The rewards of capitalism

July 2024 Forums General discussion The rewards of capitalism

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  • #85952

    According to Newspaper reports 2017 was a record year for UK company dividends :


    "CITY shareholders hungry for more after pocketing a record £94.4bn in payouts last year will be left with little more than a "hangover" in 2018, a study has found."

    The Daily Telegraph (London) January 29, 2018 

    "Research from Link Asset Services, published today, showed that the headline level of dividend payouts grew by 10.5 per cent to £94.4 billion last year. Taking out special payments, underlying dividends rose by 10.4 per cent to £87.7 billion, the fastest underlying growth rate since 2012."

    The Times (London) January 29, 2018 Monday 

    Some of that will go into pension pots (and it is dwarfed by the £730 billion spent by the UK state).


    A quick look for top executive pay brought up this:"The average pay of FTSE 100 chief executives fell 17 per cent to £4.5m in 2016, according to analysis published on Thursday by the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development and the High Pay Centre, a think-tank. The single figure for pay includes salary, bonuses, incentives and employer pension contributions. ", we can say top 100 Chief Execs cost £450 million p.a.  The highest paid CEO is on £48 million, though.Obviously, that's just multiplying the average (which is fine for our purposes).  Here is the CIPD report teh article refers to:"the average pay ratio between FTSE 100 CEOs and their average employee wages (excluding pensions and share-based pay) is 138:1, down from 156:1""For example, the average headcount of FTSE 100 companies in the industrial sector is 43,112 in 2016. On average, the CEOs of these companies earn just under £3.5 million and the average staff package is around £43,000."Obviously, that is just CEOs not boards of directors and other top management roles.

    Ike Pettigrew

    People should just opt-out of the system.


    I tried, Ike, but the need to meet resident regulations and for the required visa stamps on my passport brought me back to harsh reality.I freely admit i have a very personal grudge against immigration controls, as well as ideological reasons

    Ike Pettigrew
    alanjjohnstone wrote:
    I tried, Ike, but the need to meet resident regulations and for the required visa stamps on my passport brought me back to harsh reality.I freely admit i have a very personal grudge against immigration controls, as well as ideological reasons

    Well, I can't blame you for that.However, if you think you've got problems, try being me [on watch lists] and going through U.S. immigration.  It's an….experience.  That said, the U.S. authorities have the right to admit or exclude me as they wish, at their discretion.  They have a right to be rude or nice.  I bear no grudges, as the United States is sovereign and can enforce its borders to protect its own people.That's the way I see it.  But I have some ideological sympathy with your position.  I am not opposed to a world without borders, just a world without boundaries – an important distinction, as I see it.

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