The Minister’s Wife

September 2024 Forums General discussion The Minister’s Wife

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  • #228586

    I’ve rather enjoyed all the antics of the government’s most senior finance minister and his wife dodging the question of paying taxes.


    The rich cheating the rich and the left wingers are going to say that they are cheating the workers and that the rich must pay instead of advocating for the elimination of the system of profits


    Of course we don’t care which state she pays or doesn’t pay taxes to. What’s more important is the source of her income. It’s dividends on the shares she owns.

    “She owns £700m in shares of the Indian IT giant Infosys, founded by her father, from which she received £11.6m in dividend income last year.”

    That’s £11.6 million for which she has to do absolutely nothing. It is what the UK tax authorities used to call (until they realised the implications of the term) “unearned income”. She doesn’t earn it but gets it simply because she owns part of a capitalist business. It’s a pure property income and as “ill-gotten” as the income of the Russian oligarchs since the only place it can come from is the work of other people — of the appropriately called working class — for which they are not paid in full.

    She is a classic capitalist, a reminder that the idle rich still exist.


    Me too. Top of every news, from tv, radio and the newspapers.
    “Do as I say, not what I do” written all over it.

    Sunaks claim he’s been
    the victim of a dirty tricks campaign…. An own goal lol
    You have nowhere to hide..
    We live in a democracy remember. See what I did there.
    A brilliant scope whoever got it out to the wider public. 😁

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 4 months ago by james19.
    • This reply was modified 2 years, 4 months ago by james19.
    • This reply was modified 2 years, 4 months ago by james19.
    • This reply was modified 2 years, 4 months ago by james19.

    Breaking: Van leaves Downing Street with Sunaks furniture and personal items.

    Sunak claims to love his country, but had a US Green Card before he entered 11 Downing Street.

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