
July 2024 Forums General discussion Venezuela

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  • #184460

    Having made such a fuss that they were not withdrawing embassy staff, the US has now removed them all.


    Many times they have removed the embassy personnel before a military intervention


    The money-laundering scam. They were all at it.

    “There are two exchange rates in Venezuela: the national currency, the bolivar, and the US dollar,” Malcher told DW. “The rate of the bolivar to the US dollar is fixed by the central bank.”
    But not everyone can convert bolivares into dollars, and vice-versa. Only a few companies can operate an official conversion from bolivares to dollars – including PDVSA.
    All those who don’t have access to official exchanges must operate on the black currency market, which has very different rates than the official ones.
    Bolivares have a much higher value at the official exchange rate than at the black market rate – and the group of fraudsters reportedly exploited both the official and unofficial currency exchange systems. “The fraudsters had dollars,” Malcher explained. “With the dollars, they bought bolivares on the black market. They then gave a loan to PDVSA, which paid them back at the official exchange rate” – which resulted in them having many more dollars than what they started out with.
    This allowed the group to increase their initial investment tenfold.
    The operation began in December of 2014, and was meant to embezzle $600 million (about €534 million). By May 2015, the group had been able to double the amount to $1.2 billion (€1.07 billion).

    “A great many different models were chosen,” Malcher told DW. “We know that a very large part of the money first went to Malta, namely to shell companies which had ‘nominee shareholders,’ strawmen to whom the companies belonged – but only on paper.”
    “From Malta, they then reportedly invested this money in different businesses. For example, they invested in bonds issued by a company, or they reportedly invested on a grand scale in real estate in Spain. Or they transferred it through so many banks that the sender was no longer recognizable,” Malcher said.


    <article class=”hnews hentry item”>

    Military intervention can not overthrow the Venezuelan government

    While several Latin American states and US Special Forces seem to be preparing to attack Venezuela, Valentin Vasilescu examines the balance of power and topography. According to him, no form of invasion can defeat this vast country defended by a jungle, much larger than in Vietnam. Any intervention can only aim to destabilize the country, not to overthrow its government.



    Russians soldiers and military airplanes have landed in Venezuela, and the USA Congress immediately passed a resolution warning Russia against their actions in Latin America. The USA has 36 military bases and installations in different countries in the same area. This situation looks like the beginning of Syria part 2


    The USA is asking Russia to remove their troops and military airplanes from Venezuela, but they have military personnel and airplanes in Colombia, and there is a bridge which connects Colombia and Venezuela, and Marco Rubio and Mike Pence were agitating in Colombia to overthrow the government of Venezuela, and Bolton was showing in a notebook that they were going to send 5000 troops to Colombia. The real message is: Do not fool around in my backyard


    Those of us old enough remember the Reagan-complicit media providing the public with how long it would take for Russian tank battalions to get to the USA border from Nicaragua.

    On this occasion, they will not be able to do so.

    I would suggest that the Russians are the human shields to thwart an attack upon Venezuela and not a military threat either to the protestors or America.


    The Colombian Crisis

    Violence in some regions of Colombia has worsened significantly since the 2016 signing of a peace deal with Marxist rebels, the Red Cross said


    “Violence in some regions of Colombia has worsened significantly since the 2016 signing of a peace deal with Marxist rebels, the Red Cross said”

    The Red Cross is not well informed, or they are propagating wrong news

    Many members of the FARC have been assassinated by the Colombian paramilitaries  and many are coming back to arm themselves again

    The Colombian government did not comply with the peace treaty


    Reagan said that the Sandinistas were entering the USA thru Texas and it was only a lie to produce fear,  it was the opposite way,  the USA  group known as the Contras were entering in Nicaragua along with Collin Powell and Oliver North who also placed mines in the ports and in the country side of Nicaragua and still many peoples are losing body members due to the mines. The war criminal  Rumsfeld went to Central America and asked Nicaragua to disarm themselves when they did not have any parts or ammunition to use those weapons purchased from the Soviet Union. The only one who was propagating the real news was Gary Webs when he was a journalist of the Mercury News and he wrote the book: The Dark Alliance


    Maduro agrees to Red Cross to send aid to Venezuela.

    The average Venezuelan has lost 10kg in weight, according to Caritas


    Alan Johnston wrote: Maduro agrees to Red Cross to send aid to Venezuela.


    China and Russia have also sent aid to Venezuela

    Russia is also training the Venezuelan military forces in the operation of Russian Helicopters, and the operation of the Russian S300. It looks like Russia and China are  going to be arming some Latin America countries, such as Cuba, Bolivia and Nicaragua,  a situation never seen during the Cold War period








    It’s been mentioned before, Venezuela’s gold dealings, but its cropped up again in the media.

    “…Venezuela removed eight tonnes of gold from the central bank’s vaults last week, and the cash-strapped socialist state is expected to sell the bullion abroad as it seeks to raise hard currency in the face of U.S. sanctions…the central bank’s reserves had fallen by 30 tonnes since the start of the year before U.S. President Donald Trump tightened sanctions, leaving the bank with around 100 tonnes in its vaults, worth more than $4 billion (£3 billion). At that rate of decline, the central bank’s reserves would nearly disappear by the end of the year…”


    The goal is to dry the country completely and others petroleum producing countries such as Venezuela  Iran and Siria to stop them from controlling the world market before the collapse of the USA fracking industry which has been predicted to fall in the 2025   The Voltaire network news has made a good analysis about this situation


    Planning for invasion

    The Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) in Washington, D.C., boasted as attendees members of the State Department, the Colombian and Brazilian embassies, members of the Venezuelan opposition, and other officials in the American national security state.

    “That the Trump Administration is considering attacking Venezuela as an option is no secret, as they tell reporters that much at seemingly every opportunity. That they are holding such events to discuss the details, however, suggest a U.S. war may be closer than anyone realizes.”


    China’s ambassador to Chile, Xu Bu,  “Mr Pompeo has lost his mind”

    The US secretary of state, Mike Pompeo, pilloried Beijing for continuing to back Venezuela’s embattled president, Nicolás Maduro. “China’s bankrolling of the Maduro regime helped precipitate and prolong the crisis in that country. I think there’s a lesson … to be learned for all of us: China and others are being hypocritical calling for non-intervention in Venezuela’s affairs. Their own financial interventions have helped destroy that country,” Pompeo added, claiming Chinese money had been used to pay off Maduro’s cronies, crush pro-democracy activists and fund ineffective social programs.”

    The foreign ministry spokesman, Lu Kang, slammed Pompeo’s “groundless allegations” and “attempts to slander China and sow discord between China and Latin American countries”.

    “A lie will remain a lie, even if repeated a thousand times,” Lu told reporters.

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