Train spotting

September 2024 Forums General discussion Train spotting

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  • #212563

    I’m not much of a train-spotter nerd but i have always been curious to why the USA has never adopted environmental friendly high-speed trains. I have read it is to do with the strength of the political lobby of aviation companies and the car-truck gasolene corporations.

    I couldn’t help but to click on to the next level of train travel here.

    Maglev (wheel-less) and automated (driver-less) which will be capable of speeds of 400-500mph.

    Already China has “conventional” driverless bullet trains of 200mph


    It is not that they can not do it, it is that they do not want to do it. In California, all train companies were purchased by the automobile industry and they built freeways instead of train tracks

    It is a whole network or package for the automobile and gasoline industries, cars, trucks, the insurance industry, car dealers and mechanic, car parts, courts, lawyers, police system, and judges, a civil offense becomes a criminal offense, and it is fee income for the states and the private jail system which are like private hotels, they always need visitors, if you do not pay a transit fine, you go to jail even if you hire the best lawyer

    They do not have a good medical system because they can not do it, they do not want to do it because it does not produce profits, the way they have it now produces much better profits, they are selling masks, alcohol, and disinfectants because it produces profits, the purpose of the capitalist is not in order to produce a commodity for display, the must sell it to produce a profit

    Amtrack was a luxury liner and everybody traveled by train and now it is a piece of crap with old passenger cars and faulty system and they always blame the problem on the train engineer or driver. Blame it on the workers !!!

    The electric car was already built and the whole project was replaced by the SUV with bigger engines and bigger gasoline consumption, and all-electric cars were destroyed and many peoples can not connect the dots believing in the so-called American Dream. The keyword is Profit


    US freight infrastructure is something else entirely. Maintenance? What maintenance?

    There are lots of video clips like this:

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