Upload audio recordings on youtube?

July 2024 Forums General discussion Upload audio recordings on youtube?

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    Videos of SPGB debates exist on youtube, so I don't see why audio recordings couldn't be uploaded aswell. Perhaps they would find a larger audience there.

    Renaming the debates could also possibly attract more viewers. For example instead of "Is Britain worth dying for" one could change it to "marxist and tory angry debate on war". Which isn't really clickbait because they are angry at eachother


    No reason why it can't be done. Would need to add an image and convert the file to video. It would have to be done by the Internet Committee.


    This was originally tested in 2015https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EbWQLLXfI2wIt is a good idea we should do more of.The whiteboard animation conference resolution was supposed to be about animation to accompany past debates audio.


    I personally think that the image could just be a text that says.the names of the debaters and the organisations they belong to.Whiteboard animations are good but it would take a lot of time (and money I assume) to animate all of the debates


    What do you think of the images in the yt vid in the link above?A whiteboard animation was a conference resolution.

    Sympo wrote:
    Whiteboard animations are good but it would take a lot of time (and money I assume) to animate all of the debates

    I agree. Whiteboard has its place but it's not practical to attempt to animate all the debates. But it is useful in short snippits. Or for explaining important parts of the socialist. Here is a short example:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w9701BFFPRU

    jondwhite wrote:
    What do you think of the images in the yt vid in the link above?

    I think they're alright, however they are repeated all over again and their relevance is only that they're covers of the the different groups magazines.Perhaps it would be better with two kinds of images.First, images of the opposing speakers combined with trivia about them ("he was born in the year of blabla, he joined the party in blabla, he wrote several articles about a certain subject, he died this year etc).Then, information about both groups with some historical pictures (without copyright or whatever) of the groups ("the SPGB was founded in 1904, it was early to criticize the Bolsheviks in Russia, the party opposes leadership" etc).

    jondwhite wrote:
    A whiteboard animation was a conference resolution.

    What do you mean?

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