
July 2024 Forums General discussion Venezuela

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  • #183501

    Another area similar to the Orinoco valley is the Potosi valley in Bolivia which also priduced wars to conquers its richness

    The Venezuela government has only concentrated itself in the extraction of petroleum instead of diversifying the economy.

    The Orinoco valley can turn Venezuela into a self sufficient food producer country  instead of a food importing country and can also export foods to others countries

    The law of capitalism prevails in Venezuela and besides the USA  China and Russia want to exploit the Orinoco valley for the benefits of their own ruling class




    In Cuba the Soviet Union created the same type of dependency produced by the USA with the mono production of sugar and sugar cane plantation  like in all the Caribbean region by the Puerto Rican sugar company which became Gulf and Western  Luis Marrero Aristy wrote a novel named OVER that described the living conditions of the workers in company towns known as Bateyes the workers practically worked for free and they always owed money to the company The writer was  assasinated  Coincidentally many workers unions were  built by black workers from the Virgin Islands who were influenced by the chartists


    In many countries in Latin America the consideration is that the problems are only produced by the USA only , instead of capitalism in general including the ruling class of the Latin American countries Some want the USA to be rejected but they welcome the Russians and the Chinese as their saviors  it is the same thing done  by Cuba in 1960. The USA is called the empire but China and Russia are not viewed as imperialists or expansionists too


    Just to clarify, Marcos. I am not denying the existence of any embargo on Cuba or Venezuela.

    My point is that Cuba was supported and subsidized by the former USSR which accounted for the survival of the Castro regime for many decades. But when that ended, we witnessed the internal changes, gradual and in steps, for sure, but nevertheless, reforms of the economy towards a free market economy rather than a command economy, a process still unfolding.

    Can Maduro survive with a similar guarantee from Russia and China? I am doubtful that they would be able to successfully subsidise his regime.


    Alan, as I said before,  the Soviet Union only took over the purchase of sugar from Cuba, and provided some loan thru the COMECOM, oil and millitary aids. Cuba was forced to buy first necessity  commodities thru others countries at higher prices. Russia and China have only provided loans to Venezuela in exchange for petroleum and minerals. China is providing aid to Cuba and Russia is going to make a large investment in infraestructure in Cuba


    The Cuban government said:
    “Between February 6 and 10 of 2019, several military transport aircraft have flown to the Rafael Miranda Airport in Puerto Rico, the San Isidro Air Base in the Dominican Republic, and other strategically located Caribbean Islands, most certainly without the knowledge of the governments of those nations. These flights took off from U.S. military facilities where Special Operation Troops and U.S. Marine Corps units operate. These units have been used for covert operations, even against leaders of other countries.

    Cuba concluded:

    “The U.S. intends to fabricate a humanitarian pretext in order to launch a military attack on Venezuela and, by resorting to intimidation, pressure, and force, is seeking to introduce into this sovereign nation’s territory alleged humanitarian aid… It is obvious that the United States is paving the way to forcibly establish a humanitarian corridor under international supervision, invoke the obligation to protect civilians, and take all necessary steps. It is worth recalling that similar behaviors and pretexts were used to by the U.S. during the prelude to wars it launched against Yugoslavia, Iraq, and Libya, which resulted in tremendous human losses and caused enormous suffering.”

    Abrams, a convicted perjurer, called the Cuban report a lie.


    Perjurer only ? A war criminal pardoned by another war criminal. If he walks by himself in the streets of El Salvador they would  hang him


    Yet another open letter I think will never get the coverage it deserves. This time from Colombians


    That reminds me I meant to ask this before. In that interview with Olga Guerin, Maduro said there were over a million Colombians living in Venezuela. Is that true? Anyway what is the difference between a Colombian and a Venezuelan beyond being born different sides of a completely artificial and accidental frontier?


    That reminds me I meant to ask this before. In that interview with Olga Guerin, Maduro said there were over a million Colombians living in Venezuela. Is that true? Anyway what is the difference between a Colombian and a Venezuelan beyond being born different sides of a completely artificial and accidental frontier?


    There are around 6 millions Colombian living in Venezuela, the economic, social  and violence conditions in Colombia are worst than in Venezuela. Latin America is just a region divided by borders called nations, but  peoples are all the same including the Argentineans, Jamaican, Virgin Islanders,  and the Puerto Ricans. The history book written by Juan Bosh named: From Christopher Columbus to Fidel Castro, has demostrated  that the whole region  has had the same struggle, and has been submitted by the same type of rulers, and it has been the frontier of several  super powers, and originally was inhabitated by the same type of peoples, and most peoples are mixed with natives, europeans and africans


    The peoples from Colombia, Venezuela and the Caribbean region, they are all similar, the customs, the idioms, the food,  and the music is similar too. Hugo Chavez was planning to form a Caribbean alliance which included Venezuela, Colombia, all the Antilles islands, Panama, honduras and Nicaragua


    As always hard to discover figures

    A source you can cite on the high side

    On the low side

    an estimated 1 million Colombians migrated to Venezuela during the last four decades, making them the largest immigrant group there

    Colombia has more internally displaced persons (IDPs) than any other country in the world, the result of a 52-year civil war – 7.3 million IDPs -UN figures 2017


    A billionaire figure I hold no respect for, is planning to do a charity concert for Venezuela on the Colombian border. Branson doing a Geldof in the PR war

    He is setting up the concert at the request of Juan Guaido and Leopoldo Lopez,


    They should give that money to the people living in Cúcuta who are living in extreme poverty as well to the Venezuelan living in Ecuador and others countries in Latin America who have been treated like animals  by xenophobic and nationalists like the Central Americans in Mexico


    Many Spanish have emigrated to Venezuela  Spain sold and modernized Venezuela army tanks violating the eu embargo and now they are supporting Guaidó

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