The Oxfam data

December 2024 Forums General discussion The Oxfam data

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  • #83490

    Never mind percentages, according to the Oxfam report in the enws, 92 individuals have as much wealth as the bottom 50% of the World's Population.  Never mind the ruddy one percent.

    The raw data seems to have come from Credit Suisse:


    James O'Brien on LBC radio, is holding a debate live now.


    Nice round figure top 1% owns more than the rest of us put together. Don't need a degree in statistics to comprehend that. Time for a revolution—report-103433 edit  80% of the world's population own just 5.5% of wealth – an average of £2,500 ($3,851) each. 


    In 7 years time, the 1%, will own more than the 99%!


    I think my earliest political badge i ever wore in the 70s was the 7:84 one based on the theatre groups name , but stemming from 7% owns 84% of the wealth.But isn't the point often made, it's not even the 1% but  the 0.1% or the 0.01% who own the most. 


    The rich counter-attack

    The researcher said by using a measure of net wealth the Oxfam study failed to capture all assets, citing human capital as a missing one.

    I thought human capital was labour but no, i was apparently wrong

    "When you do a degree, you then gain human capital. You can produce a lot in your life and also earn a lot in your life," he said."For example, someone who's gone to an Ivy League university. They would've accumulated a lot of debt but if you look at the other side of the balance sheet they have a lot of human capital….under Oxfam's methodology, a young investment banker would be deemed one of the poorest people in the world – because of the debt that they have accumulated – but a rural farmer in India would be considered richer if they had saved any money.

    I really can't understand what the complaint is about except by nitpicking it tries to undermine the reality regardless of some methodolgical statistical flaw and make us feel sorry for a corporate lawyer

    steve colborn

    These cannot be real people surely? They are all economic illiterates  and plainly missing a few odds and ends in the mental faculty department. But what did I expect from folk who put any credence in The Adam Smith Institutute?


    I'd have thought that the whole concept of "human capital" is itself a condemnation of capitalism.


    I am sure King Abdullah was one of the 92 people that owns more than half the world's population put together: Parasite. Tony Blair ( Warmonger)  mourns the loss.  What will the worl do without these two?


    Bush, another warmonger, is crying too


    Our friend Eamonn Butler has a letter published in the Telegraph about this he knows but has chosen to ignore is that £1.30 today, is the equivelent of £0.38 at 1981 prices. Ignoring inflation distorts the picture in favour of showing rising wealth over time… To compare wealth levels in money terms over time you have to adjust for inflation / deflation.EDIT: Unless he's getting the figures from a dataset already adjusted for inflation…

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