
July 2024 Forums General discussion Venezuela

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  • #183759

    In several occasions Venezuela has offered aid to Colombia for natural disasters and they have refused it

    In Colombia more than 400 civil  and natives activists   have been killed and many journalists have been killed too, qand nobody has asked for regime change

    The FARC signed a peace agreement with the Colombian government and several have been killed by paramilitary and some are being take to the courts

    The president of Colombia known as Uribe is a known drug dealer and he has been connected to Pablo Escobar and the Colombian cartel and he is an allied of the USA

    The so called anti globalist government of the USA is going to impose a second embargo on Cuba which is worst than the first one to please the Miami right wingers and for regime change

    Israel is allowed to do all kind of atrocities in the middle east and to drop bombs in others countries and to possess atomic bombs and train paramilitary in Colombia and keep the Palestinian in a concentration camp but nobody ask for regime change

    In Mexico the kill journalists because they are publishing the true and in the USA the journalists are always propagating lies and distortions, they don’t have the courages  ( or something else )  to do their job properly







    As Trump meets the North Korean dictator and describes him as a “great leader”

    Venezuela calls for a meeting between Trump and Maduro

    An offer of talks spurned by a walk-out at the UN.

    Just who is being reasonable and unreasonable?

    And when will the media report these overtures by Venezuela in their headlines?


    The real target is china instead of North Korea I don’t think China wants to have usa next to its border and North Korea as an allied of the USA probably China would be the one invading North Korea first

    The USA doesn’t want any dialogues with Venezuela they want to overthrow maduro . A war with Venezuela would be worst than Vietnam and the USA army is not trained for guerrillas war and there are thousands of milicianos in Venezuela and it could be the revivals of the old guerrillas forces

    If Guaido returns to Venezuela he would become a prisoner,  a sentence of 30 years against him  has been declared by a judges because he violated a ristraining order, he was not allowed to leave Venezuela




    This is the second USA coup in Venezuela which has failed, therefore, their only choice is an invasion ,which my produce the death of many peoples and a  posible civil war  , or it might become another Syria


    The concert given in Cucuta by the millionaire British businessman  did not provide too much income, it looks that the peoples from Cucuta need some humanitarian aid

    The Venezuelan government has signed new agreements with Russia and they have moved all their business transactions dealing  from Bilbao to Moscow, and Russia has sent around 8 tons of humanitarian aid


    Russia is ready to take part in bilateral talks with the United States over the issue of Venezuela, Russia’s foreign minister told his U.S. counterpart late on Saturday.


    The Vice President of Venezuela was in Russia last week. They are going to do something similar of what the Cuban government did with the Soviet Union


    In regard to the media bias. Lenin wrote on What is to be done ? That there are not impartialities in the social sciences,  and the class struggles, probably,  that concept can be applied to the newspapers, radio and bourgeois medias . That is the reason why the  organizations of the workers have their own press

    Inactive  The making of Juan Guaido, How the US regime change laboratory created Venezuela coup leader


    Juan Guaidó is the product of a decade-long project overseen by Washington’s elite regime change trainers. While posing as a champion of democracy, he has spent years at the forefront of a violent campaign of destabilization.

    Inactive   I do not have a translation for this article published by the Voltaire Network, but  it explains that the USA will not be able to overthrow Nicolas Maduro without creating another Vietnam in Venezuela due to the fact that Colombia and Brasil will not be able to confront the military might of Bolivarian Republic who has more modern and more sophisticated armaments, and the USA might also suffer heavy military  loss in the confrontation, and probably Russia and China might create another H0-Chi-Min trail like it was done in Vietnam in order to defend their investment in Venezuela. A US military intervention in Venezuela would be something similar to Syria and despite all their modern weapons they would not be able to overthrow Nicolas Maduro. Venezuela possess more jungles and mountains than Vietnam


    The headlines read Maduro thugs burn aid trucks.

    But did they? Or was it a false flag operation?

    The New York Times, no friend of Venezuela’s president, suggests that we were all duped.

    Sadly there is a pay wall for the full article so we have to trust a third party report

    “…a Molotov cocktail thrown by an antigovernment protester was the most likely trigger for the blaze…”




    Nothing new. You don’t have to be a Sherlock Holmes to discover their lies, they have done it thousands of times. They can fool the fools


    Having made such a fuss that they were not withdrawing embassy staff, the US has now removed them all.



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