The Assasination of Jo Cox

September 2024 Forums General discussion The Assasination of Jo Cox

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  • #120103

    Most of those refugees come from countries that the US/UK/NATO invaded or supply rebels with weaponry, the exception being Syria where Saudi Arabia and UAE assist in the arms supply and destabilisation.We have to remember that refugees in Europe get the publicity but the 3 countries with the most are Turkey, Lebanon, and Pakistan.Africa has a refugee crisis. Asia has a refugee problem. Latin America has refugeesI don't think we should consider it as a uniquely Islam situation 

    rodmanlewis wrote:
    Most of these refugees come from Muslim countries. This could indicate one of two things:Islam works hand-in-glove with dictators or is powerless to stand up to them.

    Surely it could indicate both?

    rodmanlewis wrote:Most of these refugees come from Muslim countries. This could indicate one of two things:Islam works hand-in-glove with dictators or is powerless to stand up to them.

    I meant to comment on this, but time moved on and then we had the excitement of the referendum.Anyway, I am not sure I understand.  What has Islam got to do with anything?  I think alan’s post #16 following yours, is nearer to how I see the situation.  The sorry state of the Middle East is to do with the superpowers interfering in a region for geopolitical aims and for reasons of controlling resources (oil, gas).  In doing this, they enter into alliances with unsavoury local power groups.Islam is just a religion, a concept.  It has no power effect anything.  Certainly, people can elect to "do bad things" – and invoke religion in defence of it.  I think you have cause and effect the wrong way around.  If I understand you correctly, that is.Do you blame Christianity for the way the West – and especially the USA – have run roughshod over several developing countries over the last decades,  as well – bombing  and maiming to protect their interests?

    Meel wrote:
    Do you blame Christianity for the way the West – and especially the USA – have run roughshod over several developing countries over the last decades,  as well – bombing  and maiming to protect their interests?

    I'm not blaming any religion. What I'm saying is that is it a coincidence that very few (any?) Muslim countries have a bourgeoise democratic system?One might say that Muslim countries show their "badness" internally, while Western "democratic" ones express their evil externally.


    rodmanlewis OK, thanks for the clarification.I understand better what you were trying to say now.


    Haven't the biggest countries with majority Muslim populations had their democracies (Nasser-Egypt, Mossaddegh-Iran, Ataturk-Turkey) undermined by the CIA?


    Highly likely. Though proving it is a different kettle of fish.

    jondwhite wrote:
    Haven't the biggest countries with majority Muslim populations had their democracies (Nasser-Egypt, Mossaddegh-Iran, Ataturk-Turkey) undermined by the CIA?

    I think Iran was the only one classified as a democracy.I just joined this forum in case anybody is wondering. I'm not a member of your party but I read your articles and stuff

    northern light

    Sympo, welcome to the Forum


    The forum is for discussion, Sympo, and the more the merrier, and especially if we aren't solely talking to the already converted. Several regular contributors are not members and often make valued comments. 

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