White Privilege?

March 2025 Forums General discussion White Privilege?

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    “But if you can actually put in more black and minority leaders pushing hard on white nationalism, [it’s] much harder to challenge … It’s really important that we understand why these leaders are appointed. It is not to promote inclusiveness, it is actually to promote divisions.”

    It was this passage that struck me. Who are the black leaders she thinks have been appointed to promote divisions? Or has she just got a big chip on her shoulder or got out of bed the wrong side that day?

    Runnymede? Isn’t that where the Magna Carta was signed. I wonder whether they chose that title because they saw themselves as the same as demanding equal exploitation for white and black serfs instead of for the abolition of serfdom.


    Who are the black leaders she thinks have been appointed to promote divisions?

    Ummm…a certain Home Secretary. perhaps? And maybe the the Chancellor of the Exchequer?


    Wonderful example here of the absurdity of these “racial”/“ethnic” questionnaires we are always being asked to fill in. I always either answer Other/Human or refuse to answer. In fact it is official Party policy to members to answer that question on the Census as “member of the human species”.

    Anyway, here’s the news item from a couple of days ago:



    I thought she might have been talking of Trevor Phillips who, unlike her, is actually mostly quite good on this issue:



    A French minister has been forced to retract after making the faux pas of using the term “privilèlge blanc”.

    A comment (in the bit behind the pay wall) from Jean-Luc Mélechon, “leader of the radical left Unbowed France party” (who got 20 percent of the votes cast in the last presidential elections):

    “The three or four people who believe in the existence of white privilege have never seen a poor white”.


    They don’t put up with that nonsense over there.


    Or they have never seen poor whites living in a poor neighborhood ( also known as Ghettos ) or homeless in the streets or making line to collect unemployment, living in a shelter, or collecting food from a food bank, or charity. How do you call some black or Latinos peoples living in Beverly Hills driving Rolls Royce and Bentley? Probably, they have black/Latinos/brown privileges. It is only a smokescreen to keep the workers divided according to the color of their skin, we are all members of the working class


    Related from the experience of South Afria


    “If we adopt class as the marker for redress we will inevitably be able to benefit more black people,” he said.”Blacks are the majority in this country and they are also the majority of poor people in this country. If you say you will redress on the basis of class, a black person who has lived a life of privilege won’t qualify for economic opportunities via the government’s affirmative action policies.”

    Dr Saths Cooper, a clinical psychologist who was an associate of Steve Biko during his student days in the 1970s, argues that dominance of a racial identity has prevented the forging of a truly common identity.

    “We haven’t learnt we are human beings first,” he says.”We always put a colour, we put external attributes to it and then we put maybe language and maybe belief to it and that allows for further division. That narrative then perpetuates itself…”



    Assumed to be natural enemies, these groups united in their calls for economic justice.

    And worth watch


    Another instructive article.


    Keep telling the white working class that they’re the victims of inequality, but fail to rectify the underlying structural problems, and frustration will legitimately spread. It’s time for this government to move beyond the rhetoric of levelling up, to invest in education, towns and new industries across the entire UK. Only then can the multi-ethnic working class even begin to believe Liz Truss’s claim that “equality is for everyone”.

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