We are free

October 2024 Forums General discussion We are free

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  • #83376


    The Government has been forced to release secret policies which show that GCHQ and MI5 have for years advised staff that they may “target the communications of lawyers,” and use legally privileged material “just like any other item of intelligence.”

    That is, State Agencie can spie on lawyers of people taking the state to court.

    “It’s now clear the intelligence agencies have been eavesdropping on lawyer-client conversations for years. Today's question is not whether, but how much, they have rigged the game in their favour in the ongoing court case over torture.

    More on this sort of thing from this week's Economist:http://www.economist.com/news/business/21631055-intelligence-agencies-and-tech-firms-have-little-choice-compromise-crypto-wars-20Yet another example of how capitalism distorts and hampers the use of modern technology.

    steve colborn

    We are freeAnd everywhere are in chains!!!


    Email received at Head Office about a meeting on this subject:

    Hi folks,

    Some people might say its not 'history' – it's OUR history. An interesting
    public meeting coming up this week at London Metropolitan University:

    Campaign Against Police Surveillance Public Meeting

    The Truth About Britain's Secret Police

    Wednesday 12th November

    6-8 pm.

    Harry Thomas Lecture Theatre, London Metropolitan University Tower,
    Holloway Road, N7 8DB

    Police officers lying in court, having children with women they spy on,
    infiltrating grieving families like the Lawrences… and much more.

    Three of those spied on speak at London Metropolitan University (an
    institution currently employing a former undercover police infiltrator,
    Bob Lambert).

    • Helen Steel: One of eight women suing the police for being deceived into
    relationships with undercover cops.

    • Dave Smith: Trade Unionist on illegal blacklist maintained with the help
    of police

    • Merrick Badger: Environmentalist who exposed police spy Mark Kennedy.

    More info contact:





    Another relevant news story:http://www.theguardian.com/media/2014/nov/10/russia-today-ofcom-sanctions-impartiality-ukraine-coverageAs if the BBC, etc hadn't been biased in favour of the other side.

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