
October 2024 Forums General discussion Venezuela

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  • #192852

    Sanctions for some – exemptions for others

    Chevron receives its fourth waiver granted since sanctions were imposed upon Venezuela.


    Chevron is one of the best partners of the government of Venezuela and PDVSA  which is the state-owned petroleum company, like Petrocaribe and its customers are 18 countries from the Caribbean region.

    It is called the people’s oil company, but like Chilean mining, a worker said during the government of Salvador Allende:   If the copper belong to the Chilean, can I take a piece to my house to make cooking pots?  the  answer was not, you can not do that

    Chevron has been in Venezuela for many decades since the times that Rockefeller was stealing petroleum from that country and made his fortunes from the Venezuelan oil. In my dictionary, they are called legal thieves.

    Most peoples do not know that private property and private ownership still prevails in Venezuela, they have expropriated some sectors of the economy, and many companies have failed because capitalism can not exist without producing profits

    Donald Trump is one of the best president and presidential candidate for the oil industry when he leaves he is going to obtain his reward like Barrack Obama who is a millionaire, he is not living in the Ghetto anymore

    The government of the USA has violated the Cuban embargo several times to sell agriculture and aviculture products to Cuba, and they have approved the export manifesto. Only fools believe in the capitalists



    Yesterday Pompeo said that the USA was ready to overthrow Nicolas Maduro, which means that they have the right to overthrow any government around the world, he did not say how is going to be done, the thing is that a state coup is very difficult to be carried over due to the fact that most military support Maduro, and thru an invasion, they would be forced to confront more than one million Milicianos trained on urban and jungle guerrillas fighting. It might be worse than Vietnam, and the regular army is heavily armed with Russian weapons. Probably, the medication can be worse than the disease, and it might wake up some guerrillas groups which exist in other countries in Latin America. Many members of the FARC are coming back to the jungle of Colombia


    A series of articles on Venezuela which raises some interesting talking points.

    The Ongoing Crisis in Venezuela: A Forum

    “…many on the international left, starting from an anti-imperialist framework, see the United States trying to remove another left-wing government in Latin America and have rallied against such actions. But is it possible to do this without defending the government of Maduro? … it is clear that Maduro takes advantage of the left’s anti-imperial commitments to cast himself in the role of a twenty-first-century Salvador Allende. That allows Maduro to push aside his share of responsibility for economic crisis, domestic repression, official corruption, and entanglement with criminal networks. Some on the left—but by no means all—have made excuses for Maduro’s government, by attributing current conditions to outside forces to a far greater degree than can be justified by the basic timeline of events….”


    The USA has invaded Latin America more than 125 times, and most peoples in the USA do not know that historical detail. If the USA invade Venezuela it is going to be worse than Vietnam, although they might try to use mini-nukes as they did in Iraq


    “Venezuela’s top diplomat called on the International Criminal Court Thursday to open an investigation into sanctions imposed on his country by the Trump administration, saying the economic warfare has caused the suffering of millions of Venezuelans.
    “Our government is seeking refuge with international law,” Foreign Minister Jorge Arreaza said Thursday. “We are convinced the consequences of the unilateral measures [by the United States] constitute crimes against humanity against the civilian population.” “


    The sorry tale of the mercenary army that failed


    On the party Twitter feed, not a day goes by without us being taunted about Venezuela and the suffering of Venezuelans.

    With millions of Americans now unemployed because of Coronavirus. Americans having to queue for food at food banks…..
    All we need now is for them to eat their pets?
    Not so sure if they will realise they got their comeuppance, karma is a….as they say.


    There was an invasion made this Sunday to Venezuela departing from Colombia, and the invasion failed in La Guaira. They are mercenary ( called Freedom fighters like the Taliban, in Brasil they have Evangelical Taliban  )  hired by the USA in Colombia and several were killed and the rest have been arrested


    Several US Green Berets were part of the invasion of Venezuela, and some were caught and others were killed by the armed forces, and two of them sang like canaries, and the USA is negating its participation in the operations, but several months before this operation they offered a reward of several millions of dollars for the head of Nicolas Maduro like in the old days of the Western cowboy and bounty hunters. Next time they are going to send the Mandalorian


    “Gringo adventurers have been trying to pull off South American coups for about 200 years – and failing miserably. But the survivors of this op are in their own class of stupid.”


    This is Donald Trump Bay of Pigs ( Bahia de Cochinos invasion )


    Three Iranian tankers carrying gasoline have arrived in Venezuela, violating US oil embargo, and despite the  threat made by the US  against the tankers and Iran


    With the help of a jailed former bodyguard, Yazenky Lamas, U.S. prosecutors are preparing to charge the person widely considered the power behind President Nicolás Maduro’s throne, first lady Cilia Flores,  with drug trafficking and corruption. Flores was aware of the coke-trafficking racket for which her two nephews were convicted by a U.S. court. Flores also used her privileged position, he said, to reward family members with prominent and well-paid positions in government, a claim of nepotism.

    More than likely to be true but a convenient blind eye is turned to other Latin American politicians who are friendly to the USA with similar shady dealings.


    Related to another thread on the forum on manipulation of culture for political subversion,  the United States funded rock groups in Venezuela to record songs promoting democracy – and undermine the rule of Hugo Chávez.

    More than 10 bands were contracted in 2011 to produce new songs promoting freedom of expression.

    In 2014, it was revealed that USAid, the American development aid organisation, had been secretly attempting to infiltrate Cuba’s underground hip-hop scene.

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