Useless Quango never heard of “SPGB”

October 2024 Forums World Socialist Movement Useless Quango never heard of “SPGB”

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    would it be possible to request the Electoral Commission record something other than "leader"


    Unbelievably there are others who haven't heard of us.  Received an email yesterday from the venue where the Brighton Discussion Group holds its meetings saying that the room for the group's next meeting on 13 January had been double-booked.  When challenged the reply came:

    venue wrote:
    I am so sorry about this, you are absolutely correct. The room booking I mentioned is, in fact, by The Socialist Party of Great Britain. You had been put into the diary under an acronym which I was not familiar with, so I missed it.

    Hmm, I can see that might have been a struggle to work out…..  But at least someone at the venue knew of the derivation considering we have never made a booking there using the acronym.


    The Electoral Commission turned down our appeal against them (belatedly) disallowing "SPGB"  as a variant of our registered name that could be used on the ballot paper. We still haven't given up pursuing the matter and are waiting for them to supply us with a list of other acronyms they have struck off and also those they have allowed.In the meantime they have offered us a free replacement variant. We proposed "The Socialist Party (SPGB)". They rejected this but said we could have "The Socialist Party (SP-GB)" on the grounds that while SP and GB are immediately understandable by anyone SPGB is not. Strange logic but we have accepted.Actually, on reflection, SP-GB is not bad as it is saying that we are the SP in GB rather than of GB, i.e bringing out that we are using "Great Britain" only in its geographical sense without the otherr horrible, nationalistic even imperialistic connotations of that term. And, for those concerned about it, "The Socialist Party (SP-GB)" will avoid confusion with Militant Tendency who have also taken to calling themselves the "Socialist Party".In fact, "The Socialist Party (SP-GB)" could even be something we could use on the ballot paper instead of "The Socialist Party (GB)" and "The Socialist Party of Great Britain" that we have used up till now.What do people think?


    The weird and wonderful world of official bureaucracy…No SPGB but SP dash GB is permitted. Did we offer the more grammatically correct S.P.G.B. ?My preference from now would be to register "Socialist Party (World Socialist Movement)" since that is a variant we do not current possess and have that on the ballot papers from now on. 

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