The gravity of the situation

December 2024 Forums General discussion The gravity of the situation

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    The inescapable link between 'consciousness' and 'being' is 'activity'.'Matter' is a product of such 'activity'.Engels didn't understand this.Frederick Engels is absolutely wrong.And his wrongness has had absolutely devastating consequences for the movement for socialism.If 'material conditions' are pretended to be simply 'out there', then the minority actually creating them will remain in power.The alleged breaking of this inescapable creative link, leads inexorably to Leninism.


    How does activity create matter?

    Young Master Smeet wrote:
    How does activity create matter?

    Engels says that it doesn't, and that 'matter' exists prior to activity.Since I know that you and the rest don't read a word of what I write, you're going to have to find out about Marx's 'theory and practice' without my help.Step 1: identify your ideology.Step 2: ignore Step 1.That's it, you're finished, YMS!Congrats!


    How does activity create matter?

    Young Master Smeet wrote:
    How does activity create matter?
    Young Master Smeet, post #11, wrote:
    oh, p.s. Marx is dead, he has no opinion of anything.

    Engels says that it doesn't.

    LBird wrote:
    Young Master Smeet wrote:
    How does activity create matter?

    Engels says that it doesn't, and that 'matter' exists prior to activity.

    Ask him this one, YMS: Does "inorganic nature" exist prior to activity?

    Engels says that it doesn't.

    Engels is dead, he has no opinion of anything.How does activity create matter?Does "inorganic nature" exist prior to activity?What do you think?  You're not dead, are you?

    Young Master Smeet wrote:
    Engels says that it doesn't.

    Engels is dead, he has no opinion of anything.How does activity create matter?Does "inorganic nature" exist prior to activity?What do you think?  You're not dead, are you?

    Yes, since we are made of 'dead matter', we're all dead, too, YMS.Wow! The results of your Engelsist ideology are amazing!


    How does activity create matter?Does "inorganic nature" exist prior to activity?What do you think? 

    ALB wrote:
    LBird wrote:
    Young Master Smeet wrote:
    How does activity create matter?

    Engels says that it doesn't, and that 'matter' exists prior to activity.

    Ask him this one, YMS: Does "inorganic nature" exist prior to activity?

    I'm surprised an Engelsist like you, ALB, full of 'contempt' for Marxism, has even thought of that!What does 'exist' mean?YMS, ask ALB that one.

    Young Master Smeet wrote:
    How does activity create matter?Does "inorganic nature" exist prior to activity?What do you think? 

    'Think'? Your Engelsist ideology does not recognise 'thinking', YMS, because 'thinking' is 'ideological', and a 'thinker' is an 'Idealist'.If I tell you what we're 'thinking', and why we 'think' it, and where and when those 'thoughts' emerged socio-historically, you acccuse me of 'idealism'.Why not just ask 'matter'? For you, 'matter' is the 'active side'. Then you won't have to waste your time with the 'dead thinkers' that you abhor so much.It's so much more modern to ask the 'rocks' what they 'think', isn't it? And have done with all this 'philosophy' stuff that's plagued the 'clear thinking' of us 'dead matter'.


    How does activity create matter?Does "inorganic nature" exist prior to activity?What do you think?

    Young Master Smeet, post #11, wrote:
    oh, p.s. Marx is dead, he has no opinion of anything.

    You'll have to ask for Marx's opinion, YMS, rather than Engels' – oh, wait, Engels is dead, too – you'll have to consult direct with 'matter', I'm afraid, YMS.You and ALB apparently have a 'special' way of asking 'matter' without worrying about 'consciousness', so that should present you with no trouble.Has ALB got matter's number?Ask him that one.


    How does activity create matter?Does "inorganic nature" exist prior to activity?What's your opinion?

    Young Master Smeet wrote:
    How does activity create matter?Does "inorganic nature" exist prior to activity?What's your opinion?

    You won't let me answer, YMS, because your Engelsist ideology tells you that only  'matter' can answer, so my opinion is 'idealism'.

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