July 2024 Forums General discussion The PRINCIPLE of HEALTHY & MEANINGFUL LIVING

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  • #125919
    Bijou Drains
    gnome wrote:
    jondwhite wrote:
    Is this brocialism?

    Dunno, never heard of it.  Has it something to do with a particular brand of vegetarianism that favours the consumption of broccoli?

    Bugger me, no drinking, no smoking, no gambling, no sex and you've got to eat bloody broccoli, sod that for a game of soldiers.

    Tim Kilgallon wrote:
    gnome wrote:
    jondwhite wrote:
    Is this brocialism?

    Dunno, never heard of it.  Has it something to do with a particular brand of vegetarianism that favours the consumption of broccoli?

    Bugger me, no drinking, no smoking, no gambling, no sex and you've got to eat bloody broccoli, sod that for a game of soldiers.

    What about masturbation ? 

    mcolome1 wrote:
    Tim Kilgallon wrote:
    gnome wrote:
    jondwhite wrote:
    Is this brocialism?

    Dunno, never heard of it.  Has it something to do with a particular brand of vegetarianism that favours the consumption of broccoli?

    Bugger me, no drinking, no smoking, no gambling, no sex and you've got to eat bloody broccoli, sod that for a game of soldiers.

    What about masturbation ? 

    Tim asked to be buggered. Will that do instead? Gambling in socialism?

    Tim Kilgallon wrote:
    Bugger me, no drinking, no smoking, no gambling, no sex and you've got to eat bloody broccoli, sod that for a game of soldiers

    Actually sex is allowed as long as you pay for it. Don't know what women are supposed to do:

    The PHML is NOT opposed to prostitution ; NOR does it disapprove of your visiting brothels.Prostitution is an honest and society-friendly trade. Prostitution doesn't add to the army of the poor and vulgar ; nor does it swell the band of the antisocial. Rather, on the contrary, it helps reduce both the number of the poor and vulgar and the antisocial. Visiting brothels with a view to gratifying your desire is healthier, from the perspective of the PHML, than playing with yourself.

    But I thought communists had to spend all their money on propagating communism…

    ALB wrote:
    Tim Kilgallon wrote:
    Bugger me, no drinking, no smoking, no gambling, no sex and you've got to eat bloody broccoli, sod that for a game of soldiers

    Actually sex is allowed as long as you pay for it. Don't know what women are supposed to do:

    Don't they just have to lie back, close their eyes, and think of 'their' country.

    Bijou Drains
    mcolome1 wrote:
    Tim Kilgallon wrote:
    gnome wrote:
    jondwhite wrote:
    Is this brocialism?

    Dunno, never heard of it.  Has it something to do with a particular brand of vegetarianism that favours the consumption of broccoli?

    Bugger me, no drinking, no smoking, no gambling, no sex and you've got to eat bloody broccoli, sod that for a game of soldiers.

    What about masturbation ? 

    well at least that way you get to spend time with someone who really likes you!

    Prakash RP

    You don't want me to take it to mean that the Principle of healthy and meaningful living and all objections to anything ( smoking, drinking, gambling, raping, gang raping, trafficking in dames and drugs, butchering innocent people as terrorists do, et cetera, et cetera, anything and everything humans take part and pleasure in ) on the grounds that they do NOT fit in with the Principle of healthy and meaningful living add up to ' Moral issues of the  Churches and priests  of the left ', and so they deserve to be discarded outright, do you ?

    Prakash RP

    Correct me if I'm wrong. ' Socialism and ethics are two separate things. ' As I see it, this wise observation is in line with observations like ' medicine and ethics are two separate things ', ' professionalism and ethics are two separate things ', ' politics and ethics are two separate things ', ' statesmanship and ethics are two separate things ', ' government and ethics are two separate things ', ' capitalism and ethics are two separate things ' as well as ' love and ethics are two separate things ', et cetera, et cetera, and all of them are equally true. But, of course, you don't want me to take them as premises for conclusions like ' there exists NOTHING called socialist ethics, and so NO acts* socialists indulge in are unethical from the socialistic point of view, do you ? You don't want us to draw from them the conclusion that there exists NOTHING called medical ethics or political ethics, and so NO acts medicos or politicians perform deserve to be reckoned wrong, do you ? And of course, you don't mean that because '  a socialist movement that leaves the basis of the class struggle may be anything else [ other than socialism ] ', whatever a socialist does or enjoys to their heart's content are OK ? * such as gambling, drinking, taking drugs and bribes, rape, gang rape, stealing, smuggling, swindling, hoarding black money, et cetera, et cetera


    The issue is not whether or not there could be a notional list of things that Socialists should or should not do, but what should be on any such list. Socialists should not be race prejudiced, anti-gay, religious, etc, as your list proposes, and obviously (it's absurd to suggest they might not be) against "raping, gang raping, trafficking, killing people". The question is should the list include such matters as smoking, drinking, gambling, getting married (or spending all your money on promoting socialism).

    Prakash RP

    ' It is up to an individual to smoke or not smoke, or to drink or not to drink is up to the individual also. ' You don't mean that it is up to an individual who's also a communist, professedly, to squander or not to squander money on drugs or drinks as well, do you ? Nor do you mean, I think, that acts like drinking, taking drugs and bribes, do not clash with the PRINCIPLE of HEALTHY & MEANINGFUL LIVING, hence not unbecoming of a true communist, do you ?

    Prakash RP

    ' …  the no booze idea gets the thumbs down from us. 'You're also free, I think, to give the thumbs down to the no-drugs idea or the no-bribes idea. You're free to give the thumbs down to ideas like no-sexism, no-racism, etc as well, just as you're free to give your thumbs down to the NO-CLASSES, the NO-PRIVATE-PROPERTY, or even the NO-EXPLOITATION-of-man-by-man idea, aren't you ? But, sir, are you a communist ? Could you clarify what led you to believe that you're communist ?


    Why do you exaggerate all the time and draw invalid analogies? To say drinking is ok is not to condone "squandering" money on it. And "taking bribes" (and some other things you've mentioned such as rape) are not in the same category as drinking. Of course it is not a wise course of action for a socialist or any other worker for that matter to squander their money on drinking, gambling or drug-taking.


    Prakash you should read seems some 'socialists' have to understand basic 'liberalism' first.

    Prakash RP wrote:
    ' It is up to an individual to smoke or not smoke, or to drink or not to drink is up to the individual also. ' You don't mean that it is up to an individual who's also a communist, professedly, to squander or not to squander money on drugs or drinks as well, do you ? Nor do you mean, I think, that acts like drinking, taking drugs and bribes, do not clash with the PRINCIPLE of HEALTHY & MEANINGFUL LIVING, hence not unbecoming of a true communist, do you ?

    Are you reading about communism or are you studying the catechism?  Drug traffic is part of the system of profit, and money would not be needed in a communist society, but it will not stop peoples from using drugs. Peoples have been using Opium, Marihuana, and coca leaves for centuries. 

    Prakash RP

     The PRINCIPLE of HEALTHY & MEANINGFUL LIVING does NOT approve of asceticism or anything like the Gandhian principle of plain living. On the contrary,  The PRINCIPLE of HEALTHY & MEANINGFUL LIVING stands for a lifestyle that is decent and full of ease and luxury. Nevertheless,  The PRINCIPLE of HEALTHY & MEANINGFUL LIVING disapproves outright of everything, hedonism included, that does NOT fit in with it. And I believe only communism ( scientific socialism ) can create a social environment conducive to leading a healthy and meaningful existence.  The PRINCIPLE of HEALTHY & MEANINGFUL LIVING does NOT preach ' a gospel of want and scarcity '.  The PRINCIPLE of HEALTHY & MEANINGFUL LIVING is NOT opposed to dance, drama, poetry, painting, music, games and sports, etc, etc, i.e. things that happen to be NOT unhealthy and  NOT silly. Nevertheless, the  PRINCIPLE of HEALTHY & MEANINGFUL LIVING is outright opposed to ' " penurious thrift, and self-denial " ' just because such things are senseless and useless. The ' limitation of births ' appears to be a good cause deserving to be backed by all the sensible because our planet earth happens to be, as we all know, a limited place with limited space and limited resources for so many life forms, and because ours is a capitalist world. In a capitalist world, procreation is the basest and the most despicable act, as the sensible view it, because by your indulgence in the luxury of procreation, you knowingly brought your children in a class-ridden, unequal world, and so it's you, and you alone, that happens to be to blame for the disgusting fact that your children were born poor and underprivileged to toil as beasts of burden do and to be exploited by the born rich and privileged who live, before their silly eyes, a fabulous lifestyle while the born poor and underprivileged, your own children included, who sweat blood to produce all wealth and luxuries, lead a hard and humble existence themselves. The sensible view this very fact, namely the fact that the fact that in a class-ridden, unequal society, the poor and underprivileged millions were born poor and underprivileged to work hard and to be exploited by the born rich and privileged few is NOT attributable to any faults or failings of theirs while the fact that the rich and privileged were born rich and privileged is NOT attributable to any good or creditable acts or achievements of theirs, as the GREATEST and gravest social INJUSTICE , a most heinous social evil. Communists must fight to the finish with a view to ridding humanity of this evil. But procreation in the present world of ours is meant to contribute to this great social evil, the GREATEST and gravest social INJUSTICE , and for this reason, a communist's indulgence in the luxury of marriage or procreation adds up to a heinous act, a disgusting hypocrisy. Nevertheless, the PRINCIPLE of HEALTHY & MEANINGFUL LIVING approves of viewing yourself as ' " a citizen of the world. " '

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