Use of Slogans

December 2024 Forums General discussion Use of Slogans

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  • #188304
    Bijou Drains

    I regularly make contributions to the Have Your Say sections of the BBC website (mainly trying to provoke interest in the case, occasionally moaning about the state of NUFC).  Part of the problem with these type of forums is the fast moving pace at which discussion takes place, with contributions often being lost in the avalanche of discussion. Additionally there is a word limit, a bit like twitter, which reduces the ability to put together more sophisticated responses.

    It struck me that the use of short phrases (slogans for the want of a better term) could be helpful on this and other platforms. I often see unfamiliar phrases and or references on these sites and being of an enquiring mind go off and google them, sometimes leading to further enquiry on related areas.

    Would it not be possible for us  to consistently use a series of catch phrases that similarly provoke inquisitive minds to seek further information. Some may remember seeing gouranga plastered all over the place and wondering what the hell it meant.

    I am pretty sure through the use of google optimising tricks we could make sure that the initial hits come to party based websites, etc. I have already tried googling “abolish the wages system” and have found that the first three hits are a link to a Hardy article on the website, a link to the socialist standard myspace blog and a link to the Socialist Courier.

    I will now being ending all contributions to this or other similar sites with “Abolish the Wages System”, whether it works or not will be hard to judge.

    However are there any other stock phrases out there that we could use in a similar manner, it seems to me that draw curious minds to more substantial social material would be an effective way forward. We could also develop such phrases and then make sure they result in google searches which show party material.


    What about “free access” or Ken Smith’s summary of the socialist aim in two words: “Everything Free”, i.e. work as well as things but I agree that me having to explain this means that it’s not immediately obvious what we’re getting at, so not really a good slogan.


    ‘Only sheep need leaders’ is a good one, as on Party mugs. Or how about ‘One world, one race’.

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 6 months ago by rodshaw.
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