The new recession is arriving?

July 2024 Forums General discussion The new recession is arriving?

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  • #189580
    Bijou Drains

    Hi ALan, is there no way you could re-open the Undertaker’s shop in Walmington on Sea   🙄


    Bijou, I have a family here now and even if we wished to re-locate to the UK, the immigration rules does not permit the possibility.

    I  would require a personal income of £24, 800 per annum and the cost of even the application form is £1,500.





    I should add that if I did return to the UK on my own, I would be classed as a non-resident and be refused all state benefits and access to free NHS care for 6 months whereupon I would be then considered again a UK resident.

    Bijou Drains

    Jeez Alan, I didn’t realise that things were so draconian. Not that I’m seriously suggesting it, but would the same be true for you in the Republic of Ireland, I’m applying for my passport as a plan B now that Boris Gump is in charge.


    He is a lot more personable and cheerier in person. The kids will find him funny, hilarious and annoying in turns. At least he has the weather there. 😈

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 11 months ago by PartisanZ.

    Jeez Alan, I didn’t realise that things were so draconian. Not that I’m seriously suggesting it, but would the same be true for you in the Republic of Ireland, I’m applying for my passport as a plan B now that Boris Gump is in charge.


    It is not very easy to move from one country to another at the present world situation. The rulers, the stupid nationalism, and others factors are making a very difficult


    Actually, that’s the only valid reason against Brexit — that it’s going to make it more difficult for people in Europe to move from one country to another, a step backward from the current situation. I already have an Irish passport (all you need to show is that at least one of your parents was born on the island of Ireland) so it’s not going to affect me so badly. It’s clear that, if Britain leaves, people from other European countries (apart from the former British colonies of Ireland, Cyprus and Malta) are going to be treated worse by being harassed by the search for “illegal” migrants that people from outside the EU have to put up with already. British people living in the EU can expect reciprocal treatment. As you say, stupid nationalism.


    Things would be easier to move to the Irish Republic, Bijou, and many have become EU residents so to use EU rules to move families to the UK. These loopholes in regulations of course will end with Brexit.

    “It is not very easy to move from one country to another” – Marquito

    Indeed it is not. One reason I left India was a change of rule which meant I had to leave the country every 6 months for 2 months, (now changed)

    Here I have to report to immigration office every 90 days, and renew my marriage visa once a year where I have to show evidence of what used to be £4000 in local currency in the bank or annual income of the equivalent sum which means with the fall in the pound immigration is raising the requirement. The required money is double for unmarried retirement visas. I have to pay a fee each time I exit the country to maintain my status as a spouse of a national.

    Permanent residency without all the strings attached in either country is very difficult to achieve unless you are extremely wealthy.

    ALB, as far as I can read,  ex-pats in the UK are being offered on a country by country basis a far better and generous deal by their host countries than what the UK’s “hostile environment” is doing. I’d be curious to know the prospects of  our comrades in Turkey.

    Also, ALB, one benefit of nationalism would have been a Scottish passport and a government which is welcoming newcomers and currently attempting in the UK to loosen immigration restrictions.

    If there is no new EU referendum and with Labour promising a new Indyref2 then it is likely that Scotland will next time around vote for independence and a return to the EU.

    I wish you well in seeking Irish nationality, Bijou. I’d do the same if I could. You might be able to put your energy in reviving the World Socialist Party of Ireland. 😎




    And another thing I should explain, for many of those who are living abroad and getting the state pension, there is no annual increase.

    Presently those in the EU and in a handful of non-EU countries such as Turkey, the Philippines, all the ex-Yugoslavia new countries and surprisingly Cuba, do receive the annual rise in line with UK pensioners.

    I won’t and each year with inflation here at 1%, the value (apart from the exchange rate fluctuation already explained) , my state pension will fall in value every year by 1 % (the rate of inflation here at this moment)…When it becomes too severe, perhaps I will return for 6 months, regain the status of the resident once again and receive the appropriate upgrade in the level of pension which I previously had lost out on.



    We are in a recession already, and real estate are going thru the same road as 2008, the sales of real estate is dropping, but they continue building expensive homes which nobody is buying, even more the luxury properties are not being sold, the amount of mortgage debts are increasing more than during 2008, the salaries of the workers are declining, and others are not getting any raise,  the automobile industry is in trouble, and the automobiles loans are in default, students loans are in default, sales of merchandise are drastically dropping. The whole world is a real mess. In the USA they are just looking at the rate of unemployment which is fake also, but they are not looking at the  whole picture, one aspect of capitalism is not the whole system, it is like some left-wingers who  think that the problem is the dollar, the problem is capitalism as a whole economic system, capitalism is going thru one of its normal cycle of crisis, hungers, misery for the working class, even more, rich peoples are losing money too, and long term investment have dropped drastically


    According to some USA politicians, economic recession is not produced based on the logic law of capitalism, but it is produced by the media. It looks like economists must study Journalism instead of Economic, or political economy.


    The IMF is using its own mathematical model because they are always predicting economic growth, and the world reality shows something different, that there is not any economic growth, on the contrary, economic growth is declining, and long term capitalist investment is in stampede. They said the same thing about Argentina, and they approved a big loan, but after the new election in Argentina the whole nation had entered into an enormous economic crisis. Capitalism is a very unstable economic system, and despite that,  peoples continue supporting the wrong system instead of creating their own system

    Donald Trump has said that if he is not elected an economic “collapse” is going to take place. It looks like one individual  can change the economic base of a society, instead of the whole working class, but the reality is that,  with or with him, the complete capitalist crisis will take place, due to capitalism  own logic of operation,  and the USA is already going thru an enormous economic crisis, they just want to use all kind of maneuvers in order to keep it running until the 2020 election.

    The only offer that they have for the workers is that unemployment is very low, but it is also a sham, because workers are holding  low pay jobs, and several part time jobs without any benefits, and all of them belong to the unproductive sectors, and nominal and real  salary are declining, and workers unions are declining,  and the way that they calculate unemployment is also a sham, because workers  who are not looking for a job anymore are not part of the unemployment calculation. Capitalism is not one sector of the economy, it is the whole system, and the whole system is in troubles

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