The coming world war.

October 2024 Forums General discussion The coming world war.

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  • #254391

    “Nuclear preparations.”

    What´s new, though? We’ve had, literally, decades and decades of “nuclear preparations” but still no nuclear war. Yes, it is a highly irrational and extremely wasteful game that both sides are locked into but there is no good reason to believe it will, definitely, end in nuclear war. It might just be that one of the many costs of continuing with capitalism is just the continuous waste involved in, and the continuous anxiety generated around, such continuously ongoing “nuclear preparations”.


    Wasn’t aware of it. But, what it shows is that those in charge ARE prepared to launch WW3, and if we must hope subordinates will always refuse, that’s not much of a hope to rely on, is it?


    There’s no shame in being scared to death.
    The shame is theirs who make us so.

    And maybe you have too much faith in capitalism’s rationality.

    • This reply was modified 1 week, 4 days ago by Thomas_More.

    I wouldn’t pay much attention to what Zelensky says, tbh. The guy is a complete tool and opportunist who will stoop to any tactic to solicit support and funding for a thoroughly corrupt regime – including lies. Where is the hard evidence of North Korean troops operating in the Kursk theatre? The only evidence I have ever come across is hearsay by what is vaguely called Ukrainian military sources which is then faithfully regurgitated by the Western media.

    The stock in trade of politicians is deception and that includes obviously Putin as well and his counterparts in the West


    It looks as if your fame is beginning to spread, TM;

    “a comrade from the SPGB was there and informed us that some comrades in the organisation are beginning to think that we are in an increasingly catastrophic situation, not just the endless cycle of boom and slump that the SPGB usually puts forward against the communist left’s notion of a decadent system which is posing a real threat to the survival of humanity.”


    Some comrades? It’s just me, isn’t it?
    Who else thinks this is the big one coming? Because you have all (which has comforted me and permitted me to function from day to day) said world war is not round the corner at all.


    Don’t worry. The ICC itself doesn’t believe that a world war is on the agenda, only that things will get worse and worse:

    “Accelerating decomposition exacerbates conflicts
    These conflicts illustrate the enormous weight of the decomposition of the capitalist system, the irreversible acceleration of which is increasingly threatening to destroy humanity: through their duration, through the political impasse they reveal, through their irrationality and their scorched-earth logic. If world war is not on the agenda, because of the generalised domination of every man for himself, the instability of alliances which now characterise international relations, the intensification and progressive extension of conflicts can only lead in the long term to ever more destruction and chaos.”


    They could be right. Things are certainly looking pretty bad at the moment. On the other hand, the Ukraine war might end soon even if the fanatics in charge of the Israeli state seem hell bent on provoking a regional war in the Middle East.


    There is no mention in that news item of cruise missiles. In fact there is no mention to any kind of missile actually being “deployed”.

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