Twitter and reformism.

September 2024 Forums World Socialist Movement Twitter and reformism.

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  • #110708

    I notice a twitter account has been set up:worldsocialism@spgbinternetWhat comes after the @ I think it is more important. We need to take @worldsocialism before someone else does. It is suspended at the moment.

    Vin wrote:
    I notice a twitter account has been set up:worldsocialism@spgbinternetWhat comes after the @ I think it is more important. We need to take @worldsocialism before someone else does. It is suspended at the moment.

     We've already laid claim to@worldsocialism that's why it is suspended. The @spgbinternet is a tempory account name which will be switched to @worldsocialism once someone at Twitter pushes the right button…


    This has received 5 retweetS in one day reaching a potential audience of thousands including 'unified left' who agrees with it. It would really help if the party's official account and other party members could retweet. Perhaps they missed it so I will be tweeting it again  It displays both name and objective and is a free advert. 

    DJP wrote:
    Vin wrote:
    I notice a twitter account has been set up:worldsocialism@spgbinternetWhat comes after the @ I think it is more important. We need to take @worldsocialism before someone else does. It is suspended at the moment.

     We've already laid claim to@worldsocialism that's why it is suspended. The @spgbinternet is a tempory account name which will be switched to @worldsocialism once someone at Twitter pushes the right button…

    I requested an official twitter account? I believe NERB wrote to the IC. This account is still inactive


    Does anyone know – Is the twitter account @worldsocialism active? Does the party have any plans for it?  


    The Party's official twitter account has almost 3000 followers and has engaged with Corbyn's official twitter account about the desirability of abolishiing money. Well done cde 


    Let's direct some of our meagre resources to support him and our facebook 


    Why is the twitter account being transferred to the control of a companion party when NERB have requested controf

Viewing 8 posts - 16 through 23 (of 23 total)
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