Trump as president again?

March 2025 Forums General discussion Trump as president again?

  • This topic has 196 replies, 16 voices, and was last updated 1 week ago by ALB.
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  • #256021

    It looks like the 24-48 hours war ending offered by Trump to his followers during the election campaign is not going to take place. They were just promises made by a populist demagogue leader

    Before been officially nominated as a president, he had made certain peace offerings to the Russians but they have rejected all of them, the accords made between capitalists are not based on friendship, they are based on their own interests

    The Russians are not fools, and the main objectives of their invasion to Ukraine are still on the negotiation table, and they are not going to give to the USA a big piece of the cake, that is a war for natural resources, routes and spheres of influences


    [The following is a lighthearted email I sent to some friends in the US.]

    Dear Multiple Recipient:

    11 minutes of Glenn Greenwald: .

    His riveting view of the transformations and flip-flops of both Trump and Sanders in the matter of H1B visas, and of the tensions (‘base’ vs ‘elites’) in the Trump movement. (The 2016 quote from Trump against H18 could go into a textbook, paraphrased as: ‘I am a capitalist. I am in competition with other capitalists. When both I and my competitors have the same legal opportunity to make money, I cannot pass it up, regardless of the consequences for actual or prospective employees. To do so could doom my business.’)

    Readers of the Guardian, the BBC, CNN and the like, for whom Steve Bannon is a crypto-fascist bacterium, will be surprised to find him presented (from 8:16) in a very positive light, as being particularly (left-) populist in the economic policies he unsuccessfully supported in the first Trump term before being fired. (Tax the rich/corporations, spend the resulting billions on rebuilding infrastructure and hiring workers.)

    Greenwald may be indispensable in his anti-neoconism, anti-Israelism, and defense of civil liberties, but at the end of the day, he is after all a USA-centric shallow left-populist journalist. Although what he says about a ‘traditional left’ position on immigration — something he has been repeating for years — has applied to one extent or another to the ‘tamed’ or institutionalised workers’ movement, it does not apply to the (at least ostensibly) social-revolutionary left. The notion, really just commonsensical, was that workers, including migrant labor (regardless of whether this migration was country-internal or borders had been crossed), rather than facing the employer as atomised individuals, must be organised into unions, so as to exert collective power so as to maintain or force up the price of labor-power (wages) that otherwise would fall due to the adverse effect of supply-and-demand.

    And even the Second International, although thoroughly reformist under some revolutionary packaging, passed no resolutions against immigration but only those consonant with the last sentence of the paragraph above.


    Jeezua. Talk about blatant, unabashed imperialism …

    “President-elect Donald Trump declined on Monday to rule out military or economic action as part of his avowed desire to have the U.S. take back control of the Panama Canal and acquire Danish-controlled Greenland.”´

    There is also this: Greenland´s response.

    • This reply was modified 1 month, 4 weeks ago by robbo203.

    The USA continues using the Doctrine of discovery which gave to the European invaders the rights to take and steal all lands, territories, resources and to kill the original inhabitants of those regions, and put their own names on everything, and impose their religions on all the peoples that survived. Again they want to apply the Monroe doctrine in Latin America, and the Carter doctrine in the Middle East

    Now, they want to give a new name to the Gulf of Mexico without consulting with Mexico, Cuba and the inhabitants of the Caribbeans islands, now he wants to name it the Gulf of America, this ignorant does not even know the history of the region, as well, he does not know the history of Greenland, its geological formation, their intention is just to produce profits at all cost ( oil, gas, fish and sulfur ) and a bunch of workers without consciousness support their ambitions blinded by nationalism

    All those continents and islands had their names before the Europeans invaders came to the region, and the whole region used to be called the Turtle Island,( Abya Yala ) they have placed their names on everything and they have destroyed all culture and civilizations around the whole world, and now they are destroying the oldest civilization in the Middle East ( Near East ) which is Syria, or the Caldean and the Assyrian, and they destroyed Iraq. The south-west of the USA was called Aztlanán

    Christoper Columbus and his expeditionaries should have sunk in the sea to avoid the massacre of more than 75 millions of human beings, the so called Columbus Day has been eliminated in several countries in Latin America, it is the celebration of a massacre like thanksgiving day and most peoples do not know the real history of that event

    Americo Vespucci was just a liar, a forgery, and a map robber like most of the ones that headed those explorations, they did not discover anything, they were the ones that were discovered by the natives, that is the reason why they do not want the school system to use the history books of Howard zinn because he has debunked all those myth and lies, but they can not cover the sun with one finger because the historians Juan Bosh, Francis Jennings, Jimenez Grullon, and Galeano have written the same historical description and millions of peoples have read their books

    This reactionary right wingers do not respect any history, human beings, laws, treaties, or the independence of any country,( isolationism and interventionism combined ) they are the new buccaneers and the filibusters, and the pirates like Francis Drake which were a bunch of thieves, murderers, and land robbers

    PS Galeano book was given to Barrack Obama, he did not know that history either, living on pipe dreams, when he was young he mentioned Malcom X


    One of the few individuals in the US who really know the history of immigration is Aviva Chomsky, although some of her research had already been done by a group of peoples from the Caribbean islands, and Chineses, and Juan Gonzalez journalist of Democracy Now.

    The history of the US immigration is very complex and variable, as well the laws of immigration is very complex too, and variable, it changed according to the economic changes of the nation and the logic of capitalist mode of production.

    Before 1965 there was not such thing as ilegal emigration, and there was not quota on immigration, and before the H1B Visa, there was another one known as practical training which was given to professional graduated in the USA, specially to engineers when the USA was an industrialized nation, even more, engineers were hired before being graduated.

    Harvard founded the University of Puerto Rico in order to produce more mechanicals, civil engineers and agronomists, most of the students already had background on calculus and physics. Immigration laws are based on priorities and precedents, as well, there was a priority for emigrants from the so called communist countries, and for the exiles from Central America also created for political propaganda

    Those nationalists do not know the history and the laws of immigration, and they do not know that thousands of engineers have been fired in the USA and they have been replaced by cheaper labor forces, and many of them can not find a job, and most graduate schools of sciences are surviving because many students are from foreign countries such as China, India and the Middle East, the rest of the students are majoring in business administration and finance


    Jeezua. Talk about blatant, unabashed imperialism …

    “President-elect Donald Trump declined on Monday to rule out military or economic action as part of his avowed desire to have the U.S. take back control of the Panama Canal and acquire Danish-controlled Greenland.”

    Don’t forget about Musk (co-president more or less) talking on Twitter about whether the US should “liberate” Britain…


    Oh yeah, almost forgot myself, Trump also wants Canada.

    The only bad part about Trump choking on a Big Mac, or being Mangionied, (both of which are probable scenarios considering past occurrences) is that the equally revolting JD Vance will just take his place. However, I don’t think Vance commands the same sort of support that the orange buffoon does, so perhaps that could limit some of what he and the Maga Republicans do. Trump certainly makes the job of socialists much easier though by openly stating that he wants this or that region for economic or national reasons.


    He wants to invade Mexico too, and probably Venezuela

    He is going to need a big army to invade all those countries from his interventionist list, he does not remember that the USA has been defeated several times by less sophisticated armies, and he might need a large network of industries to produce and reproduce war commodities which do not exist in the USA

    The old days of WW 2 are gone. A war in South America might be another Vietnam and a good market for the Chinese and the Russian to sell military weapons, as it was done during the war in Central America.

    It might produce the revival of many guerrillas groups and resistances , and the USA army is not prepared to fight in the jungles of South America and central america

    Mexico is the biggest exporter of commodities to the USA and the economy might collapse


    It’s also worth noting that Trump hardly talked about annexing Canada, Greenland, the Panama Canal or any other region during his campaign, so I imagine that this is sort of news for many of his supporters as well. He has talked about purchasing Greenland in the past, but Greenland wasn’t really a major theme of the 2024 election. As linked to above, I think it was also only recently that he has publicly discussed “not ruling out military means” in order to acquire Greenland or the Panama Canal, a comment which is obviously making headlines in the US.


    Are such outlandish threats to be at all taken seriously or even remarked upon at all?


    It is a bargaining opening. The US already occupies militarily Greenland anyway.

    Interesting to note that Trump is employing the same “military security” argument for acquiring Greenland as Putin did for Russia invading Ukraine.

    Looks as if the pretence of defending democracy and all that is going to be dropped in coming years in favour of naked realpolitik and the doctrine of might is right.


    The US has a military base in Greenland since 1951 and it has had more military personnel than civilians, besides being an strategic location, it has mineral deposits and oil, and most of the billionaires behind trump want to drill petroleum, rare earth all over the earth and the seas.

    Greenland has many natural resources, including:
    Copper, gold, lead, molybdenum, precious stones, rare earth, uranium, thorium, titanium, zinc, graphite, lithium, oils, gas, coal, and iron

    Canada, Denmark and England are members of NATO since its foundation, I do not think that a member of NATO is going to fight against another member of NATO, as Adam wrote realpolitik is going to be real issue about all this populist bluff. He is not going to be able to dissolve NATO, even more Joe Biden expanded its membership and it is in a stronger stand at the present time

    They do not need an invasion to take the resources of Greenland, they are going to negotiate that among capitalists, and the USA does not have the resources to buy Greenland, and in the last time the congress voted against increasing the deficit and he is not going to obtain the approval to buy it, and he has opposition within the high ranks of the Pentagon, that is the reason why he wants to remove some of them, and his nominee has a lot of opposition within the congress

    He is making all those threats like a typical gangster to scare peoples and to show to his base that he is a strong man, but he is not, it is part of his show,

    He will not invade or shoot missiles toward Mexico, there are several USA corporations in Mexico who are also supporting him including the automobile industry, and a shortage of food from Mexico might create problem with his base of supporters.

    A big crisis in Mexico will increase the emigration to a higher level, and he is not going to be able to deport more than 20 millions peoples in four years, and many farmers that voted for him are already complaining and getting scare because they might go into bankruptcy due to the fact that most of their workers are from Mexico and other Latin America countries, and nobody else want to do their job, and they do not have the training either, to deport millions of peoples will require a lot of military resources and money that the congress is not willing to spend, and some states that depend on agriculture are getting ready to confront him including republicans governors

    He only has 25% of support within the Americans workers,( 1.25% was the difference with Harris ) and he promised peace to his supporters, he does not have a mandate as he is saying.

    The market system is stronger than any president, and Biden prepared the conditions that will force him to continue the war in Ukraine and the Middle East, he is not going to be able to unban seas drilling for oil

    He is not going to invade Venezuela, and the Venezuelan army is armed to the teeth and they have a lot of military training, and all of them are supporting Maduro, an invasion to Venezuela might create many opposition in the region, and many guerrillas groups are willing to fight against the USA including the Colombian FARC, the time to kick ass are already gone,

    His Secretary of State who might be Marco Rubio, he is not going to be welcome in Latin America and he will try to create opposition against cuba, Venezuela, Colombia, brasil and Nicaragua, and all countries ( the argentina ambassador was fired because she opposed Cuba embargo at the UN ) want the cuban embargo to be lifted. Most leftwing organizations oppose him, and also Hillary Clinton had a lot of opposition within the peoples when she was the Secretary of State, and she is more ‘liberal’ than him

    Pretty soon the Chinese are not going to need the Panama Canal, they have their own port, and they are trying to make a Canal thru Nicaragua, the lake that supply water to the Panama Canal is getting dry due to climate change and pretty soon the canal is going to be useless, and it will require billions of dollars to fix that situation

    The last time that George Bush invaded Panama it created a big crisis in the region, and in this time the situation can be worse and there more countries and government in Latin America who are opposing the USA, the situation is different, and the presence and influence of China and Russia in the region will make a difference, the situation is totally different to the period of the cold war.

    The USA is an empire in decline, and it is losing its grip around the world, and its world hegemony is declining, it has a powerful army but it has been defeated several times


    He is going to need a big army to invade all those countries from his interventionist list, he does not remember that the USA has been defeated several times by less sophisticated armies, and he might need a large network of industries to produce and reproduce war commodities which do not exist in the USA

    The US annexing Canada, if this ever happens, would also likely prevent people from evading any future wars/drafts by fleeing to Canada, like many Americans did during the Second Indochina War.

    Incidentally, I would also consider the Second Indochina War a strategic rather than a military defeat for the US. The US was and is a nuclear power after all, and General Westmoreland (appropriately named) even entertained the idea of employing nuclear weapons to “save” the Saigon regime. The US did indeed lose around 58,000 American troops—which paled in comparison to the millions of deaths inflicted by the US on the Vietnamese, Cambodians, and Laotions—but it was really the anti-war movement in the US and elsewhere that was among the decisive factors in helping to end the war. The US also never directly invaded the North due to fears of a Soviet or Chinese retaliation, so the US mostly just bombed them instead, in addition to carrying out various special operations.

    While we’re on the topic of Inodchina, Trump’s argument for annexing places for economic or national (i.e. capitalist/imperialist) security is also really no different, at least in its imperialist aims, from the American interests in Indochina during the First and Second Indochina Wars. The US wanted to keep Southeast Asia a part of the so-called “free-world” and to prevent countries like Japan (which the US occupied after the Second War World) from losing access to vital resources and non-“communist” trading partners. Eisenhower, in a press conference in 1954, expressed as much when he explicitly listed resources in Indochina that the US was interested in, as well as the supposed consequences of Indochina’s capitulation to so-called “communism”:

    “Now, with respect to the first one, two of the items from this particular area that the world uses are tin and tungsten. They are very important. There are others, of course, the rubber plantations and so on” (91).

    “But when we come to the possible sequence of events, the loss of Indochina, of Burma, of Thailand, of the Peninsula, and Indonesia following, now you begin to talk about areas that not only multiply the disadvantages that you would suffer through loss of materials, sources of materials, but now you are talking about millions and millions of people.


    It takes away, in its economic aspects, that region that Japan must have as a trading area or Japan, in turn, will have only one place in the world to go—that is, toward the Communist areas in order to live.

    So, the possible consequences of the loss are just incalculable to the free world” (91).


    “French Foreign Minister Jean-Noël Barrot said “there is obviously no question that the European Union would let other nations of the world attack its sovereign borders”.

    LOL. Its war brewing up – against the Yankee imperialists!


    Now Russia is taking an interest in Trump´s imperialist ambitions re Greenland. Maybe Denmark can call on the services of a few Russian brigades when the US marines move in LOL LOL

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