The long awaited conspiracies thread

December 2024 Forums General discussion The long awaited conspiracies thread

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    This may be of interest…the creation of conspiracies conspiracy


    One article published on the SOYMB says that the real conspiracy was John F Kennedy himself


    Here's one i have not heard of before…nuclear power and nuclear weapons don't exist…it is all a hoax…Nagasaki and Hiroshima was the result of conventional fire-bombing…


    Most of those conspiracy theories about John F Kennedy, they do not say that he was overthrown by a sector of the ruling class of the US, in the same way that they have overthrown different government in others countries


    Surely, one of the easier ways, much more practical than a convolated assassination, would merely dump him through the upcoming elections, which was why he was on the campaign trail in Dallas. His marital infidelities were well known among "insiders" so simply releasing details to the press would have alienated his Catholic vote.We know the power of the media when it is put to work. Leaks of all his dirty dealings would also have exposed him as another run of the mill politician and knocked this knight in shining armor off his horse.From a previous 83% popularity rating it had dropped to 70% (although during the civil rights phase it was as low as 56%) LBJ had a 79% approval rating when he took office. I don't know which sector of the ruling class being referred to but  Vincent Bugliosi estimated that a total of 42 groups, 82 assassins, and 214 people had been accused in various Kennedy assassination conspiracy theories. You can take your pick but the most convincing evidence, forensic, ballistic, eyewitness and circumstantial, has LHO as the most likely culprit with the means and the opportunity and the motive. Conspiracists have come no way as close to presenting a more compelling alternative to the one that LHO was guilty on his own with no assistance from others. 


    Came across this"Based on eye witness testimony, he identifies each of eight snipers by name and US intelligence role. Altogether sixteen shots were fired in four stages…."…Now that makes me wonder a bit…if all 16 shots had been on target which they should have been since they were professionals, why have LHO as the lone gunman patsy to explain away all those shots? That supposed "magic bullet" would have miraculously turned into 16 of them…Perhaps the answer is in the movie, but i can't face watching over three hours…Maybe some one can proxy for me.


    Rather long but the conclusions are worth it


    This may be of interest.All conspiracies are exposed eventually – the maths prove it.The short BBC story  The original research AbstractConspiratorial ideation is the tendency of individuals to believe that events and power relations are secretly manipulated by certain clandestine groups and organisations. Many of these ostensibly explanatory conjectures are non-falsifiable, lacking in evidence or demonstrably false, yet public acceptance remains high. Efforts to convince the general public of the validity of medical and scientific findings can be hampered by such narratives, which can create the impression of doubt or disagreement in areas where the science is well established. Conversely, historical examples of exposed conspiracies do exist and it may be difficult for people to differentiate between reasonable and dubious assertions. In this work, we establish a simple mathematical model for conspiracies involving multiple actors with time, which yields failure probability for any given conspiracy. Parameters for the model are estimated from literature examples of known scandals, and the factors influencing conspiracy success and failure are explored. The model is also used to estimate the likelihood of claims from some commonly-held conspiratorial beliefs; these are namely that the moon-landings were faked, climate-change is a hoax, vaccination is dangerous and that a cure for cancer is being suppressed by vested interests. Simulations of these claims predict that intrinsic failure would be imminent even with the most generous estimates for the secret-keeping ability of active participants—the results of this model suggest that large conspiracies (≥1000 agents) quickly become untenable and prone to failure. The theory presented here might be useful in counteracting the potentially deleterious consequences of bogus and anti-science narratives, and examining the hypothetical conditions under which sustainable conspiracy might be possible.


    Another article discussing the persistence of urban legends and conspiracies such as flat earthers and explaining the market-place for ideas. Well worth a read


    George Monbiot applies his mind to conspiracy theory

    I believe this synthesis of left-alternative and rightwing cultures has been accelerated by despondency, confusion and betrayal. After left-ish political parties fell into line with corporate power, the right seized the language they had abandoned. Steve Bannon and Dominic Cummings brilliantly repurposed the leftwing themes of resisting elite power and regaining control of our lives. Now there has been an almost perfect language swap. Parties that once belonged on the left talk about security and stability while those on the right talk of liberation and revolt.


    A reasoned article basically saying QAnon – what’s so new about?

    What has changed from 50 or 60 years ago, according to Uscinski, is that “reporters are paying more attention to” conspiracy theorists than they did…”I mean, there was a write-up last summer about this woman who trashed the mask aisle at Target, and all they’re talking about is social media, conspiracy theories, how conspiracy theories overtook her life. You have to get to paragraph 15 to find out that, oh, by the way, she’s diagnosed with severe bipolar disorder, was off her meds for a few months, had lost her job, was facing severe anxiety and was suffering from isolation due to the pandemic. Well, OK, that should be paragraph one.”


    In the USA anything that sounds like a religion always becomes popular, and conspiracy theories have existed for decades and they also become popular. It is easier to accept something that has already been made for you than to create your own thinking and reasoning


    My own evolution began when as a young teenager I read Von Danikens’s ‘Chariots of the Gods. Was God an Astronaut?’ and was fully duped by it until by accident I came across a book exposing its fakery.

    Pseudo-history, quack medicine, paranormal super-powers all depend on vast complex conspiracies crossing all scientific fields to hide the ‘real truth’.

    But even I am still surprised by the capacity of supposed intelligent reasoned people to still be gullible to the most nonsensical ideas.


    “There is a strong correlation between the embrace of ‘wellness woo’ and being susceptible to misinformation. And as conspiracy theories and misinformation become increasingly about ideology, it becomes easier to sell both wellness bunk and conspiracy theories as being ‘on brand.’ In other words, if you are part of our community, this is the cluster of beliefs you must embrace – Big Science is evil, supplements help, you can boost your immune system, vaccines don’t work…” He could go on. “I truly hope that one of the legacies of the pandemic is a greater understanding of the harm that tolerating pseudoscience can do. The good news is that we are seeing more and more individuals get involved in the fight against misinformation.”


    The best and most popularized conspiracy theory is the Bible, and they have peoples with doctorate degree on that conspiracy theory, and it is more effective than QAnon for mental domination

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