Trump as president again?

January 2025 Forums General discussion Trump as president again?

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  • #254736

    The election of Trump was the US proletariat’s imposition of its dictatorship:


    Moo wrote:

    ‘According to BBC News, 48% of Hispanic-Americans & 50% of Asian-Americans voted for Trump! Can you imagine! ‘

    What is the challenge to the imagination supposed to be?

    In addition:

    ‘Trump about doubled his share of young Black men – which helped him among key Democratic voting group. About 3 in 10 Black men under the age of 45 went for Trump, roughly double the number he got in 2020.’ (from

    Obviously such voters are not Guardian etc readers or they’d have ‘known better’, eh?


    As a further challenge to some people’s imagination there’s the Arab-American / Muslim vote:

    And a couple days before the election, the exemplary
    self-described ‘extremely liberal’ Democrat Arab-American who not just voted for Trump but campaigned for him: to 3:37 and then off it, about 50 seconds or so in all.)

    and also about her, the first three paragraphs here:


    In fact, in his victory speech Trump even bragged of support by, among others, Arab-and-Muslim Americans:

    ‘They had some great analysis of the people that voted for us. Nobody’s ever seen anything like that. They came from, they came from all quarters. Union, nonunion, African American, Hispanic American, Asian American, Arab American, Muslim American, we had everybody and it was beautiful. It was a historic realignment. Uniting citizens of all backgrounds around a common core of common sense.’

    An actually rather bizarre speech for Trump in so far as it was marked by lack of gratuitous offensiveness, and reference to migrants was both scant and benign.

    Speech transcript:


    This (from the paper of the American Communist party) on the results of other votes that took place on 5 November is interesting. It shows that workers are capable of distinguishing voting for Trump from everyday bread-and-butter issues he might not agree with.

    Anyway, here it is:

    Voters back pro-worker and abortion rights measures across the country


    In response to DJP’s post (at the bottom of page 2):

    There are no considerable differences in economic policy between the Republicans & Democrats. The USA didn’t significantly reduce its GHG emissions during the Obama & Biden presidencies, & illegal immigrants weren’t exactly treated like royalty, either.

    When it comes to the issue of women’s reproductive rights, Trump has already said he will not work for a federal ban on abortion, & believes the states should have authority on that issue.

    Its very undemocratic that the president is allowed to appoint supreme court judges. This is because the supreme court is the government’s watchdog, so, it goes without saying that the government’s watchdog shouldn’t be appointed by the government!


    Young Master Smeet wrote:

    ‘I do wonder if the slight margins of sexism (say worth 5% of the vote) come into play in a tight contest – say, would Walz on his own have won?’

    I don’t think sexism had anything to do with it. After all, Hillary Clinton won the popular vote 8 years ago, & Biden won 4 years ago with a female running mate.


    ZJW wrote:

    ‘What is the challenge to the imagination supposed to be?’

    That Trump positions himself as a racist & xenophobe, & yet, he greatly increased his share of the vote from ethnic minorities.

    BTW, whenever I write ‘can you imagine!’ or ‘imagine!’ I’m just copying Natalie Wood, who said the former in ‘the Affair’ & the latter in ‘Penelope’.


    In my opinion, Trump won because Americans blame Biden for the cost-of-living crisis (due to the myth that governments control the economy, when it’s the other way ’round). Also, protectionism sounds good to workers, even though its an issue that only concerns the capitalist class.


    “The USA didn’t significantly reduce its GHG emissions during the Obama & Biden presidencies, & illegal immigrants weren’t exactly treated like royalty, either.”

    Of course that’s true, but that doesn’t mean that things on those fronts won’t now be significantly worse.


    “In my opinion, Trump won because Americans blame Biden for the cost-of-living crisis (due to the myth that governments control the economy, when it’s the other way ’round).”

    I think this was a (or the) major factor too. Though there was more than that going on.


    “The election of Trump was the US proletariat’s imposition of its dictatorship”

    A proletarian dictatorship enacted through unchallenged oligarchal power perhaps?


    “There are no considerable differences in economic policy between the Republicans & Democrats.”

    There was only one candidate running on a protectionist platform, so there definitely are significant differences.


    Thought it would be interesting to hear what the creator of the “13 keys” would say. In short, from the comments section, “The keys only work if everyone lives in the same reality”. The polarisation of news sources, and the level of disinformation present within them, has led to a breakdown of the keys as a predictive model. US “democracy” is now completely under the control of oligarchic power.


    Wasn’t it always?

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