The Pope

July 2024 Forums General discussion The Pope


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  • #184764

    No more kissing the Pope’s ring?

    Meanwhile, the all-female staff of the Vatican’s women’s magazine resigned, alleging editorial interference. “Women Church World,” which is published alongside the Vatican daily L’Osservatore Romano, has lifted the lid on scandals within the church, including the cases of bishops and cardinals who compel nuns to cook and clean for them for little or no pay.

    Last month, the publication exposed the sexual abuse by priests of nuns who are forced to have abortions or give birth to children who are not recognized by their fathers. The article said nuns have kept silent about the abuse for years out of fear of retribution.

    Lucetta Scaraffia, who founded the women’s publication in 2012, said a newly appointed editor at L’Osservatore Romano, Andrea Monda, who took over in December, had tried to assume editorship at the magazine as well.
    He had retreated when the staff threatened to resign, but then added new female writers to tone down the coverage, said Scaraffia.
    “We are throwing in the towel because we feel surrounded by a climate of distrust and progressive de-legitimization,” Scaraffia wrote. In her letter, Scaraffia said there was a “return to the antiquated and arid custom of choosing women considered trustworthy from on-high, under the direct control of men…”
    In its final editorial for the magazine, the staff said Monda was “pitting women against one another.”

    “…We want to be listened to, contradicted, debated with, as would be the case with men…”


    “The issue of migration will never be resolved by raising barriers, fomenting fear of others or denying assistance to those who legitimately aspire to a better life for themselves and their families,” The Pope


    I wonder what god’s representative on Earth has done wrong to provoke his master to devastate the so-called “Notre Dame” (more accurately “Leur Dame” as its their not our lady) building in Paris? It’s a pity it wasn’t the one in Montmartre build to celebrate the bloody suppression of the Paris Commune.


    Could it be divine judgement on Cardinal Philippe Barbarin, the archbishop of Lyon, who was given a six-month suspended prison sentence in March for failing to report to the authorities accusations made against a priest abusing boy scouts and that the Pope declined the Cardinal’s offer of resignation.

    My question would be …Is Quasimodo okay?


    You will be pleased to know that the relic of the crown of thorns god’s alleged son wore at his crucifixion was saved.


    “god’s alleged son”

    You forgot your qualifier before “god’s” 😛


    The place has an interesting history:

    “1793-4 As the French Revolution begins the cathedral is rededicated to the Cult of Reason, then the Cult of the Supreme Being. Many of its treasures either destroyed or plundered. Twenty-eight statutes of biblical kings in the west façade, mistaken for statutes of French kings, were beheaded.”

    It was nationalised in 1905 when the State and Roman Catholic Church were separated and like all French catholic churches is state property.


    ““god’s alleged son”

    You forgot your qualifier before “god’s” 😛”

    Shouldn’t the qualifier be placed before “relic”?


    a SO-CALLED  relic of the crown of thorns a SUPPOSED god’s ALLEGED son wore at his CLAIMED crucifixion 😉


    I watched President Macron yesterday addressing “the nation” on this event and that’s what he did, saying that Leur Dame was a symbol of the history, continuity and unity of the French “nation”. Real nationalist stuff that French rulers and politicians (and a lot of the people) are good at (after all, Chauvin was French). So, different people see this event and the place differently. Some like him as a nationalist symbol. Others see it as a major achievement of European civilization and culture or an architectural wonder. We see it as a major god-box of the Roman Catholic Church, the main christian sect. I don’t suppose it would be pulled down in socialism or used as a manure store, though it would make a good place for large (I was going to say mass) indoor meetings. It would just be a historical monument with no more symbolic significance than other ancient monuments like the Pyramids or the buildings of the Aztecs and Incas.


    It was grim. My partner laughed as Macron tried to summon tear.

    J Surman

    The title of this piece is ‘A cathedral and a mosque on fire – – ‘

    Don’t know about anyone else but this is the only thing I’ve come across about it. The Al Aqsa mosque. Same day or next day to the Notre Dame fire. The article visits the ultra-religious expectations of the third temple being built on the site of the Al Aqsa, as has been mooted a number of times without fruition. The question being asked refers to the ‘coming of days’ which it seems Trump has backed quite happily. Not a wonderful summary from me, but maybe you get the picture.



    Where to post this news item , here or climate crisis thread

    The Pope has told oil company bosses that climate change threatens the future of the “human family”. Pope Francis said a radical energy transition is needed to save what he called “our common home”.

    “Civilisation requires energy, but energy use must not destroy civilisation.”

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