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  • #171834

    We have a very active SPGB account on Twitter and very good it is too.

    Take a look at The Socialist Party (@OfficialSPGB):

    The WSP also has a fairly inactive account, last post 2017:

    Take a look at World Socialism (@WorldSocialism):

    There is also someone else with similar title very actively posting, although they have only recently changed their name from World Socialism to Workers Of The World Unite:

    Take a look at WorkersOfTheWorldUnite (@World_Socialism):

    Is it possible for the internet committee to get all our accounts Twitter verified as the SPGB one isiand to perhaps challenge the use of World Socialist Party on that other account?


    I have fallen prey to this account. I have blocked them.

    My Twitter accounts are all now locked. I  have in the past simply answered questions made by people who then engages in hateful conduct, harassment and spamming.

    I reply, then get a dozen tweets in a flash, all pejorative. You respond to as many as you can honestly and another dozen tweets pejorative appear!

    If you blocked them, they reply with “you can’t face debate and you’re a cowardly commie piece of shit”!

    They then accuse me of abusing them, when I give as good as I get! They like to give it but they don’t like it back!

    You can’t win with these morons. I have had one account suspended. They wait for you to say something  that they can go running to Twitter support to report you for. You are then put in moderation  for 12 hours…

    I have warned Max from time to time, to block these morons, but the damage is already done.



    SussexSocialist thanks for the heads up 👍


    Oh no, that account has 2,654 followers. Damn

    I have reported it.


    I wonder if if we can get the followers? This is bad


    i am following all of the followers! I have posted a tweet saying fake account

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 7 months ago by james19.
    • This reply was modified 5 years, 7 months ago by james19.

    Can OUR accounts aside from the SPGB one which already is, get verified? It cuts this issue out.

    There is rarely genuine debate on Twitter. I find it easier to post and not engage the numpties.


    Just received a message from Max the Twitter account moderator, the account belongs to a party member.


    Just read the message and “it appears to be”


    Fair enough. If our WS account is blue ticked, no confusion.


    Couple of private Twitter messages received from the same person, 34 minutes apart.

    “Dear Socialist Santa, was wondering if you would pay for my mum to get her nails and hair done + car valeted she can’t afford it because of those right wing leeches in office making us work. Oh and she wants some alcohol for Christmas – champagne and none of the cheap stuff please. x”


    “Ok I just went to your website and I take that back you seem like a good bunch and I really enjoyed the ethics article as I found it a great read. I’ve taken myself on a real roller coaster road tonight. At first I believed it was just light hearted fun to point at the silly socialists and laugh but as I stood brushing my teeth and looking into the mirror it occurred to me that you are humans, just like me, with thoughts and beliefs that you firmly stand by, and who am I to decide what’s right and what’s wrong? One day we will all be dead and it doesn’t matter if we are a socialist or a capitalist, as we are humans. It doesn’t matter if you are dogs, cats, mice, elephants or the SNP. We all share this planet and if we allow ourselves to be taken in by divisive politics which will never allow us to bond then why are we here. Thank you, The Socialist Party. You have really helped me to look inside myself tonight. Why was I poking fun at you? Why do you deserve it? Was I doing it because I have been hurt myself? The best feeling in the world is to feel loved and I wish that everybody could feel it. I may not agree with your political views but we can still love one another and live in harmony as human beings. Socialists were born into a family with a mother and a father the same as I, a capitalist, right leaning individual. We both grew up in the same country, on the same planet and both grew up and learned about the world and as we learned we obviously went down our different ideological routes. I shall be looking forward to further updates. Please let your associates know that I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas and that you have success at the next general election. I wish you all well. Take care. – Your friend, J**** A****, ***********, East Yorkshire”




    James19 said:

    Oh no, that account has 2,654 followers. Damn

    I have reported it.


    I wonder if if we can get the followers? This is bad


    i am following all of the followers! I have posted a tweet saying fake account


    What makes you think this is a fake account?





    Take a look at WorkersOfTheWorldUnite (@World_Socialism):

    Is it possible for the internet committee to get all our accounts Twitter verified as the SPGB one isiand to perhaps challenge the use of World Socialist Party on that other account?


    Why do you think this is an SPGB account?



    There is a long standing thread on Party Twitter accounts. Do we need another one?


    Here is a previous thread on party twitter activity as SussexSocialist said the officialSPGB account is doing a great job.

    Apologies for the multiple posts but the forum doesn’t have editing facilities


    Bijou Drains

    Hi Vin

    Good to hear from you, Marra. Hope you and your’s are well and healthy, Keep a’had bonny lad and give us a bell sometime.


    p.s N’divvent fesh yersell aboot the Mackems, tha deein canny

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