their insurgency would be muted, but clearly their followers didn't mobilise to check Macron.Let's look at Macron's manifesto:

    Macron wrote:
    Tomorrow, the respective roles of the law, the industry agreement and the company agreement will be redefined. The actors of collective bargaining, in particular the trade unions of employees, will see their place strengthened. Negotiations at company level, or, failing that, agreements concluded at the branch level, will be privileged….Beyond the competences in social law, these courses must also address the specific challenges of managing a company, so that unions and employers can better understand each other and come to common solutions rather than confronting sterile positions…We will allow each employee to bring resources financed by the employer to the union of his choice.We will promote union involvement, recognition of it in careers in companies and fight against trade union discrimination.


    Macron wrote:
    We can not promise "job security" in a world where technological change is making certain jobs obsolete and making others emerge. But there are two things we can guarantee: that we can evolve from one job to another, and that we are protected against the loss of jobs. It is at the time of transitions that we must most benefit from solidarities, to help us cross the course.

    And an investment plan:

    Macron wrote:
    The investment plan will amount to 50 billion euros over five years. It will rise from 2018 and will end in 2022.

    Looked at in the round, I don't think that is to far from what Corbyn was promising, n'est pas?


    Interesting concentration of France Insurmise in Paris.  Also, look at the FN fail.

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