The Height of Irony

October 2024 Forums General discussion The Height of Irony

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    The Guardian seeks to have William Morris featured on the new £20 note.

    alanjjohnstone wrote:
    The Guardian seeks to have William Morris featured on the new £20 note.

    If it does happen it would be an excellent propaganda pitch for us.

    it would be an excellent propaganda pitch for us.

    We could take a leaf out of the example of the band KLF,( )Get all our party funds in the new £20 William Morris notes and burn the lot or using safety pins make a tapestry with them allJust joking…


    The Guardian have form on this, their defence of Derry Irvine spending thousands on luxury Wallpaper for the Lord Chancellor's apartments The Guardian (London) Leading article: Derry's den;William Morris would approve SECTION: The Guardian features Page; Pg. 19, March 5, 1998):

    There is something po-faced and hypocritical about the attacks. For the Right there is something deeply suspicious about socialists enjoying the good things in life, while the Left has always had its puritanical wing. In fact, Lord Irvine is merely following a noble tradition that dates back more than a century to Labour's roots in William Morris's Arts and Crafts movement. Morris saw socialism as the contrast between beauty and ugliness, and between the worker as artisan craftsman and the worker as slave to the machine. In an era of mass output, it is good the Government is helping high-quality small firms to thrive.

    I will never forgive nor forget that lick-spittle editorial.

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