The Elizabeth Warren Thread

September 2024 Forums General discussion The Elizabeth Warren Thread

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    As the first of the 2020 challengers perhaps we can begin exchanging info on the next possible presidential candidate.

    I admit I do enjoy what I have seen of her in her role of Senate committee interrogator. Feisty. I found her DNA native American blood-line ridiculous.

    Can she out-do the radical postures of Sanders?

    “Right now, government works great for giant drug companies – it just doesn’t work great for people trying to fill prescriptions,” Warren said. “It works great for giant oil companies that want to drill everywhere – it just doesn’t work great for families who want kids who can actually breathe the air. It works great for giant financial companies like Equifax – it just doesn’t work for people whose social security numbers get stolen. “That’s the difference in America,” Warren continued. “It is an America right now that works for the rich and the powerful. And we need to call that out for what it is: corruption, pure and simple.”

    “When I was a kid, a minimum wage in America would support a family of three,” she said. “It would pay a mortgage, keep the utilities on, and put food on the table. Today, a minimum wage job in America will not keep a momma and a baby out of poverty. Think about that difference. Because for me, that’s what this is all about.”

    “It was unbelievable,” she said of a recent trip to the border, where she saw migrants held in cages.“We cannot give up the dream of comprehensive immigration reform,” Warren said, to applause. “We have to have an immigration system that understands the difference between the threat posed by criminals and terrorists and nine-year-old girls. We need to be committed to a system that keeps us safe, and a system that is consistent with our values.”


    At the beginning of his career Barrack Obama sounded like a Bolshevik, and then, he became worst than George Bush, and Donald Trump is just a product of the presidency of Obama. US politicians make a lot of promises that they will never be able to comply with, they must obey their master: The USA ruling class, she will follow the same path


    Perhaps this thread should be re-titled to Democrats in 2020 race

    Tulsi Gabbard, the Democratic US representative from Hawaii, said she will run for president in 2020, CNN reported on Friday.
    “I have decided to run and will be making a formal announcement within the next week,” she said in an interview with CNN that is scheduled to air on Saturday.
    Gabbard is a 37-year-old Iraq war veteran and the first Hindu and first Samoan-American elected to the US Congress. She said “the issue of war and peace” would be the main focus of her campaign. She endorsed Sanders for president, becoming one of the few members of Congress to do so.
    Gabbard has also drawn criticism for secretly meeting with Syria’s president, Bashar al-Assad, during a 2017 trip to the war-torn country. Gabbard opposes removing Assad from power.

    The Democratic field could eventually include Senators Kamala Harris, Cory Booker and Kirsten Gillibrand, as well as the former vice-president Joe Biden. Julian Castro, Barack Obama’s former housing secretary, also formed an exploratory committee in December


    There is a so-called anti-war presidential candidate who would be running in 2020. She is a Democrat from Hawai known as Tulsa Gabbard.


    Another throws hat into the ring

    Julián Castro, the federal housing secretary under Barack Obama, announced his presidential bid on Saturday with an address in his home city of San Antonio, Texas , where he served for five years as mayor.



    They can elect one member of any of the tribes from the reservations and he or she will do the same job as the others


    The Democrats are still the Wall St Party

    “Those elites might allow some progressive tinkering on the margins, but nothing that challenges the inequities that keep them wealthy and their victims weak.”


    Gabbard has in the past expressed anti-LGBTQ sentiments and work for an anti-LGBTQ group.
    Gillibrand once advocated positions including closed borders and “expedited” deportations and, among other statements, said she was “firmly against providing amnesty to illegal immigrants”


    Kamala Harris, California senator and the state’s former attorney general, the daughter of immigrants from India and Jamaica, announced her campaign for president.


    Wall Street executives would love to be rid of President Donald Trump and are seeking for a centrist nominee like Michael Bloomberg.

    “It can’t be Warren and it can’t be Sanders,” said the CEO of a giant bank. “It has to be someone centrist and someone who can win.”

    Gillibrand has  Wall Street backers who view her as pragmatic, a centrist and preferable to Warren or Sanders.

    Larry Rand, a Wall Street veteran and visiting professor of economics at Brown University. “Wall Street likes her because she is a pragmatist, not an ideologue, and of the announced candidates so far she is the most electable.”


    Kamala Harris and her support for Israel

    Kamala Harris and Israel: Taking the AIPAC Line


    Cory Booker  jumped into the already busy field of Democratic candidates running for the White House in 2020 in a bid to turf out Trump. The New Jersey senator and former mayor of Newark emailed supporters promising to “channel our common pain back into our common purpose”.  Booker is the second black candidate in the race.


    Talking the talk but we know she’ll never walk the walk

    Senator Elizabeth Warren formally launched her presidential bid in Massachusetts on Saturday with a tough populist call to fight economic inequality.

    “This is the fight of our lives,” she said.

    She attacked big business and the wealthy in a system that she said was “rigged” against ordinary Americans.

    “The man in the White House is not the cause of what is broken. He is just the latest and most extreme symptom of what’s gone wrong in America,” she said.

    She added: “Our fight is for big structural change.”


    Senator Amy Klobuchar will run for president in 2020

    She has some union support


    The king-maker

    “This is a race to the left,” said Dave Handy, a New York-based political consultant and organiser. “Even if people don’t like her or her policies, they will be racing to get her endorsement because it’s a progressive check mark. She embodies the general direction the party is going in.”

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