the safety pin trend

December 2024 Forums General discussion the safety pin trend

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  • #85181

    There is a new trend for opponents of Trump and Brexit to wear safety pins to

    to identify themselves as allies in the fight against intolerance, and to show solidarity with women, LGBT people, immigrants, and people of color feeling frightened by Trump’s presidency and the vitriol that some of his supporters display. The safety pin was adopted in England after the Brexit vote, as immigrants and people of color found themselves increasingly subject to racist attacks, serving as a visual symbol indicating that the wearer supports tolerance and stands in solidarity with marginalized groups.
    Bijou Drains
    jondwhite wrote:
    There is a new trend for opponents of Trump and Brexit to wear safety pins to

    to identify themselves as allies in the fight against intolerance, and to show solidarity with women, LGBT people, immigrants, and people of color feeling frightened by Trump’s presidency and the vitriol that some of his supporters display. The safety pin was adopted in England after the Brexit vote, as immigrants and people of color found themselves increasingly subject to racist attacks, serving as a visual symbol indicating that the wearer supports tolerance and stands in solidarity with marginalized groups.

    Punk Rock lives. Does this mean I can dust off my bondage pants and leather jacket?


    The election of Donald Trump is being taken as a racial  issue only, and hiding below the carpet the class issue. Trump is going to do the same things that has been done  by  any other prior US president,  which is  to defend the interest of the US capitalist class ( which he is part of that ) nationally and internationally.An enormous quantity of Latinos, ( including Mexicans )  Afro-American, Asian, women ( some feminists )  and Middle Eastern voted for him, in some way, it was also a rejection  of the government of Barack Obama represented in the campaign by Hillary Clinton and the Democratic Party. It is just a failure of the tactic of the so called lesser evil, for some workers Hillary Clinton was the lesser evil, and for others workers Donald Trump was the lesser evilAt the present time the leaders of both parties are promising to collaborate with him and his cabinets. Bernie Sanders ( a self proclaim socialist )  also promised to collaborate with him. The capitalist class and its leaders always collaborate between each others when they find common ground to defend their mutual interestsThe issue of Immigration, Muslim and the wall is just a distraction for the workers to keep their minds away from the real social and economical problems. When the shit starts to hit the fan, he will not be able to carry many things that he promised during his campaign. Barack Obama made more promises than him, and he was not to able to comply with any of them.Workers against workers will not resolve any problem. The real enemy is capitalism

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