The Democratic Socialists of America

January 2025 Forums General discussion The Democratic Socialists of America

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  • #85954

    Since the original thread is locked, i open this one

    Today the DSA claims to have around 32,000 card-carrying members, having quadrupled in size in just over one year. This would make it the largest socialist membership organization in the US since the Second World War.  The International Socialist Organization which is significantly smaller and also further left than DSA, grew about 40 percent in the past year. Two thousand people attended their annual socialist conference in Chicago in July, 2017 

    For some analysts, the popularity of Bernie Sanders and the recent growth of the DSA represent a new era of acceptance of socialism in the US. "I came of age in the 1980s when there was no dirtier word in American politics than 'socialism'," Dr. Jason Martinek, professor of history at New Jersey City University, told DW. "Now that is not the case…"

     Eric Foner of Columbia University told DW that "there is definitely a greater interest in socialism today among young people." But Bernie Sanders’s brand of socialism, said Foner, is more closely related to European social democracy than historical socialism. "Generally today when people talk about socialism they have in mind an enhanced version of the New Deal," said Foner.

    Which explains 51 percent of Americans aged 18 to 29 said they would prefer to live in a socialist or communist society than a capitalist or fascist one.

    Yet our own WSPUS appears to be unaffected by this renewed interest. Perhaps this is why.

    "DSA is not a political party but an organization of dues-paying members, most of whom volunteer their time to support left-wing politicians, labor unions, or single-issue campaigns like the push for a single-payer, state-run healthcare system…DSA considers itself a "big tent" socialist organization, meaning their members range on the political spectrum from left-leaning Democrats to further left Leninists."

    I wonder if we should accept the reality of our presence and no longer call ourselves political parties but study and educational groups, advocacy and propaganda organisations. I know the enforced name change on Socialist Studies failed to increase their membership but isn't it a more honest description of themselves?

    I think also our discussion groups have never really taken off either, equally ineffective in recruiting as our formal branches. 

    As part of blog duties, i trawl American left progressive websites and scour their comments. There does appear to exist a small element that we should target more. Finding them is the difficulty and it can only be done through the web.


    Four members of the Democratic Socialist of America won the primary election. It looks like the word socialism is not a taboo any longer in the usa

    Inactive Socialists women win big in Pennsylvania. Despite that they are running on a reformist platform it will give the opportunity to real socialists to  present their own point of view


    This is the political environment they have to deal with 


    I wonder if either of them actually used the words attributed to them here, not even Hitler. Their views are bad enough without having to exaggerate. Actually, as I am sure John Oswald will be quick to point out, all people are animals, although he would probably add that most animals are better than people.

    Keymaster was taken out of context, apparently, by the media.He was responding to the gang MS13Regards Hitler, i found this Quro citation


    In reply to the original point, the lower level of ideological commitment of DSA makes it weaker (ideologically) for it. A high level of ideological commitment makes us stronger ideologically. We should keep this, not water it down. Diluting would only reduce our membership at least disillusioning existing members.


     Religious Socialism  is a blog and community of religious socialists in the United States and is the project of the Democratic Socialists of

    alanjjohnstone wrote: was taken out of context, apparently, by the media.He was responding to the gang MS13Regards Hitler, i found this Quro citation

    Probably he was referring to the MS 13 ( Salvatrucha ) but he has always said that the Latin American immigrants are rapists and criminals and that they are like animals.The MS13 is a product of the US society, they were formed in Los Angeles California when many young peoples emigrated from Central America due to the criminal war that the USA was carrying in that region supporting terrorists and drugs cartels. The MS 13 is Mary Poppins, or Boys Scouts compared with the USA The KKK also started as a  group to defend the community and then they became a group of violence and criminality, and they killed and lynched many blacks peoples, and they have more members than the MS13, and many peoples admire them and support them, and they march freely on the streets, and they used to own churches

    patreilly wrote:
     Religious Socialism is a blog and community of religious socialists in the United States and is the project of the Democratic Socialists of and Religion,   World Socialist Movement

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