The Dark Future of the USA

July 2024 Forums General discussion The Dark Future of the USA

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  • #229662

    The media’s misleading language.

    Just read this article where it calls the Republican nominated for governor “most radical”.

    Why not say the “most reactionary”


    And what they call radical left are just a bunch of reformists and defenders of capitalism. In the world there are only two type of peoples: Socialists who support a post capitalist society and defenders of capitalism. Right or Left is irrelevant, as well the expression Liberal is misleading too


    GOP lawmakers and online trolls manufacture racist and transphobic Texas shooting conspiracies

    False conspiracies theories to justify crimes and blame them on somebody else, specially immigrants and transgender peoples. They hate what they should love, and they love what they should hate. Crime and violence is a social problem which evolves within capitalism, and capitalism is the cause of hates, racism, violence, homophobia and xenophobia. Conspiracy theories are already created and nobody has to use their own brain to make their own analysis and conclusions. In the USA there are more guns than the whole population of the nation, and in Texas it is easier to buy a gun than to buy and get baby formula. The same one who oppose abortion are the same ones supporting guns and violence


    An article on the influence and beliefs of America’s Christian Nationalists


    Counting dollars while they were counting bodies. It is more than obvious that they do not care about human beings and million of peoples continue supporting then. Richard Wolff on one of his presentations asked: Why do you support an economic system that do not care about you ?


    White Christians pastors and leaders are not the only ones who have influenced the political minds of the USA, also black pastors influenced Afro American workers to decide for Joe Biden instead of Bernie Sanders, both hold the same reactionary and backward political stands


    Media Matters list all the excuses used by the Right to justify lax gun control after Uvalde Massacre


    There is a gun cult in the USA. There are more guns than citizens. Everybody talk about the Second Amendment but it was not applicable to the Indian or to the black peoples or the slaves, the Asians, they were not allowed to have guns including the Black Panthers, most of them were taken to jails or killed, and the peoples from other nations are not allowed to have gone either, if they raise up against their rulers they send the Marines ( or pacifiers ) immediately, and the ones who want to have guns always are against those type of revolts. I grew up within a generation that we did not have guns and we did not love guns, our missiles were Marx and Engels, we wanted a new world and a new society


    The Republican party is building a grassroots “army” to target and potentially overturn election results in Democratic precincts, the Politico website reported


    They are just a bunch of crooks, and they will do anything to win the next election and a bunch of fools will believe all the lies.

    Which one is the real banana republic ?

    They should ask the UN to send election observers like they have done in Colombia, Venezuela, Bolivia and Peru.

    Those countries have demostrated that they have a more democratic election process and the winner is the one who obtain more votes, and several political parties can participated in the election including the communist party


    Chris Hedges presents his scenario of America’s dystopian future

    Chris Hedges: Fascists in Our Midst

    “…In the end, even the liberal class will choose fascism over empowering the left-wing and organized labor. The only thing the ruling oligarchy truly cares about is unfettered exploitation and profit. They, like the industrialists in Nazi Germany, will happily make an alliance with the Christian fascists, no matter how bizarre and buffoonish..”


    For Chris Hedges everything is Fascism, like the right wingers everything is communism. Whatever is taking place right now has been done in the past before the emerge of Fascism, it was done by different actors including the Democratic Party. There are not liberal class in the USA, and liberalism is not a class, it is an aspect of the capitalist society. We have a very good article which indicates that the problem is not Liberalism, the problem is capitalism

    Jordan Levi

    agreed that Hedges may use the term “fascism” too loosely, but there’s definitely a historical precedent to evidence the fact that liberals will ally with genuine fascists in a heartbeat to stomp out more radical elements than them.

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