
July 2024 Forums General discussion Venezuela

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  • #183409

    Do you think that this open letter to the American people from Maduro is going to get headline news on the media? Will CNN and other news outlets have its top commentators discussing it to the American public?…nawww…I don’t think so. Instead they will focus on what Bolton says.


    I don’t that letter is going to be discussed or published in the US media, it might be published by some leftwing outlets. The small  island of Saint Thomas has more freedom of the press than the USA. The struggles between the NY Time, the Washington Post, CNN and Fox they are just advertising to obtain more customers and viewer, but in essence they are all  the same, at the time of war, they all support militarism


    Correction: I don’t think ………


    *Nicolas Maduro 2018——–67,8%                                    *Donald Trump 2016———46%                                         *Theresa May 2017———42,3%                                        29,01% *Pedro Sanchez 2016——–22,6%                                       Nicolas Macron 2017——-24,01%                                     *Mauricio Macri 2015——–51%                                        26,08% *Sebastian Pinera 2017——-54,06%                                    *Juan Manuel Santos 2014—50,95%                                   *Alias Juan Guido2018——0,000%————

    The new interim president of Venezuela has zero votes. Trump calling Maduro a dictator and he received less votes than maduro, and the winner lost. Most member of the Lima Group also received less votes. Marco Rubio in Florida received less percentage of votes than Maduro, and he asked for new election, and in Florida he opposed the recount of votes. Senator Menendez accused Maduro of corruption and he is under investigation for prostitution, Medicare fraud,  and drugs


    On the US media, I would be curious to know how much coverage was given to Maduro’s BBC interview.

    Maduro makes extravagant claims in his defence but his side of the story should be told by a media that claims to be responsible.

    As for the interviewer, Orla Guerin, I recall Israel pressed for her replacement when she was the ME correspondent for the BBC, so she is no right-wing hawk.


    Both government of Salvador Allende, Hugo Chavez and Nicolas maduro were elected thru the ballot box but the first one was not overthrown right away, it took several years and he was ejected by a minority and a court decision and the second ones have not been overthrown yet.  They are not a solid case for the anarchists, the blanquita and the Maoists and others groups who advocate the so called revolutionary violent coup


    Rafael L Trujillo who was a dictator placed by the USA in the Dominican Republic and established a form of state capitalism and mixed production of the sugar industry.

    John F Kennedy asked him to step down or leave the country, he refused to his request and was assasinated by a cia plot using military close to him and before his death he was looking for the protection of the Soviet Union despite the fact that he was a champion of the anti communism and public enemy of Fidel Castro

    After  they killed him the USA did not give them any protection to his assasins and most of them were killed by his son Ramfis Trujillo, therefore Donald trump is not the only who can play double stands other USA president have done that too

    In one article we wrote that all dictators have been friends and allied of the western powers they have used them and when they don’t need  them they dispose, the same thing can happen to Guaido,

    I think their real man is Leopoldo Lopez like they did with Joaquin Balaguer who was replaced by Trujillo instead of his son  They wanted Trujilloism  without Trujillo, like it was in Iraq

    Leopoldo López is a members of  the socialist international like Carlos andres Perez who was president of Venezuela before Chavez and he was a social Democrat fully supported by the USA


    Maduro has a point that, insofar as there is a humanitarian crisis in Venezuela, imposing sanctions on the government is counterproductive as it makes things worse. It is always ordinary people who suffer from sanctions not the ruling elite. The calculation of Trump and the states he has in tow is that by making the situation in Venezuela worse people will turn to support their puppet replacement as president. Completely cynical without concern for the suffering people they feign to be concerned about. All they want is regime change and are prepared to play politics with people’s lives to get it. Nothing new there, then. Capitalist diplomacy as usual.


    Maduro has a point that, insofar as there is a humanitarian crisis in Venezuela, imposing sanctions on the government is counterproductive as it makes things worse. It is always ordinary people who suffer from sanctions not the ruling elite. The calculation of Trump and the states he has in tow is that by making the situation in Venezuela worse people will turn to support their puppet replacement as president. Completely cynical without concern for the suffering people they feign to be concerned about. All they want is regime change and are prepared to play politics with people’s lives to get it. Nothing new there, then. Capitalist diplomacy as usual.



    That is what they tried to do in Cuba and it did not work. The other cynical thing is that they have imposed an embargo which has cost more than 350 billions and created misery in the peoples and now they want to aliviate the hunger with a few dollars named humanitarian aid. The Red crosos did not want to be part of it. It is also known that the aid is composed of industrial rejects and out of date foods which the USA buy at huge discount from supermarkets and manufacturers. The Venezuelan millitary want to stop the so called humanitarian aid because they might be  sending weapons along with the aid


    “That is what they tried to do in Cuba and it did not work.”

    Marcos, wasn’t it the fact that the USSR more or less subsidized the Cuban economy that the embargo didn’t succeed but ever since the fall of the Soviet Union’s and the drop of imports from Cuba, it has been on the trajectory hoped for by the USA, a free-market, free-enterprise economy.


    Marcos, wasn’t it the fact that the USSR more or less subsidized the Cuban economy that the embargo didn’t succeed but ever since the fall of the Soviet Union’s and the drop of imports from Cuba, it has been on the trajectory hoped for by the USA, a free-market, free-enterprise economy.


    The Soviet Union purchased all the sugar production of Cuba, but it did not provide for all the needs, and the embargo did not allow Cuba to buy others things from others countries including most of the Latin America countries. What you have said is what the Cuban in Miami say, that Cuba does not have any embargo



    Guaido is also saying that Venezuela doesn’t have  any embargo, it look like  that he is taking classes about lying from Donald Trump and from the right wingers from Miami


    I remember reading something about the Orinoco Valley in something August Bebel wrote. I did, and have found it again here. Writing in 1910 he refuted Malthus by referring to something the American economist Henry Carey had written 40 years previously:

    Carey maintained forty years ago that the 360-mile long Orinoco valley alone could supply sufficient food to feed the whole human race.

    If this is true the fact that anyone is starving in Venezuela today is to be blamed on capitalism and its production for profit rather than to directly satisfy people’s needs.


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