Wasn’t me, Guv…

October 2024 Forums General discussion Wasn’t me, Guv…

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  • #82442

    Blair in denial and detatched from reality, continuing his Bliar Liar persona.

    Naturally as adherents to the MCH we view material causes and see other actors in the catastrophe but we also accept that a situation can be exacerbated by the decisions of individual culprits….


    In due course we will have his deceit dissected by the more objective observers on the web but i do wonder why the so-called respectable press insist in airing Blair's opinions and decline from publishing at the same time rebuttals. He certainly has a direct line to the editors of the BBC,Guardian and the Independent. 

    I have no trust that the Chilcot Inquiry will point the finger, more likely wag the finger and say naughty naughty. But i suspect that the determination of Blair to put his side of the story is related and he is busy offering his alibis 


    Nazi military leader Hermann Göring blamed everybody but himself too, at his trial at the Nuremberg Trials  for War crimes.I have seen the images of the killing of Iraqi Government solders, and I watched a video posted on the Web,  of a handful of caputured  Iraqi soldiers being excuted, by ISIS militia.I know that this video has upset lots of people on social media. I was kind of wondering what (my) Socialists response should be? 


    From all accounts it was much more than a mere handful.War and atrocities always go together. War brutalises those involved. Auto biographies and memoirs are full of confessions and admissions of war crimes committted by otherwise reasonable, rational men. Other dirty secrets such as the British in Kenya or Malaya and the atrocities that took place are hidden away in archives. 


    Found this while checking out some news on my email service.http://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/2014/06/17/iraq-tony-blair_n_5503110.html?utm_hp_ref=mostpopularDid Bliar simply underestimate the potential for post invasion complications, which is now the most he admits to?


    Practically a line-by-line refutation of his article herehttp://wheretheresmuck.wordpress.com/2014/06/18/tony-blair-wrote-an-essay-i-have-marked-it/


    Intelligence agents call Blair a liar….again. Why do you say you didn't know Assad had chemical weapons, when we told you umpteen times times that he did?http://www.theguardian.com/theobserver/2014/jun/22/syria-chemical-weapons-tony-blair-iraq


    The evidence at the "Trial" of Tony Blairhttp://www.heraldscotland.com/comment/columnists/the-trial-of-tony-blair.24526819"Chief among Blair's crimes is that while he may have blood on his hands, he has spread the blood on to us, because in a democracy we must carry some of the blame for our elected leaders, even if they try to blind us to the truth through a web of deceit, chicanery, bullying and sin."


    Tony Blair should be sacked as Middle East envoy, say former ambassadorshttp://www.theguardian.com/politics/2014/jun/23/tony-blair-middle-east-envoy-quartet-sackedAll i ask is why it took them so long to say it. 

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