The WSM/SPGB strategy in 2014

October 2024 Forums World Socialist Movement The WSM/SPGB strategy in 2014

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    Any thoughts ideas for what the WSM/ SPGB should do in 2014 in furtherance of its object?

    Obviously there is the big debate in Conway Hall with Peter Tatchell.

    There is summer school and a reprint of articles on World War I.


    You've forgotten the Euroelections and the London borough elections in May. And there's also the Scottish referendum in September.

    jondwhite wrote:
    Any thoughts ideas for what the WSM/ SPGB should do in 2014 in furtherance of its object?

    Persuade as many members as possible to participate in the activities which have already been arranged and those yet to be finalised.  In general let's see far more action and considerably less chattering. 


    Halfway through the year nearly, any further thoughts on this? Or how to persuade members to participate in activities already arranged and future activities? And in particular non-members?


    Move propoganda emphasis from creating a moneyless stateless society to how capitalism creates its horrors and the political steps needed for the establishment of socialism. 


    An end to the multiple logos and party names. The adoption of one logo and one party name to appear on all public docs/internet/elections/statements etc etc.  

    Vin Maratty wrote:
    An end to the multiple logos and party names.

    Good idea. We did get there in 1988 when Conference passed the following resolution to regulate the use of the various names under the party is known.

    Tnis Conference resolves that the Party's full name, 'The Socialist Party of Great Britain', be used in the following cases:(a) Legal documents, Forms A. to G, membership cards.(b) The World Socialist Movement listing box, The World Socialist Movement publications box, the 'Address of: the Party' box on the inside page of. the Socialist Standard giving details of EC Meetings, etc.'The Socialist Party' to be used in the following cases:(1) On the covers of the Socialist Standard, pamphlets and leaflets.(2) Generally in the texts of articles and pamphlets.(3) On all occasions where the address of Head Office is given, e.g. headed notepaper, adverts for socialist material, etc., except in (b) above.(4) All advertising and publicity material, posters, media adverts, etc.(5) In the titles of meetings and debates, and as the organiser of them.(6) Generally by speakers at indoor and outdoor meetings.(7) Manifestoes, election addresses, etc.(8) On the Head Office shop front fascia

    It caused a bit fuss (to put it mildly) but was confirmed in a subsequent party poll.The trouble is that, in the last decade or so, opponents of it have been trying to gradually whittle it away, their latest success being the recent decision not only to restore "of Great Britain" to the fascia but, worse, to add SPGB as well.I'm afraid, Vin, the tide has been moving in the opposdite direction, even if (2) to (7) and parts of (1) still stand. But maybe, hopefully, a majority can still be found to stop it it being whittled away any further.


    Thanks for the reference, Alb It seems to me, then, that a logo  around 'The Socialist Party' needs to be designed in such a way that it cannot be confused with any other organisation and  the conference resolution applied: that it appears everywhere except (a) and (b)It seems to me that the head of this site  The Socialist Party of Great Britain  and the new HO fascia contravenes the 1988 resolution. 

    Vin Maratty wrote:
    It seems to me that the head of this site  The Socialist Party of Great Britain  and the new HO fascia contravenes the 1988 resolution.

    I think that would be going too far. We didn't have a website in 1988 and it has always been accepted that we should use the full name in an international context and the internet is one. Defenders of the recent Conference decision will say that it amends the 1988 resolution just as an earlier Conference decision to restore "of Great Britain" on the front of the Socialist Standard did. I think we can accept that these decisions have been made constitutionally. It's their wisfom that is contestable.


    You will have to excuse me as I am not up to date on Conference decisions and Party Polls at he moment.I was of the opinion that the general feeling was that the party needed to reflect an image in line with its aims. The 'SPGB' or 'The Socialist Party of |Great Britain' fails in that respect.

    Vin Maratty wrote:
    It seems to me that the head of this site  The Socialist Party of Great Britain  and the new HO fascia contravenes the 1988 resolution.

    No they don't.   The following motion was carried at the 2008 Conference.“This Conference resolves that the Party's full name, 'The Socialist Party of Great Britain', be used in the following cases:A. legal documents; B. Party forms; C. Party membership cards; D. publication credits, including the masthead of the Socialist Standard; E. listings of World Socialist Movement parties and publications; and F. the title of the Party's website.It is encouraged to use the abbreviated form 'The Socialist Party' in any other context where confusion with other similarly named organisations is unlikely.  (emphasis added)This resolution supersedes the 1986 and 1988 Conference resolutions respecting the use of the Party's names.”Central London Branch.Amendment to motion 13: “After 'C.', insert new paragraph: ‘D. All Party bank accounts.’ and re-letter subsequent paragraphs.” South London Branch.Vote 17 on the amendment For 80 Against 20 Vote 18 if the amendment is carried For 73 Against 25 Vote 19 on the unamended motion For 59 Against 36 Motion as amended CARRIEDAs the Assistant Secretary of the Party recently opined:"There is no longer any restriction on using 'The Socialist Party of Great Britain'.  

    steve colborn

    I've been through this before. From 1981, to be exact. That the discussion over the Party name and it's usage, led to certain branches being expelled, is a matter of historical tecord. That in all this time, we have been unable to come to a modern discription of our intent, vis a vis our monicker, is regrettable. Nevertheless, in the 21st century, I personally feel that using Grand Brittania is both outdated and moreover counterproductive.We are a World Socialist movement. When established in 1904, the "world" was a smaller place, no longer. The epithet Great Britain, is both outmoded, injurious to our established aims and plainly wrong!From 1981, I had the sense from the Party, that we needed to ditch the illusion of "nationhood" altogether, from the Party discription. It would appear now, that some would have us wear it as if, some badge of honour?  I sincerely wish, that in the 80's we had decided to drop the Statist reference to ourselves. It did not happen, shame about that eh?YFSSteve Colborn.


    On the issue of the ridiculous use of Great Britain in the title, for those who are a bit obsessive with the outdated use of the GB bit, a bit embarrassing given that even the openly nationalist BNP don't use the word Great in their title, there is a compromise that may suit both sides of the debate.As it is supposedly used only as a historical, geographical reference, what about the words Great Britain in a smaller font size to that of the words The Socialist Party. That way the emphasis on the socialist identity is pushed to the forefront and the smaller location is downplayed and becomes simply a location.I always squirm when I see the full title with all words given the same emphasis, because from an advertising, branding position, it cries out that all are of equal importance. For an internationalist party that seeks to see the end of the importance of nationality and sees geographical location as simply destination, it is a bit self defeating.Like it or not, it sends out an introverted, out of date message. So my advice is either ditch it or downplay it.  

    SocialistPunk wrote:
    As it is supposedly used only as a historical, geographical reference, what about the words Great Britain in a smaller font size to that of the words The Socialist Party. That way the emphasis on the socialist identity is pushed to the forefront and the smaller location is downplayed and becomes simply a location.

     This is the new sign which will be appearing shortly on the HO fascia…Like it or lump it.  End of…

    gnome wrote:
    As the Assistant Secretary of the Party recently opined:"There is no longer any restriction on using 'The Socialist Party of Great Britain'.

    Only if you are prepared to argue that Militant have successfully usurped one of our names and to surrender it to them.

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