The Revolution Needs You

October 2024 Forums General discussion The Revolution Needs You

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    He's cherry picking and going down the reformist route.

    Brian wrote:
    He's cherry picking and going down the reformist route.

     Hi Brian, could you expand on that?  

    Vin Maratty wrote:
    Brian wrote:
    He's cherry picking and going down the reformist route.

     Hi Brian, could you expand on that?  

    "Our initial targets are corporate tax evaders, environmental desecraters and perpetrators of the drug war against the sick and poor."


    Just looked at this. I think you're exaggerating a bit, Brian, but he says one thing that's very true:

    The biggest obstacle to Revolution is your belief that it's impossible., we shouldn't put down someone who's playing a role in re-introducing the word "revolution" into political discussion, especially as he's taking it away from the view that it's an armed insurrection led by an elite vanguard.I've signed up to his mailing list to see what sort of other stuff he'll be putting out. Maybe just publicity for his coming book (which should also be interesting).

    ALB wrote:
    Anyway, we shouldn't put down someone who's playing a role in re-introducing the word "revolution" into political discussion, especially as he's taking it away from the view that it's an armed insurrection led by an elite vanguard.I've signed up to his mailing list to see what sort of other stuff he'll be putting out. Maybe just publicity for his coming book (which should also be interesting).

    I am in full agreement, ALB.He is talking about a revolution that requires everyone to be involved. He is presenting the idea that a revolution can be peaceful if we all decide to bring it about.  It places the party in a better position when it talks about revolution. Perhaps people will no longer envisage guns and barricades.  Or this

    ALB wrote:
    Just looked at this. I think you're exaggerating a bit, Brian, but he says one thing that's very true:

    The biggest obstacle to Revolution is your belief that it's impossible., we shouldn't put down someone who's playing a role in re-introducing the word "revolution" into political discussion, especially as he's taking it away from the view that it's an armed insurrection led by an elite vanguard.I've signed up to his mailing list to see what sort of other stuff he'll be putting out. Maybe just publicity for his coming book (which should also be interesting).

    The word "revolution" never needed "re-introducing".  What this guy is trying to do is to make out its all about evolution and confusing the issue.  Granted he seems to be using terms which support our case but all gradualists do that for they have no alternative when they are confused themselves.And also he's introduced a talking point but in the long run it'll be down to us to unravel the distortion.Time to send him an invite to a debate whilst he's on a roller.  I'm sure he'll jump at the chance for publicity.


    I had a Standard, a copy of SOYMB, a mix tape of music and a T -Shirt (with “Abolish Capitalism” emblazoned on the front) all wrapped up in gift paper for him when I went to see him here in Glasgow in February. Could I get anywhere near him? Could I fuck. Even hung around outside 1 Devonshire Gardens (exclusive hotel here in Glasgow where all the stars stay when they are gigging here) but no luck. Something tells me he wouldn’t be receptive to our ideas anyway. I just don’t think the SPGB would be cool enough for him.  


    I just tried to copy and paste a photo of the T Shirt but don't know if it worked. I have a feeling that Brand would balk at anything to do with the word "Socialism" much like the Zeitgeist crew. I just expect his book to be window dressing for a reform programme because the guy doesn't know any better. Although come to think of it didn't he mention "Socialist Utopia" or words to that effect when he gave Paxman a drubbing? He frustrates me as much as Peter Joseph insofar as he dresses up his lack of a grasp by utilising flowery language. I guess he's heading in the right direction though. Securing a debate/discussion with this guy would be almost impossible though I imagine. He's a "megastar"…


    Send him an invite to a debate or an interview.   We have nothing to lose either way.  But a lot to gain if we make the invite public and he either accepts or declines.

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