
July 2024 Forums Off topic Users

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  • #130142

    Ahhhh…if wishes were horses, every beggar would ride.Easier said than done.However, we do have quite a lively Twitter account and Facebook account.As you can see, our magazine Socialist Standard has the facility to place comments.Everything is in place…except the visitors an the audience


    Has he/she mentioned the influence of the bourgeoisieideology in the minds of the workers?  Haven't we seen lately the rise of backward and reactionary bourgeoisie nationalism in the minds of the workers?   Haven't we seen lately a revival of the so-called anti-communist (or what they call it ) ideas around the world? Is that politic or baseball game?  What holds this society is the support that the working class is providing to capitalism due to their lack of political and socialist knowledge. The apathy of one person is not the apathy of the whole world

    Ike Pettigrew wrote:
    alanjjohnstone wrote:
    Are people on holiday or do i detect a decline in usage of this forum?Is it heading the same way as our previous Yahoo lists?Surely there is enough going on the world for more than a few members to engage others on this forum.

    I have to return to my original comment bt now add…this forum is boring an certainly not attractive for the casual visitor to linger…I've tried both to post informative messages and provocative ones to revive interest…but to no avail…

    Your problem is that people now use blogs and articles to comment.You need a really good blog up and running that is relevant and controversial and attracts attention with the aim of attracting hundreds of commenters to it.

    We have blogs and forums, twitter and facebook account. We have more publications and blogs than any other political party around the world, and several members have their own personal blogs, and we have discussion forum in others languages ( French and Spanish ) and we have articles published in others languages too. There are leftists and Anarchists groups which have published some of our articles in their own blogs. Socialist Standard used to be forwarded to more than 50 discussion forum. The only thing  that we have not done yet is to place the spoon in the mouth of the peoples, but with our limited resources we have done a great job 

    Ike Pettigrew wrote:
    alanjjohnstone wrote:
    Are people on holiday or do i detect a decline in usage of this forum?Is it heading the same way as our previous Yahoo lists?Surely there is enough going on the world for more than a few members to engage others on this forum.

    I have to return to my original comment bt now add…this forum is boring an certainly not attractive for the casual visitor to linger…I've tried both to post informative messages and provocative ones to revive interest…but to no avail…

    Your problem is that people now use blogs and articles to comment.You need a really good blog up and running that is relevant and controversial and attracts attention with the aim of attracting hundreds of commenters to it.

    Probably, I have been through more problems and frustrations than you, and I am a lone ranger and I surrounded by peoples with political apathy, and reactionary and backwards ideas,  but I am still fighting to stay as a socialist-communist, and I will not give up. I think that workers are going to rise up and will send this barbaric system to the fucking hell. I have on myself the cement and strong  foundation of the Socialist Party


    Once again, it seems that the forum users are dropping in number. Take myself and Marcos out and it would appear for much of the time the forum is inactive except for the occasional posting of WSM internal matters.If my posts are too frequent even if they are mostly follow-ups to previous threads and apt news-items are discouraging others from commenting, i will readily reduce the frequency of the contributions.

    alanjjohnstone wrote:
    Once again, it seems that the forum users are dropping in number. Take myself and Marcos out and it would appear for much of the time the forum is inactive except for the occasional posting of WSM internal matters.If my posts are too frequent even if they are mostly follow-ups to previous threads and apt news-items are discouraging others from commenting, i will readily reduce the frequency of the contributions.

     I, for one, greatly value your contributions and the numerous interesting links you provide.  I'm sure many others here do as well.  So keep up the good work!  The fortunes of the forum tend to be cyclical so I wouldnt worry too much about the current lull in acitivity


    It is i am afraid also a malaise i'm finding elsewhere.Libcom's forum is also suffering a drop in posts and pertinent comments.

    Mike Foster

    There are hopefully quite a few (like me) who often look into the forum but don't get around to posting much. 

    Bijou Drains

    I think Mike's right. From my experience, for every contiruter, there are four or five readers. I don't contribute that often due to work commitments, but I read it practically every day and update it regulalry. I had a look at the CWO forum and by comparison we have a haven of activlty. On the upside, looking at what's going on, I haven't seen as many meetings and activities going on for quite some time. I genuinely think activity and interest is on an upward swing.

    J Surman

    Horses for courses comes to mind.I'm another one who looks every day but rarely joins in – it would take too long! It's the same when we're in a group talking – some can talk till the cows come home with others hardly getting a word in, others can write reams fluently, still others have it all in the mind (and maybe happy to keep it like that) – but that's surely to do with personality  – – —- celebrate difference in the party. We don't want to become drones.

    J Surman wrote:
    — celebrate difference in the party. We don't want to become drones.

    Or clones for that matter…  and some of us have other fish to fry including participating in a five hour long branch meeting earlier today.

    Bijou Drains
    gnome wrote:
    J Surman wrote:
    — celebrate difference in the party. We don't want to become drones.

    Or clones for that matter…  and some of us have other fish to fry including participating in a five hour long branch meeting earlier today.

     Exactly, Marra!

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