July 2024 Forums General discussion The PRINCIPLE of HEALTHY & MEANINGFUL LIVING

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  • #126054
    Prakash RP

     '  Prakash RP wrote:" I also know there's NOTHING in the theory of communism to suggest there exists any conflict between communism and the PRINCIPLE of healthy and meaningful living. "There isn't really (unless you want to impose them on people). Most of them will be irrelevant in socialism/communism anyway (there'll be no legal "matrimony", women won't be economically dependent on men, no stealing, smuggling, trafficking in women and drugs, gambling, receiving bribes, tax evasion, hoarding black money, etc, etc.). But if you want to live by them, go ahead. Others may well choose a different lifestyle which includes some of things you don't like such as drinking and smoking. That wouldn't be in conflict with socialism/communism either. ' [ comment by ALB on 16/04/2017 ]   It's obvious that ALB does NOT disagree with me over the point that '  there's NOTHING in the theory of communism to suggest there exists any conflict between communism and the PRINCIPLE of healthy and meaningful living. ' Still, he refuses steadfastly to stand for the PRINCIPLE of healthy and meaningful living because, as I see it, he's unwilling, and unable too, like a drug addict unable to give up taking drugs, to get rid of his addiction to stuff like matrimony, etc. A possible reason for this attitude of his seems to be the fact that he's afraid he won't be able to indulge in the luxury of such stuff as drugs, drinks, matrimony, etc in the communist order. He also seems to be unwilling to draw any lesson from the infantile hypocrisy and mistakes of pseudo-communists like Lenin, Mao, and their silly followers. I wish it came home to him and all those behind him that hypocrisy is outright unlikely to prove paying, and that such things are unbecoming of an enlightened human, hence a true communist who must be enlightened and sensible. Why should a human who's NOT a true communist, and who does NOT have a shred of respect for the communist values and ethics, make-believe, unless it's something of the sort of unhealthy pleasure, something those addicted to drugs and drinks derive from such stuff, which they mean to derive from such behaviour, that they're communist, I wonder.  ' Most of them will be irrelevant in socialism/communism anyway (there'll be … ). '  This observation by ALB reflects his attitude towards the PRINCIPLE of healthy and meaningful living. It's clear as day that ALB views most of what the PRINCIPLE of healthy and meaningful living contains as ' irrelevant in socialism/communism ', and so he believes, it's implicit in his comment, that  the PRINCIPLE of healthy and meaningful living does NOT deserve to be considered something that matters much. As I view it, he's mistaken outright about it as well. By my view of humanity, I don't think humanity is so mean and ungrateful as to deny to me my due recognition and respect for the great service I've done humanity by presenting it with  the PRINCIPLE of healthy and meaningful living, a humble piece of writing by this humble guy, which is meant to acquaint humanity with  the PRINCIPLE of healthy and meaningful living and its significance and thus awaken it to the fact that it becomes humanity, the being superior to all other beings, and it makes sense too, to live a healthy and meaningful life. So far as its relevancy is concerned, I believe  the PRINCIPLE of healthy and meaningful living would remain relevant, like the materialistic conception of history, after switching over to communism because not only does it happen to be the pioneering work meant to enlighten humanity about  the PRINCIPLE of healthy and meaningful living and its significance, it also happens to be the first work meant to communicate to humanity the message that it's unbecoming of humanity to lead a meaningless existence as beasts do ( i.e. to be born to eat, sleep, relish sex, procreate, fight for survival, and succumb to injuries received during fighting or some disease or old age ). As I see it, communism will produce new, enlightened, better-quality humanity than its present-day variety, and I'm certain that the new haminity of the future will have the calibre and capability to rise above all sorts of meanness and recognise Prakash RP as the originator of  the PRINCIPLE of healthy and meaningful living that happens to be meant for both varieties of humanity, i.e. all those that are products of capitalism and all those humans communism will produce.  ' … you want to impose them [ the PRINCIPLE of healthy and meaningful living ]  on people '   As a communist, I believe a true communist ought to regard it as their mission in life to seek after the truth and enlighten humanity by sharing with all the truth they've discovered. The PRINCIPLE of healthy and meaningful living is the fruit of my effort to accomplish this mandatory mission. It's more than obvious that in ALB's view, what I view as the mandatory mission of every true communist of today happens to be an effort meant ' to impose them [ the PRINCIPLE of healthy and meaningful living ]  on people '. May I ask him what he views as mandatory missions in life of a true communist or whether he at all believes there exists any such a thing as a mandatory mission a communist must accomplish other than indulgence in silly luxuries like drugs, drinks, matrimony, etc. ? ' Others may well choose a different lifestyle which includes some of things you don't like such as drinking and smoking. '  Anyone is free to choose any silly lifestyle and indulge in any silly luxuries. But sir, such acts do NOT become a true communist who's endowed with the backbone they need have in order to overcome the allure of such a silly lifestyle and such silly luxuries.  ' That wouldn't be in conflict with socialism/communism either. '  That should ' be in conflict with socialism/communism ' because communism is fundamentally opposed to matrimony, and because communism canNOT be in favour of  the PRINCIPLE of unhealthy and meaningless living. 

    Prakash RP wrote:
    By my view of humanity, I don't think humanity is so mean and ungrateful as to deny to me my due recognition and respect for the great service I've done humanity by presenting it with  the PRINCIPLE of healthy and meaningful living, a humble piece of writing by this humble guy, which is meant to acquaint humanity with  the PRINCIPLE of healthy and meaningful living and its significance and thus awaken it to the fact that it becomes humanity, the being superior to all other beings, and it makes sense too, to live a healthy and meaningful life.(…) As I see it, communism will produce new, enlightened, better-quality humanity than its present-day variety, and I'm certain that the new haminity of the future will have the calibre and capability to rise above all sorts of meanness and recognise Prakash RP as the originator of  the PRINCIPLE of healthy and meaningful living that happens to be meant for both varieties of humanity, i.e. all those that are products of capitalism and all those humans communism will produce.

    Oh dear. This is really sad. Now you want a statue erected to you in socialism/communism.

    Bijou Drains
    Prakash RP wrote:
     '  Prakash RP wrote:" I also know there's NOTHING in the theory of communism to suggest there exists any conflict between communism and the PRINCIPLE of healthy and meaningful living. "There isn't really (unless you want to impose them on people). Most of them will be irrelevant in socialism/communism anyway (there'll be no legal "matrimony", women won't be economically dependent on men, no stealing, smuggling, trafficking in women and drugs, gambling, receiving bribes, tax evasion, hoarding black money, etc, etc.). But if you want to live by them, go ahead. Others may well choose a different lifestyle which includes some of things you don't like such as drinking and smoking. That wouldn't be in conflict with socialism/communism either. ' [ comment by ALB on 16/04/2017 ]   It's obvious that ALB does NOT disagree with me over the point that '  there's NOTHING in the theory of communism to suggest there exists any conflict between communism and the PRINCIPLE of healthy and meaningful living. ' Still, he refuses steadfastly to stand for the PRINCIPLE of healthy and meaningful living

    Just because there is no conflict it doesn't make it a requirement.there is no conlict between enjoying eating pickled gerkins and communism, that doesn't mean to be a communist you must enjoy pickled gerkins.

    Bijou Drains
    ALB wrote:
    Prakash RP wrote:
    By my view of humanity, I don't think humanity is so mean and ungrateful as to deny to me my due recognition and respect for the great service I've done humanity by presenting it with  the PRINCIPLE of healthy and meaningful living, a humble piece of writing by this humble guy, which is meant to acquaint humanity with  the PRINCIPLE of healthy and meaningful living and its significance and thus awaken it to the fact that it becomes humanity, the being superior to all other beings, and it makes sense too, to live a healthy and meaningful life.(…) As I see it, communism will produce new, enlightened, better-quality humanity than its present-day variety, and I'm certain that the new haminity of the future will have the calibre and capability to rise above all sorts of meanness and recognise Prakash RP as the originator of  the PRINCIPLE of healthy and meaningful living that happens to be meant for both varieties of humanity, i.e. all those that are products of capitalism and all those humans communism will produce.

    Oh dear. This is really sad. Now you want a statue erected to you in socialism/communism.

    They might not build a statue to him, they might name a cocktail after him. In fact I think I am going to do just that tonight, I'm going to invent the Prakash RP cocktail and drink to the health (and meaningful life) of Prakash RP

    Dave B

    People take drugs of various kinds to escape from meaningless lives and the stresses associated with it etc. The fact that the escape is often a short term fix and reality returns sometimes with a physical dependency and or psychological dependency is another matter. Often it is referred to by those are more sympathetic and understanding and less pompous as ‘self medication’. Gambling can fall into a similar kind of category and is much more complicated varying adrenaline rushes to ‘meaningfully’ experiencing a  panoply of emotional rushes for people who normally have them generally repressed. According to the trick cyclists. A lot of these primitive human cultures use psychedelic drugs and get pissed occasionally on fermented juice. Other systems engage in self induced higher states of mind etc like the Buddhists. Saying what a meaningful life isn’t is one thing but where is the positive programme?  

    Dave B

    As we are in that kind of transcendental vein? There is a topical version from our Christian friend Chris Hedges? At least it puts forward a positive programme in case there is some confusion as to what one may look like. At least it is less navel gazing and ego centric. Why do you want the rest of us to have meaningful lives anyway?

    Bijou Drains
    Tim Kilgallon wrote:
    ALB wrote:
    Prakash RP wrote:
    By my view of humanity, I don't think humanity is so mean and ungrateful as to deny to me my due recognition and respect for the great service I've done humanity by presenting it with  the PRINCIPLE of healthy and meaningful living, a humble piece of writing by this humble guy, which is meant to acquaint humanity with  the PRINCIPLE of healthy and meaningful living and its significance and thus awaken it to the fact that it becomes humanity, the being superior to all other beings, and it makes sense too, to live a healthy and meaningful life.(…) As I see it, communism will produce new, enlightened, better-quality humanity than its present-day variety, and I'm certain that the new haminity of the future will have the calibre and capability to rise above all sorts of meanness and recognise Prakash RP as the originator of  the PRINCIPLE of healthy and meaningful living that happens to be meant for both varieties of humanity, i.e. all those that are products of capitalism and all those humans communism will produce.

    Oh dear. This is really sad. Now you want a statue erected to you in socialism/communism.

    They might not build a statue to him, they might name a cocktail after him. In fact I think I am going to do just that tonight, I'm going to invent the Prakash RP cocktail and drink to the health (and meaningful life) of Prakash RP

    Ok here we go, I've just invented the Prakash KP meaningful life cocktail.The recipeadd the following ingredients to a cocktail shaker25ml of Chambord raspberry liqueur (fruity to represent the fruitful life)25ml of Frangelico hazelnut liqueur (can't have fruit without nuts)25ml of Irish Whiskey (a life full of spirit is worth living)A dash of Gum syrupa dash of Midori Melon liqueuriceshake the ingredients for about 2 minutesPour over ice into a tall glass and top up with lemonade.stir gently then drink.I'm onto my second and am feeling that life is very meaningful!


    People have being using a drug named religion for many centuries and the addiction is going from family to family. The  taínos used tobacco for thousand of years  without any addiction until European powers took control  coca leaves  was used in Bolivia for medication and  then they used it to alleviate the suffering produced by  slavery. This is just a reactionary thread based on reactionary and backward ideas 

    Prakash RP

     ' Prakash RP wrote:" [ * The Communist Manifesto ] " Just as an aside. You mention this but neither of its authors adhered to the whole of your "healthy living" principles. Both Marx and Engels drunk alcohol and smoked tobacco. Marx was legally married. Engels was better on this last matter but he went in for fox-hunting. Where they Communists? Or just bad Communists? ' [ comment by ALB on 17/04/2017 ] First up, I'd like to say that I think you deserve a pat on the back for NOT beating a retreat yet from this debate, and that I wish you wouldn't retreat before seeing it through to prove that you're NOT lacking, like a true communist, in the backbone you need have in order to face up, with your head held erect, to the truth, the brute and naked truth, the truth that is invincible and inescapable.                                                                                                                                                                                                                  As regards the point you've raised in the ' aside ' cited above, I'd like to say that I'm glad that you've raised this point and thus given me an opportunity to throw light on it. As I view it, it's something plain silly. The expression ' an aside ' you've used to describe your own comment suggests that you may NOT be unaware that it does NOT carry much weight. In order to see its silliness, you need NOT wrack your brain hard. Just a little thinking over the following question ought to make it clear as day.  The question at issue is : What is it a true communist ought in your view to be concerned with― mistakes Marx and Engels made or their intellectual achievements, brilliant discoveries by them, meant to guide communists ?  NO humans are infallible or perfect. This wise observation holds equally true for both great figures like Marx, Engels, Einstein, etc and humble ones including this guy. The great man of science Albert Einstein also made mistakes. One of his famous mistakes was the well-known ' cosmological constant ' that he himself described as ' the biggest blunder ' of his life. He also believed in the metaphysician Spinoza's God. Neither ' the biggest blunder ' by Einstein nor his silly belief in Spinoza's God is science or something that humanity benefitted by, RIGHT ? As the sensible know, it's the theory of relativity, the equation  E = mc2 , the concept of black holes, etc that empowered humanity and contributed to the progress of human civilisation worldwide. Marx and Engels passed away long before we saw the light of day. Were they alive today, we could've asked them to clarify what they view as the true communist stance on the  the PRINCIPLE of healthy and meaningful living. That's not possible in the 21st century. Nevertheless, as we all know today, humanity in the 19th century did NOT really know as much as we do today about drugs, drinks, smoking, etc and their potentialities to cause harm. I think communists ought NOT to fail to take cognisance of this very fact. Communists ought NOT to fail either to take cognisance of the fact that the theory of communism is science and the fact that the communistic outlook is scientific. Thus, from my point of view, the contradiction between the communist outlook and dogmatism is irreconcilable. Communists must study hard, watch phenomena with the keen sight of a scientist, and wrack their brain to find right answers to the unanswered and explain the unexplained. The point is there exists NO conflict between the communist ideology and the PRINCIPLE of healthy and meaningful living. The point is there's NO good reason why communists should NOT uphold the PRINCIPLE of healthy and meaningful living. The point is the PRINCIPLE of healthy and meaningful living is meant to transform humanity into a better one and thus transform the world into a better place. The point is there's NOTHING unrealistic NOR anything disagreeable in the PRINCIPLE of healthy and meaningful living. And above all, the PRINCIPLE of healthy and meaningful living has got NO matching rival, and hence there's NO substitute for it, OK ?

    Bijou Drains
    Prakash RP wrote:
     ' Prakash RP wrote:" [ * The Communist Manifesto ] " Just as an aside. You mention this but neither of its authors adhered to the whole of your "healthy living" principles. Both Marx and Engels drunk alcohol and smoked tobacco. Marx was legally married. Engels was better on this last matter but he went in for fox-hunting. Where they Communists? Or just bad Communists? ' [ comment by ALB on 17/04/2017 ] The point is there's NO good reason why communists should NOT uphold the PRINCIPLE of healthy and meaningful living. …………………………….. The point is there's NOTHING unrealistic NOR anything disagreeable in the PRINCIPLE of healthy and meaningful living. And above all, the PRINCIPLE of healthy and meaningful living has got NO matching rival, and hence there's NO substitute for it, OK ?

    There is a good reason form not upholding your silly, dogmatic dictum on how people should live their lives, that is that many people (me included) don't want to.There are, in my opinion, some very disagreeable things about your silly dogma, one it imposes your view as to what is worrtthwhile on everyone else, two it means not having alcohol, which I, in moderation, thoroughly enjoy. If you are saying that I am not a Socialist/Communist because I don't choose to follow your silly dogma, then you have my permission to go and stick your head up a dead bear's arse.

    Tim Kilgallon wrote:
    If you are saying that I am not a Socialist/Communist because I don't choose to follow your silly dogma, then you have my permission to go and stick your head up a dead bear's arse.


    Dave B

    Well Einstien’s  cosmological constant was a fiddle at the time but it is back in the frame again in a slightly different form. The guy who discovered it was stunned by the data that he collected and couldn’t believe it and thought they had made a blunder as well and when he published his stuff that he would end up a laughing stock and it would be the end of his career. He ended up getting a Nobel prize for it. There are a lot of seminal pieces of scientific advancement achieved by people expecting a completely different results or ‘truths’ from experiments. So much for scientist creating truths rather than the material world shoving them in your face. On anti gravity and dark energy etc they are looking at the possibility of ant-matter having anti gravity at the moment which would be neat explanation. I think it on the record that I had thought Das Capital Marxism was probably a load of bollocks even though I had been in the SPGB for sometime. I read and changed my mind and think it is basically OK. Anyway. You appear to be refusing to tell us what meaningful living is; other than getting pissed and smoking weed always interferes with it? It surely is a matter of WHAT IS IT rather than just WHAT IT IS NOT. Lots of artistic creation has been inspired with people being off their heads on one thing or another. All these extreme ‘Muslims’ aren’t supposed to drink does that lead to meaningful lives? Or is it matrimony that leads to that kind of thing?  I really would like to know what area are you coming from is this Buddhist type ‘shit’ or chop your dick off hermit Christianity?

    Dave B

    dark energy that is

    Dave B

    presumeably this is your good self?  The ancient slavery gave way to the feudal serfdom of medieval times and the latter gave way to the wage slavery of modern times. The three modes of production have one thing in common, and it's the fact that they each are based on the exploitation of man by man. They each are also aimed at the perpetuation of the exploitation of man by man and thus the perpetuation of the social division into the exploiting class and the exploited, the economic inequality, and what in my view happens to be the greatest and gravest social injustice as described above. The institution of private property, matrimony, and the commodity economy have always been hand in hand with the institution of the exploitation of man by man throughout history to contribute to and perpetuate both the economic inequality and the social division into classes, and thus they've contributed to and perpetuated the greatest and gravest social injustice to my knowledge as well. Thus, I think it's clear as day now why none of them, i.e. slavery, serfdom, wage slavery, private property, matrimony, the commodity economy, the economic inequality, and the social division into classes, are in harmony with the Principle of Healthy and Meaningful Living. Humanity, if it wants to be civilised through and through, must make the Principle of healthy and meaningful living its LIFE PRINCIPLE and get rid of all institutions and culture that fail to harmonise with the Principle of Healthy and Meaningful Living.

    Prakash RP

     ' Prakash RP wrote:" By my view of humanity, I don't think humanity is so mean and ungrateful as to deny to me my due recognition and respect for the great service I've done humanity by presenting it with  the PRINCIPLE of healthy and meaningful living, a humble piece of writing by this humble guy, which is meant to acquaint humanity with  the PRINCIPLE of healthy and meaningful living and its significance and thus awaken it to the fact that it becomes humanity, the being superior to all other beings, and it makes sense too, to live a healthy and meaningful life.(…) As I see it, communism will produce new, enlightened, better-quality humanity than its present-day variety, and I'm certain that the new haminity of the future will have the calibre and capability to rise above all sorts of meanness and recognise Prakash RP as the originator of  the PRINCIPLE of healthy and meaningful living that happens to be meant for both varieties of humanity, i.e. all those that are products of capitalism and all those humans communism will produce. "Oh dear. This is really sad. Now you want a statue erected to you in socialism/communism. '  [ comment by ALB on 19/04/2017 ]  It's not clear to me what it is truly that makes you ' really sad '. If it's my view of humanity which you're afraid may prove true, and if you wish to be left out of the humanity that's, by my view, NOT '  so mean and ungrateful as to deny to me my due recognition and respect ' , I don't think I've got any good reason to refuse to oblige you. You may rest assured that NOBODY will disturb you or cause your displeasure in this matter. Nevertheless, you seem to have exhausted your faculty of reasoning and wits. Do you have any more arguments for your position in this debate ? If you think I've overlooked or failed to deal with any important points raised by you, I'd like you to accept my apology for this lapse and bring the matter to my notice.

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