General election

July 2024 Forums General discussion General election

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  • #253044

    I don’t think you know what a landslide victory is so here’s the definition:

    You could say that the Conservative won a landslide victory in 2019 when he got 65.2% of the votes cast. But not that he did just now when those opposed to him totalled 64.2%.

    He won because he was the first past the post, ie got a plurality of votes defined as where “the number of votes cast for a candidate who receives more than any other but does not receive an absolute majority.”


    “Five independent pro-Palestine candidates, including former Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn, have won in United Kingdom general elections with Israel’s war on Gaza among key issues for voters.

    The other four independent candidates who won their seats from Labour on Friday include Shockat Adam in Leicester South, Ayoub Khan in Birmingham Perry Barr, Adnan Hussain in Blackburn, and Iqbal Mohamed in Dewsbury and Batley.”


    GE Table Left

    The updated ‘left’ vote table.


    Regarding ‘landslides’ and first-past-the-post, Thomas More may benefit from reading:

    ‘Labour election result most distorted in history’:


    This is the first UK general election in which more than 3 parties received more than 10% of the vote, each. These parties being: Labour (34%); Conservative (24%); Reform UK (14%); and the Liberal Democrats (12%).


    In my opinion, the voter turnout was so low because the electorate *thought* they had a real choice in 2019 between a left-wing Labour Party and a right-wing Conservative Party. However, in this election, the electorate see it for what it really is, which is tweedledee vs. tweedledum (which it always has been, and always will be, until the SPGB becomes popular).

    • This reply was modified 1 week, 4 days ago by Moo.
    • This reply was modified 1 week, 4 days ago by Moo.

    They thought they had a real choice and voted Johnson to beat Corbyn. My local Labour-voters voted Tory that year. But now they’re happy to vote Labour again, now Corbyn is gone.

    • This reply was modified 1 week, 4 days ago by Thomas_More.

    No, I think I just caught the arse end of Macmillan’s reign of terror

    I think I missed out the 14th Earl of Home, Sir Alec Douglas-Home, who took over from Macmillan in 1963 before being booted out to the following year, after “14 years of Tory misrule” as the Labour Party put it, in favour of Harold Wilson. So it will be the Profumo scandal that you remember?


    Remember it? At the very heart of the scandal! ( But keep it to yourself).


    With the news that Alan Milburn is possibly being brought in by the incoming Labour Govt to help with the *cough* ‘reform’ of the National Health Service, a NHS Clinical Oncologist is already regretting voting for the Labour Party four days ago:

    Just realised, Starmer – an ex-Trot – is bringing back Milburn, another ex-Trot. It’s a countdown to the right-wing conspiracy theories about the Trotskification of Britain.

    ‘Hey lads, grab your papers and your petitions, we’re getting the Fourth International back together again . . . ‘

    Bijou Drains

    Milburn used to work at a left wing bookshop in Newcastle which was called “The Days of Hope” usually known as “The Haze of Dope”.

    He caught a mate of mine, who was a 17 year old Trot at the time, shoplifting a copy of the collected work of Enver Hoxha. He didn’t call the law but asked him to work voluntarily in the shop for a few hours to recompense.

    A worse punishment would have been to make him read the bloody book!


    A Trot reading Hoxha? Hoxha would have had him shot on sight!

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