Weekly worker letter

July 2024 Forums World Socialist Movement Weekly worker letter

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  • #122843

    Here's this week's Weekly Worker letter page report:http://weeklyworker.co.uk/worker/1133/letters/The debateson 'market socialism' continue with three letters from our side. They are replies to letters in the previous issue:http://weeklyworker.co.uk/worker/1132/letters/


    Splendid work there from all three of you. Very instructive also for my own education.


    The two lead letters in this week's Weekly Worker are from Party members. It's the editor who identifies the writers as such even though the letters are not from the Party. I don't know why but I suppose we shouldn't look a gift horse in the mouth:http://weeklyworker.co.uk/worker/1135/letters/


    Great stuff. I congratulate Adam Buick on his presentation and clarity of distinction between  Lenin and Marx. And well done Darren, too


    In the last but one issue Jock Conrad described Alan Buick as the SPGB leader, and no one has disabused him. Not even Buick.

    Bob Andrews wrote:
    In the last but one issue Jock Conrad described Alan Buick as the SPGB leader, and no one has disabused him. Not even Buick.

    To remove the concept of leader and leadership from the left , it is like removing the concept of pastor or priest from a religious person. It is another distinction of Leninism, from Marxism

    mcolome1 wrote:
    Bob Andrews wrote:
    In the last but one issue Jock Conrad described Alan Buick as the SPGB leader, and no one has disabused him. Not even Buick.

    To remove the concept of leader and leadership from the left , it is like removing the concept of pastor or priest from a religious person. It is another distinction of Leninism, from Marxism

    That sounds like you are accusing the party of Leninism.

    jondwhite wrote:
    mcolome1 wrote:
    Bob Andrews wrote:
    In the last but one issue Jock Conrad described Alan Buick as the SPGB leader, and no one has disabused him. Not even Buick.

    To remove the concept of leader and leadership from the left , it is like removing the concept of pastor or priest from a religious person. It is another distinction of Leninism, from Marxism

    That sounds like you are accusing the party of Leninism.

    . Didn't. I say left?   

    jondwhite wrote:
    mcolome1 wrote:
    Bob Andrews wrote:
    In the last but one issue Jock Conrad described Alan Buick as the SPGB leader, and no one has disabused him. Not even Buick.

    To remove the concept of leader and leadership from the left , it is like removing the concept of pastor or priest from a religious person. It is another distinction of Leninism, from Marxism

    That sounds like you are accusing the party of Leninism.

    If you  are looking for the fifth leg of the cat, you will never find it. I do know pretty well that the WSM/SPGB is not a Leninist organization, I am not ambivalent. I did say the left, and we are not  part of the left, which is also irrelevant, I am using the expression just for practical purpose, and right wing also supports the concept of leader and leadership


    Another letter this week from Robbo demolishing the whole idea of "market socialism". Another, signed Jack Conrad, endorsing the view that the market, money, etc should continue to exist for a whole in the early days (and years?) of "socialism":http://weeklyworker.co.uk/worker/1136/letters/Wrong guess from the letters editor that Robbo is actually a member of the SPGB. Hard to distinguish, I agree.

    ALB wrote:
    Another letter this week from Robbo demolishing the whole idea of "market socialism". Another, signed Jack Conrad, endorsing the view that the market, money, etc should continue to exist for a whole in the early days (and years?) of "socialism":http://weeklyworker.co.uk/worker/1136/letters/Wrong guess from the letters editor that Robbo is actually a member of the SPGB. Hard to distinguish, I agree.

    He did remove the feathers to another  left wing bird. They are always flapping their winds to move a lot  dust like a tornado, but there is not too much substances in their analysis.    PS Robbo always defend the SPGB in all the forum and sites in the internet, and two of his articles have ben republished by Anarchists

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