‘The problem is not the Tories’

October 2024 Forums World Socialist Movement ‘The problem is not the Tories’

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  • #83986
    This is the flyer members of Glasgow branch will be distributing in George Square this Saturday, 20 June.

    It also advertises a Public Meeting being held next Wednesday, 24 June.

     photo 139adead-b5e4-4f77-a91e-e550a57342fc_zpsoneds665.jpg
     photo 4ed3ba14-f183-4efd-bdc4-4fce925eb428_zpspvfretpf.jpg

    A well written and well presented leaflet. Authors of the text and lay-out artists of the design to be congratulated. I wish the branch and their supporters and sympathises the best for Saturday and for their public meeting

    Darren redstar

    This is a excellent leaflet and deserves wider circulation. Slightly modified it could be used for every protest from now till the next election.


    The picture with captions could go on the front of the next Standard, with the text as the editorial.


    Just to agree with all the comments above!


    I agree it's basically a good leaflet but it will need a bit of editing. For instance, the first paragraph opens:

    The problem is not Austerity … it's POVERTY.

    but then goes on to talk about "Soup Kitchens" and "Food Banks" but these are signs of destitution rather than what we usually mean by the word "poverty", non-ownership, i.e exclusion from ownership, of the means of production. Leaving it as it is would give the impression that we want to do something only for "the poor". In any event, most workers do not have to resort to food banks and don't regard themselves as poor in that sense (and in fact aren't).There are various ways this could be edited, eg. The Problem is not Austerity … it's That We Have to Work for Wages ( a bit unwieldy) or The Problem is not Austerity … it's the Wages System" (shorter, but less immediately understable by non-socialists). Since the leaflet uses "it's Wage-Slavety" later, perhaps it should be The Prolem is Not Austerity … it's Employment. And then go on to say something like:

    As long as we work for wages what we get to meet our needs is rationed while the rich get richer. We can't hope to end this and inequality , etc

    I think "The problem is not Austerity … it's POVERTY" could be kept, and the text following be edited to say something about soup kitchens etc. but also relative poverty compared to the super-rich elite. The theme of the whole thing, rather than austerity, could be single-issue or reformist politics.

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