'two-state solution'? 'one-state solution'?

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  • #173975
    Some claims regarding a shift in US public opinion about Palestine/Israel:
    A sentence in the article by Jonathan Cook requires some clarification. He says ‘The movement to boycott Israel, known as BDS, is growing on US campuses, but vilified by Washington officials, who claim its goal is to end Israel as a Jewish state by bringing about a single state, in which all inhabitants would be equal. ‘
    In fact the BDS movement takes neither a. anti-zionist (ie pro one-state) position nor a pro-zionist (ie pro two-state) position:
    ‘The BDS movement does not advocate for a particular solution to the conflict and does not call for either a “one state solution” or a “two state solution”. Instead, BDS focuses on the realization of basic rights and the implementation of international law.’ (BDS FAQ at https://bdsmovement.net/faqs#collapse16233 )


    Proposed US legislation, known as the Israel AntiBoycott Act, would criminally penalise individuals, including companies or their employees who participate in international boycotts of Israel and the occupied territories. In addition to the proposed federal legislation, 26 US states have enacted anti-BDS laws, with legislation pending in 13 states.

    An example of its application in Texas


    I can’t claim it’s all desperately interesting, but for reference sake:
    ‘What Comes Next?: A forum on the end of the two-state paradigm’ : https://mondoweiss.net/forum-state-paradigm
    Some fifteen worthies (among the better known: Richard Falk, N Finkelstein, N Chomsky, ………) give their views about what might/could happen. 
    (Under present conditions that is. It doesn’t seem to have occurred to anyone that doing away with Capital and the State might be the best solution, everywhere.)

    I’m a pessimist. I see no solution either in one-state or two-state.

    The Israeli Jewish population has demonstrated that they are not willing to share the country on an equal basis with non-Jewish Israelis. I think the divide is growing ever more entrenched.

    I cannot see the two-state alternative ever being viable. Over half a million West Bank settlers will not be so easily removed when the settlements are seen as alternative cheap housing compared to the sky-high property prices of Tel Aviv and other cities in Israel which a few years ago ignited protests.

    The Palestinian elite will exist and to protect their privilege will blame all the inequalities that will arise from a non-functioning “independent” state on the economic domination of Israel and perpetuate the hatreds by making Israel their scapegoat and with ample cause.

    Worth a read is the blog-post


    “It doesn’t seem to have occurred to anyone that doing away with Capital and the State might be the best solution”

    Can socialist ideas penetrate Israeli and Palestinian nationalism? We have little success with the mild/moderate nationalism that we regularly encounter much less the nationalism of peoples who consider themselves to be on a permanent war-footing with one another.


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