Voting methods (example & experiment)

January 2025 Forums World Socialist Movement Voting methods (example & experiment)

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    This is probably doomed to failure.  Just to illustrate how rank choice can help when making decisions between multiple alternatives. Lets imagine conference has decisively voted to ditch the name Socialist Party of Great Britain (so that cannot be an option).  A committee has called for suggestions and we have

    A: World Socialist Party of Breat Britain

    B : World Socialist Party UK

    C: World Socialist Party of England and Scotland

    D: World Socialist Movement in Great Britain

    E: The Wage Labour Abolition Society

    F: Common Ownership League

    So, we have all been asked to rank those names in preference order, for example:


    OK, off you go.


    Breat Britain?That gets my vote!


    Before I vote let me see if I have understood the tactics well: if you really don't want something you place them last giving a preference over them to other things you don't want either? In other words, after voting for what you do want you vote for what you don't want in order of least objectionable — even if that's going to mean getting something you don't want?In other words, it's a vote for want you don't want the least? I still can't see how that will not result in the least objectionable option to most people, i.e the most boring or bland one,  or lowest common denominator, getting chosen.


    A > B > C > D for me


    OK, to enter into the spirit of the thing, I vote:B>C>D>A>E>Fthough actually if we were going to have to make the mistake of changing our full formal name I would vote for World Socialist Party (Britain)


    Isn't there a None of the Above option?No write in vote because i go for ALB's World Socialist Party (Britain)?Humphhh…same as any other election …trying to pigeon hole us 

    ALB wrote:
    Before I vote let me see if I have understood the tactics well: if you really don't want something you place them last giving a preference over them to other things you don't want either? 

    If you really don't want something then you don't rank it at all. So it gets nil votes from you. So my voting is NONEWorld Socialist Movement UK   


    No, Vin, that's not how it works (or is supposed to work) though I agree that that's probably what many people would do if this system was introduced.If you only plump for one option then you are saying that you couldn't care less and are completely indifferent as to what is chosen if yours is not. If that's is what you really think then that is what you should do. It means leaving the choice to the other voters. If you really hate "World Socialist Party of Great Britain" then you should place it last after expressing all your other dislikes in descending order. Otherwise you are increasing the chances of WSPGB being adopted.It's complicated, I know, with the outcome depending on tactical voting which many voters won't realise but I'm not an afvocate of the system myself.  I'd prefer such multi-option decisions to be left to an elected committee where all the options can be fully discussed — though not, I hasten to add, so controversial an issue as a party's name.


    If folk could go to the site at the link (two of you have) and express your preferences there, that would help a little.  No opinion is a ranking option, as is a write in vote.  I've added two of the suggestions so far.The tactic is to rank in order of preference (starting in either direction.  If you think about each preference as being a two horse race, so if you were faced with E or B, which would you choose.  If you would prefer E to B you would rank it higher. If you don't rank something it's automatically last, so you can plump and just vote for one option (that is risky, however, as it means if that is a losing option you won't sway any of your lesser choices).  Also, that provides less information.The poll is below:


    Just to add, the CIVS engine will allow equal ranking, so you could, theoretically vote:A>B=C=D>E>F however, that effectively means when when B & C are compared, the vote wouldn't count (since neither is ranked above the other), but would mean that B is preferred to F and would count as a vote in that comparison. 


    Is the experiment over, 'cos if it aint my choices are below.D>B>ABut I'd go with Vin's suggestion World Socialist Movement (UK), but if Scotland vote "YES" to independence it might have to be World Socialist Movement (Britain) as there would be no united kingdom.Surely D should be World Socialist Movement (GB)?


    SP,If you could go to: cast your vote there, that would be helpful…


    Thanks for the clarification YMS. Will get onto it.


    OK, last call for voters (and it is possible/permissible for previous voters to vote again if they want, but I'd ask them to change their votes, please: I'm only after non-random test data).


    I was going to give another vote but the link tells me I have already voted

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